Recently I’ve been playing BFV quite extensively and when I returned to enlisted it was striking how different LMGs are in those games.
(Clarification: I’ll be talking about MMGs from BFV, that includes for example MG34, MG42, M1919.)
List of features present in BF and not present in enlisted with explanation and my thoughts, feel free to give additional feedback:
Mounting (of course it’s 1st place)
In BF mounting is automatic when player takes aim. This seems to work well with fast paced nature of the game.
Though it’s not perfect, it’s far more consistent than mounting in enlisted that often doesn’t work because reasons.
I think automatic vs manual deployment is a matter of prefference and if done correctly, both are good choises.
In BF MMGs can’t use sights unles they are mounted. Using RMB results in a tighter bulet spread during hip fire and slightly better recoil control. However there are downsides in form of preparation time (“ADS” time) and much slower movement speed. Similar mechanic is in HLL and PS.
Imo it’s quite a good way of simulating how heavy those guns really are (up to 14kg while M1 garand is 4,3kg). This encourages defencive playstyle but doesn’t make player defenceless.
Personally I’d like to see it in the game.
MGs in BFV cause suppression that results in visual effect similar to vignette but unlike in for example FB1, BF4 and BF3 it doesn’t have any effect on accuracy. Also with special perk, suppressed enemies are automatically marked.
It’s meant to give MGs some sort of crowd control effect and encourage teamplay by hindering performance of the enemy and making them easier to kill by your teammates if you can’t do it yourself.
In reality it doesn’t matter that much since it’s only a visual effect and has no real negatives.
Personally I think that AI should get suppressed. It would cause AI to look for cover instead of trying to fight back. This is both good for shooter (as one of AIs won’t suddenly snap his head) and for the player with AIs (as he won’t loose them stupidly).
In terms of player suppression, it’s a tricky thing as many players don’t like it (personally I don’t mind). Argument that is often brought up is “why reward a player who is missing his target”.
So my proposal is: if MG kills a target, enemies within x meter range from the target get some ammount of suppression. This will give MGs a crowd control effect it’s meant to have but it won’t be rewarding bad players.
In BF when MG shoots ~50 bullets continously, it becomes overheated. Depending on the gun player has to wait for the weapon to cool down or there will be an animation of barrel change (that is rather cool).
It’s meant to encourage firing in bursts and prevent MGs from suppressing everything they see. It also allows to overwhelm MGs with suficient numbers, countering it’s crowd control effect.
Imo we could have it in enlisted even though it’s a bit pointless since not many MGs are even close to 100 bullets per reload (at least for now).
First bullet has increased recoil.
In BF the 1st shot has significaltly higher recoil.
It penalises burst fire and causes MGs to be quite inacurate. It encourages spray and pray approach.
I think it shouldn’t make it into enlisted under any circumstance.
Two years have passed since introduction of bipods to the enlisted. This feature remains to be very unpolished and LMGs themselves remain to be essentially “heavy assault rifles”.
In my opinion developers should give some attention to this type of weapon as it’s quite underdeveloped. Of course it’s not a priority but since recent premium and gold order content was (relatively) MG heavy, I’d say it’s a good time to finally take care of this.
make it a two-step simply being prone grants ~50% ? of bipod bonuses and if you went thru all the trouble finding a spot where you can actually get a bipod properly working you get the 100% effect.
And this “ez” fix only due to fact that I dont exactly have high hopes at this point to ever see properly working bipods in this game.
Shoulder firing the MG42 - YouTube
not exactly something that cannot be done and considering the state of current MG’s I dont exactly see a single reason to nerf them any further.
Meh, since suppression is absolute no no. I wouldnt introduce it to regular MG’s.
with stationary MG’s fine.
So basically keep current “heavy AR” approach.
Imo it’s bad idea but I don’t think devs can do anything more advanced.
no one use mg for mid-long range suppress, support firing.
Well I consider even that as better option as theres already enough of concussion & other vision impairing effects.
And tbh, lmg’s are quite bad in comparison to any assault weapons so they aint exactly “OP” and require nerf due to that.
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I guess.
Nerf their AR performance and improve their performance when mounted.
Imo a fair deal.
I dont really think theyr AR performance is out of line and when bipod actually works its quite good aka the problem here is, I dont think we cant make bipods so effective that it would outweight the “AR” option.
