Listen up!

let me guess… you maxed out tunisia allies?

good thing i was never your average player even in the early days of Enlisted

and a loss idk how much xp since it was old build

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good players will halve the times needed to grind, but even for them it is hefty amount of grind.


To be fair, making grind more bearable would benefit everyone not just the new players.

And then again, I dont really see any issue if new players gets easier start than what people 1-2yrs ago got.
After all this game needs players and ~few months grind to get something shiny and new isnt exactly very appealing.


Thing is though, if it takes you a few months to get one new thing, that’s just on the player for not playing much, this game rewards you for simply playing the game at least decently (But for some stupid reason softcaps your gains past a point, harming better players, which would be nice to see a change in)

Well not really, I play casually every now and then ~2yrs ? Still got plenty to unlock regardless of being top3 ~98% of time.

So for someone whos playing casually as iam but not doing so well its quite grind ahead which again leads to question should they just put theyr time and effort to some other game where they can get new stuff in reasonable time.

And as said the majority are indeed casuals, not the ones that spend +2hours / day in enlisted.
So the grind should be adjusted accordingly.

And to clarify this grind, its not only opening new progress levels and getting new guns ( This is kind of the easy part )

Its also grinding those squads you prefer, get them maxed, then max the soldiers of said squad, max out the weapons of said squad and if you want to have all the fun of the world then play some perk bingo to get the most useful perks.
And ofc, grind the cards to those upgrades.


what part of 2 hours daily in calculations is not playing enough? shall the player play 4 hours daily? 10 hours?

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2 hours daily is enough, that’s about what I do, and over time I get plenty of stuff unlocked

congratulations you are in top5% playerbase by amount of time played.
now tell me do you perform well on leaderboards? do you earn first place often? do you have premium? do you have premium squads?

tell me how much xp you needed to earn some of these stuff now and how much you need after the merge

Yes, yes, yes, and yes but unused most of the time (Stalingrad / Pacific pack premiums + M3 Field Mod / MP18)

From what I’m seeing many things end up less and many things end up more just depending on where you grinded it
(Also you forgot a space for “tunisia cumulative”)

i see many things became many times more. you need to look at rifle/smg/tank/plane grind cause cumulative includes all grind and not separate branch.

rifle grind is ~2-20 times more per specific rifle. smg grind is also 2-10 times more per specific smg (with only exception of beretta m38).
when you compare tanks to moscow and tunisia you will get tanks that are more expensive in old grind compared to new, but all of other campaigns have cheaper and more advanced tanks. same is with planes.

so you dont have problem with grind cause:

  1. you are in top 5% of playerbase for time spent on the game
  2. you perform better than 90-95% of playerbase
  3. you have premium that halves the grind
  4. you have premium squads that further improve your grind
  5. you had stalingrad pack that 4x improved your grind.

most players perform shit, dont have premium time nor squads nor stalingrad pack, nor do they play as much as you.