Limitations for semi autos and auto rifles

XP per unit of time is what makes grind faster. I’d rather play more fast paced, fun matches than sit in an endless tiltfest that takes twice as long and gives you barely any more xp in total.

Literally the optimal grinding experience is something like a confrontation that last 10 minutes because both sides just lost all tickets fighting so hard over the central capzone



but the there’s an xp boost by how much you are in a match.

as you noticed, conquests are the one that last less. ( and makes you earn much less. )

and if you make the same ammount of kills in conquest, and invasion, invasion will give you more xps despite the same kills ( because invasions usually last slighlty longer than conquests )

that’s more like, a bad confrontation.

because 10 mins in confr. is a steam roll of one team over the other.

kinda surprised how not everyone has realized how time actually matters in experience.

why do you guys think xp were removed from customs ?

Meh, only squad limitation that would be improvement would be vehicles and more specificly suicide planes.

No, you aint.
Which I rather clearly see in daily basis as some sniperlord9000 happens to be in my team being rather useless.

Which doesnt force sniperlord9000 for example to choose assaulters and be actually useful.

Definitely not, which is why I know fairly well that theres nothing forcing people to do what ever the fk they want.

If someone for any reason wants to less automatics or more historical accurated gear or what ever the customs is the place for that.
And to some extend the low BR’s.

Not really, as said already nothing stops sniperlord9000 being the most useless sniper ever seen in history of mankind.
Nothing, which is the point. Sure I agree you make a choise between doing what ever sniperlord stuff you want to do or be useful to team and get more exp in process.

But theres definitely not a single limitation that stops you to do anything.

Which I find rather much bigger issue than what the limitations would provide.

It is what it is, ive never had issues with automatics in the game even less now since theyr somewhat balanced with BR’s.

Well I disagree, grouped team would end the games rather quick regardless what they use.
Which is more of a problem with playerbase and lack of anykind of skillbased matchmake as well as the fact that the matchmake doesnt even attempt to find group vs group games.

Well there aint anything where this “skill” would be measured, except ofc the lame rank system that hardly indicates anything.
No above mentioned skill based matchmake
Just a casual sandbox.

And how is that ? I can fairly confidentally say the chore of playing objective is quite alot more exhausting with BA / SA for example in BR5.
Especiatly when you get team full of sniperlord9000’s

Sure, and how exactly would squad limitations improve teamwork ? That doesnt make any sense

For whos greater good ? We’re after all speaking of a change that would dramatically change the entire gameplay of the game.

With some 2k hours clocked I can tell its rather repetive.

True, but provides aspect that regardless game being repetive it can still be succesful and fun for decades.
I highly doubt this squad limitation would be some magical fix that would make all the game issues go away.
Infact in current situation of the game im rather confident it would simply make the game much worse.

  1. how is DF going to conpansate old players who already have squads of full-auto and semi-auto? As we all know slavs like DF never give compansation when they damage player’s interest. or you want to see old players leave the game because they got a heavy loss with no compansation
  2. What you mean is squad of bolty with 2 or 3 semi-suto or full auto. then why dont we just make this game like BF? only have 1 controlable for each player and rest are ai controled solider. or you mean players lost their semi or full auto solider need to use bolty against full-auto.
  3. even if this limitation is there the first version is going to be unreasonable. And it has been days since people found the super-dutchman glitch and still we see no open response from DF yet

Conquests give you zero xp not because they are short but because they are a moronic game mode that mostly consists of running around not fighting anyone. Match duration has nothing to do with xp gain - if anything, it’s detrimental to it, as in longer matches you start hitting artificial, stupid XP caps this game is full of

sure, i wouldn’t say no to that.

except soon or later, he will figure out that choises are somewhat of a farce.

because you either find out how certain class for how much they can be, are totally useless and makes your overhal experience worse as it increases your grind.

