LMGs in enlisted vs LMGs in BFV - comparison


He managed to mount his MG. Look how happy he is.


If feature is good it doesn’t matter where it’s from.

I used BFV as example because:

  • it’s game everybody heared off
  • it’s more arcade than enlisted
  • it has arguably the biggest ammount of features regarding MGs
  • it’s not HLL, PS or other title that would cause some ppl here to have a stroke and yell “WaLkIng simULatOr!!!1!!” and at the same time it has basically the same mechanics like those games

It’s better to rely on the real world instead of games. And try to implement it in the game as realistically as possible.

I have said it hundreds of times and will say it again. Main reason why lmgs, mortars, radioman, snipers are useless ( yes outright useless) and gameplay is too fast is maps.
Even bf maps are way more bigger.
Edit: Warning !
“I dONt WAnT rUnnInG SiMuLAtor” zombies are about to approch to this topic

You literally just need 1 types of squad to be at the top of the list
Smg with ast rifles
Rest is just cosmetics.
And some high end tank or plane

Another reason why people just zergrush and dont care about surviving is bots
Not because you can switch when you died, because they are just xp pinatas
Normally a soldier should use the objective around him to take cover both in defense and offence
Biggest lack of enlisted bots is they dont do that

When you realise they are easy target and only 1 of them are real player, you just slaughter them.

Just compare how people play in lone fighters to squad mod.
Difference is drastic like your are playing whole different game.
Biggest weapon of a player in fps game is location awarenes and taking cover, moving smartly not just shot accuracy.
Unless bots gain some enviromental awareness and quick moves, this will continue forever.


It’s harder to find an LMG that’s bad at playing as SMG then finding one that’s not. And 12 damage/pershot SMG at that. Radios are great for having one around every few minutes and forgetting about them otherwise. Some snipers have access to semi-autos earlier than any other class. German ones especially are basically a few assault squad later on.

I do agree completely about bots. It shouldn’t be too hard to use the existing nav mesh and at least add pretermitted cover spots for bots to use. Make them take cover instead of following you like puppies and staring at the sun when you tell them to hold.

Absolutely agree.