Looting mechanic is meaningless if the guerrilla spawns with SMGs

:point_up_2: As title.
I suggest giving them a bolt rifle or even a pistol.


Not really because that add something unique to this class

You can run out of bullets. Plus, you can always just grab an enemy’s gun regardless


Spawning with a pistol would just make it even less likely that you’re gonna be able to actually use the feature, making it even more useless.

Maybe add them very low starter ammo, like 2 mags for the MP-40 or like this.

Why? How do you figure the entire looting mechanic in the game is worthless b/c of this?

If you mean the looting mechanic for the guerilla is worthless, that’s not true. They are given many types of ammo which makes their looting mechanic work just fine.

They need to survive long enough to loot something else. If they are in the back, they’ll likely be facing 3-1 odds at any given time as it is since that’s where the enemy is spawning from.

I would argue that your statement is exactly the opposite of valid. That the looting mechanic for the guerilla is meaningless if you do NOT spawn with an SMG.

I love picking up enemy guns and do it all the time, especially if it’s a legacy or premium or event gun. I don’t think it needs a change at all

Makes no sense. You can still run out of ammo or find a better gun to steal. Also people already paid for mp 40 and pps 43 so changing them to nagants and lugers would not work anymore

If used in BR2, what they spawn with is the best personal weapon.
And that is a bit of cringe for guerrilla.

A gun is a gun
The focus is on how to use
But I really don’t want to touch a hand-pulled rifle.

It seems to me that guerrillas are campers specifically targeting tanks
They can hide where tanks will pass by but where infantry will be almost invisible.
20 TNT and 4 explosive packets
This would be the perfect tank massacre
Unless the authorities can solve this problem
Otherwise the tank will be just like garbage.

That class is pretty pointless outside of destroying enemy tanks or rallies that are placed around greyzone, enemies that doesn’t have rallies (or apc) in the greyzone will spawn on classic spawn points and have spawn protection so you will die instantly after a bot notices you.

Honestly i don’t see them being that useful if i could just spawn a plane or a tank or use engy to build AT gun (they will get upgraded soon)

If game would have some side objectives that would let you spawn quicker or recover some tickets then i understand but in current pretty basic gameplay i don’t see them being any good unless you just want something quirky and slightly amusing but not that great.

German premium guerrilla literally spawns with better guns than any TT smgs you can get. Totally not p2w right? It only shows how crappy German smgs are and every single nation would win against them in 1 on 1 firefight.

You’ll run out of ammo with your smg, so i’m not sure how that means the mechanic is meaningless

It’s turned out they can spawn with 2 assaulter weapon and have large ammo bag effected on main gun.
That means they have more ammo then an assaulter.

Is this a guerrilla or an super elite force?

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With this kind of ammo reserve? I highly doubt it.

I have never ran out of bullets while testing that squad with my PPsh-41 (284 rounds) and that’s just a single gun you can have another too :rofl: Not even for a single second i thought about looting enemies guns. You will die long before you deplete a single gun and there is also a 2nd and a pistol.