Low BR cancer - HMG and Airstrikes

Should they be restricted to BR3 or even higher untill we get ±1 BR matchmaking?

HMG’s can die easly to AT rifles, but are still powerfull.

Airstrikes are free xp but AA guns are now weaker, and low BR planes might struggle with unexperienced pilots. At least it stops artillery spam for few minutes so that’s a +plus.
Americans and Japain gets AA starter tank, but other factions only had event ones.


Impact and WP should be 3 and 2 up respectively imo
That’s the reasonable suggestion

My actual opinion is remove them :pensive:


I think the best thing that could be done is to give a specific class the ability to get the grenade bag.
assaulter and Machinegunner only can take ammo pouch
and personally opinion, only engineer should can take mines


I think buildable Heavy machine guns, and Medium machine guns should have ammo counts like pretty much everything else

gives it some downtime for reloading, and restocking ammunition. Too easy to manage heat for continuous fire

This way you can adjust it as needed by tweaking its belt size, ammunition pool, reload speed.


well, techically they have limited ammo (5000 bullets)


Lol really? Ive never hit that cap. I didnt know that.

do they just break when they are out of ammo?

I was thinking more like 250 round belts (I dont know what they had) and having to change belts.


Maybe just leave it as overheat, but it doesnt cool down, once you hit the heat cap you have to change barrels.

no, its like a common weapon whitout ammo

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The only campaign in which airstrikes are NOT free XP is the Pacific, and that is because most of the maps have a mountain which the bombers need to clear so they are fairly high altitude, and you’ll never build up the energy to meet them effectively if you weren’t already in the air. Every other campaign they are trivially simple to kill even with a biplane.

I’m more worried about people running two regular riflemen squads + a premium riflemen squad with grenade bags and impact grenades on everyone. That would be 9 x 3 = 27 x 3 = 81 impact grenades.


I have feeling specific group of people thinks low BR should be some kind of no explosion zone. Which is extremely bizarre to me.

I really do not understand why should overnerfed airstrikes be completely removed from low BR.
They should instead replace bombers for worst one with worse weapons.
AA should be worse on low BR and they should came up with better ones on higher BR. Bring back old AA for germans and so.

Inexperienced pilots should train on shooting down just worse bombers and so. They shouldn’t be put immediately into full action once they step over imaginary threshold.

I really hate this idea of completely removing certain content just because I want my no explosion zone.

To me it just seems like some people wants to play only BA on low BR. And they’re scared they could eventually encounter anything else than BA playing against them.
And they are just using newbies as argument to push their pure BA playground idea.


wow that another thing i have learn about enlisted

maybe one day they might make bullet ricochet become a thing and you can do cool ricochet kill i guess?

You just said Airstrikes are free XP, Then go on to say unexperienced pilots may have issues.

Simply put: They gotta learn, Bombers aren’t over all push overs for some planes.

SPAA tanks aren’t that effective TBH, They’re used to hunt other tanks and inf.

HMGs are not that large of a problem if you’re smart.


yea all this time im finally learn how to use aircraft somewhat properly and im happy i finally can drop bomb without crashing every second

Wp is useless. I have never killed anyone with it after the nerf


I’m glad
Fuck WP spammers

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they were annoying but now they are useless. Either make them deal more damage or make them last longer

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  • Anti-tank soldier should use granade pouch
  • Automatic class should use ammopuch
  • All other class should use the bag for medikit

With only rider exception who can use everything

Imo Even if all soldier can do almost the same thing, some classes need have some sort of push in determinate section

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Would be extreme nerf for western allies since m2c isnt assaulter weapon. Meaning it could have only 30/60 ammo iirc.

Ammo pouch and backpack should be for all
Grenade pouches for AT Gunners and Mortarmen


It would be for german and soviet, too, fg and avt arent assault weapon to, imo they can be gived to assaulter and machinegunner and call it a day

But i feel assaulter currently are useless in late game, why bother to use an stg if I have an fg and so for the other faction as well, class diversification disappear after you unlock Selective-Fire

Thats my opinion i wish different class should have some difference in late game

But both Soviets and germans do not relying on avts and fgs as much as western allies do on m2c.
Funnily enough, m2c is the best “assaulter” weapon for them.
Western allies do not have federovs nor stgs.