… or quit entirely because once again, choises are a farce.

clearly the opposite.

don’t you fucking start again.

you’d know that if only you have actually fucking tried them.

you sure do love speaking out of ya own ass while knowing little of what you actually suggest.

tell me that you don’t play low br, without actually telling me that you haven’t played low br.

except, even though the user might be brainded / new, sooner or later will actually see making little to no progress.

so it’s forced to change it’s own loadout and adapt.

stop pretending otherwise.

benefits outweights negatives if you ask me.

well, no.

stack are definitely to blain, but overal top tier is just a competition of who vomits more bullets to the opposition.

despite being or not in a group / stack.

skillbased matchmaker wouldn’t solve a damn thing either.

well, i guess that’s both a curse and a bless

well, no.

it would lessen out the extend of " spam " things on top tier.

which it’s more damaging and more present.

like, 5 stgs or federovs less since you can’t run with a third squad.

it does make the difference even if you are running a 9 men squad ( with preferibly limited fgs too )

there should be a variety of equipment instead of using the same thing.

because you’ll pretty much burn your own experience the further you go.

that’s precisely how it worked for me in rainbow six siege.

no matter how much content gets added, you’ll always end up using the same stuff until gets tweaked or nerfed. till the end of time, or you get bored.

well, it would diversify roles, and limit squads.

at the same time, in a stack, would allow you to dedicate to something, and your buddy to something else.

for example, my friend will specialize into anti tank, and i’ll specialize into anti infantry or support role.

opposed to having no effing difference and just run 3 assaulter squads with all possible options and what not.

been there, done that.

happens on a constantly despite someone not liking it, and others do. as long it’s for a greater good.

like the merge. for example.

well, yes, but acthaully no.

never claimed that, and it is a bit foolish to assume so.

just like many things, it requires tweaks and further work.

nothing is absolute to solve any issues.

that’s not true.

conquests are relatively small.

problem is, they last less.

and do not compare to invasions or confrontations because of it.

it actually does.

well, no.

the reason why customs were “closed” and lost of xp, it’s because some players discovered that if you made kills, but dragged as long as possible the time, you’d earned shit tons of xp.

confirmed ( only trace i could find )

Because some, decided to load up heaps of boosters then, get in a game, and farm each other, and the bots?
Them stuffed it for everyone else

ooops, just seen you had answered this soz,


but the people who wasted more time inside while making some kills and capturing before the timer started were the main issue.

there were literal screenshots of people playing for entire hours with barely 100 kills and milions of xp.

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Maybe, seeing as they fixed this, by applying booster straight away now.
shouldn’t it go back to more towards normal for X amount of XP in games? with x amount of people?

Still not forced to do anything, unlike limiting squads.

Well, if ppl is actually intrested of these HA / limited / what ever you are suggesting. It would be rather easy these days to create games with said rules.
Yet havent seen much of them.

Well no I dont, but the mp3008 and what else there is hardly is comparable to FG42 at BR5.
Which your suggestion would also affect.

Well no, theres still nothing forcing him.
Sure you dont get rewarded for being useless, but hey id say thats just a good thing.

yet seen none.

Could ask are you playing the BR5 at all ?

Right, but limited squads would improve teamwork ? Like what ?

There is, I can choose spades if I want to.
But I Dont want to, quite simple.

Yeah, I prefer to have option to choose do I want to use something else just incase if I get “bored” of something.
Rather than being forced to use something I definitely do not want to use because someone is concerned of my “boredom” levels.

And how exactly is this limiting squads improving teamplay ?

So is this limiting squads now also creating stacks ?

Well dont run 3 assaulters. Extremely easy solution.

If I recall merge got quite alot of positive feedback this limitation so far havent, far as I know.