It would require suppression effect which no one wants or grant regular MG’s same dmg as BA’s and I dont think that is a good option either. Those are pretty much the only 2 things I can think of that would make bipod MG much more effective than it currently is.
But as said earlier I dont expect to ever see bipods function properly hence grant them atleast 50% of bipod attributes just for being prone.
edit ofc we could make the bipod pinpoint accurated thats “fine” and slightly nerf the “AR” ability by making aiming without bipod to spend alot more stamina.
Wouldnt mind having option to have 200 belt as well when using bipod, could atleast sustain fire much longer than with current magazines.
But considering it actually would require some work to get it function properly Im not exactly waiting for this option.
But overall, I dont think LMG’s needs anymore nerfs rather buffs.
I would prefer mechanics from Squad when it comes to weapons that should be deployed before shooting. Currently the gameplay is too fast.
As for the mechanics of the BF that causes fire, I would prefer pinning mechanics like it was in Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway. When pinned down, you can only crouch or lie down.
Once I sugested to add an “attachment” to MGs in form of longer ammo belts that would disable firing in move at all. It would be used like rifle grenades so you can switch during the battle.
I don’t think it will be implemented as it’s not lazy enough.
Considering theres already rifle nades it shouldnt be impossible to implement such.
with mag - u can move & fire obviously not effective as AR / SMG but can defend yourself
belt - stationary can rain some havoc across the fields but no moving
but DF
if these ever comes a thing in the game I guess its a choose between belt fed MG or mag MG.
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I just want point #1 to work, really…
Even H&G has (had) a very good bipod system, and it is (was) a potato browser game…
I know enlisted battle pace is unrealistically fast, with everyone acting like a zerg with complete disregard for own life preservation… But I’d still like to use lmgs as lmgs are supposed to be used, and not like big ars…
I like verduns bipod system the most out of all the games I’ve played (a bonus is when the gun is being pointed at a different direction as when it is placed is swivels on the bipod like in real life and the bipod is not just dragged across the ground)
Really couldn’t agree more.
Not allowing to ADS while standing or crouching is in my opinion necessary, because it would actually make them more balance require more teamwork, such as staying with other classes for protection, and of course this
Suppression would be also very nice to be introduced.
But @VoyoMayPL, i doubt these will ever happen, because it is an arcade game. We have to accept it at this point. I mean id love for them to introduce a realistic mode, where it would be more historical and hardcore, and maybe the only place where these MG changes would apply so tryhard COD kids woulnt cry that they cant melt the enemy team fast enough.
But i just dont see that happening with the new matchmaking moving closer to an even less historical, childrens arcade game.
But a realistic mode would be amazing for all the people who want a more hardcore experience than current enlisted, but not as hardcore as HLL.
We can only hope that one day…
Maybe someday they will separate the arcade mode from the realistic one.
Not necessarily:
![download (11)](
![images (19)](
Now, I’m not saying it’s even remotely accurate to use those like this. However, during positions advance, it’s a good way to provide suppression. Doesn’t matter if not a single bullet hits the enemy. Irl, soldiers are not zergs like in Enlisted: they have one single life, and they try to protect it. They see a fool advancing while spraying at them, they hunker down, because they do feel fear. Their months, or even sometimes mere weeks of training were insufficient to desensitize their farmer hearts to this kind of fear factor.
So yes. It was done, when the lmg servant had to switch position himself. Was this effective? That’s another debate…
It MIGHT have been effective, cause they did it in modern combat with the m60, and that thing shot a round that gave a nasty kick. Not talking about movie Rambo, but real stuff:
“It kicks so much it’s IMPOSSIBLE to hipfire with lmgs!!!”
US soldier goofing around with TWO m249:
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Except non of them is really ADSing but rather hip firing with pressumably terible accuracy. And that is included in my list.
And that one picture of Fallschrimjager ADSing is reco as far as I know.
Saying that, a perk that allows to ADS MG for x seconds could work.
Ofc! Like I said, there’s no accuracy doing this at range.
I just wanted to clarify that yes, it was done, and still is today without much issue.
In an enclosed space or mid range… sheer amount of rounds makes up for accuracy loss:
![BlankAcademicAsianlion-size_restricted (1)](
Did you just call the smg34 bad?
Taking patterns from BFV or other BF is a bad idea. Of course, AAA studios mostly copy from smaller ones.
But let’s not kid ourselves. We play Enlisted because BF or CoD is strongly detached from what we expect, and other games are simulators of walking in the woods.