Never said it would, pointed out it would make it even worse considering the current issues.

except he is.

even if not deliberately.

maybe it’s because in 3 years customs haven’t been fucking touched?

you have no idea how many suggestions, threads etc were made about customs.

as much i’m of the same opinion of gathering stuff over customs and what not, it’s practically impossible because customs barely works, and you have to resort into modding.

too bad mods even if just tickets of capture point and what not, automatically removes and restrict experience.

would you play for no fucking experience?

i highly doubt.

except, you’re being forced if you want to progress.

again, stop being naive.

doesn’t suit you. and it’s not even funny.

did you tried the test server?


sorry mate.

but my equipment makes me only land in berlin.


you’d be forced to collaborate with your own teammates. or diversify more and try to cover more roles.

" jack of all trades, master of none ".

which you’re effectively making it worse for you.

it’s kinda like drug addicts.

sure, they can do whatever they want.

but there is a reason why the governament is against it and made it illegal.

that’s more of a you thing.

diversify wouldn’t hurt you or me of one bit.

especially if that means quality of matches would improve instead of being the same garbage that some people can’t get rid of.

potentially yes.

as much i don’t like it either.

that’s prolly the future anyway.

devs failed to adress stacks and to be quite frank, i’m not sure they ever will.

so, let’s embrace it i guess.

haha, funny.

but why do you think people run with 3 assaulters.

if it’s that simple.

then you haven’t been around long enough or actually even opened your eye for more than a week post merge.

as much i still think it’s sort of a success, many people didn’t swallowed that “pillow”.

to say, it doesn’t care if someone isn’t happy about something, as long it’s for the good of the game.

i mean, it kinda is.

game is actually balanced as there are no advantages over the other team. at least, not to enlisted levels.

as it goes for the gameplay, yeah, kinda repetitive.

i don’t think it would.

i have yet to see what’s being so scary about it other than or why would be a serious issue with actual explanations other than " nu uh, i don’t like ittt "

or " nooooo u can’t limit ma choises "

hold on.

that’s it?

not interested in the event or something?

eh… on second thought it is somewhat of a chore anyway…

still no.

Dont really even care. Nothing stops like minded people to make a custom game with rules they abide to.

If I magically had some intrest towards limited squads and what else, sure.

Again, nope.
Be useless, get useless prices.

Not even remotely comparable to squad limitation that would limit your options.


Amazing grats.

Eh, this shit makes 0 sense.
I might as well claim that we should remove every weapon that is not fully automatic because without them people dont know how to work as team.

except unfortunately being useless is not punishable offense in the game.

Aha, so not only would this silly squad limitation that has 0 relation to teamplay, make people suddenly play as a team, create groups and top of that now you already know what I want ?

off to customs you go.

Not sure, perhaps they dont want to be useless ? Perhaps they want most efficient guns to kill the AI and not waste time on them with BA ?

So how many exactly wasnt happy with it ?

Not exactly sure how its relevant to subject of repetive

personal opinion

Quite sure I dont even have to. After all you are the one trying to change the entire gameplay, not me.
So its kind of your task to prove how this would improve game in any manner.
Some half assed magical teamplay arguments and magicaly groupings.
Pardon me but im not exactly convinced here.

Yeah make the game more suitable for ME im sure everyone else likes it too.

Thanks for asking not really.

Some of us has to work for living :person_shrugging:

that’s a whole yap of things which i can’t be quite bothered to begin with. not gonna lie.

is this your ideal wednesday late night idea of spending your time?

rebutting your own opinions over other people opinions?

unless you can’t get enough of my own opinions. which it’s weird considering your stances.

you know i’m not gonna change my mind and will never agree with your own points. right?
nor even take in consideration the crazy suggestions that you keep yapping around regarding customs despite you never actually even opened one.

You are trying to change entire gameplay of the game to your liking.
Your arguments, “would increase teamplay” “create stacks” like neither one has 0 affiliation with equipment limitation.
Talk about crazy.


not really, i couldn’t give a flying fuck about it.

i’m just describing how the gameloop is pretty much the same.

which sooner or later, people will get burned down the line from it.

even you.


you have no idea.

but out of the two, i can vouch on things that i try and say.

you on the other hand, i’m not so sure of.

especially how one keeps barking the buzzword around of " customs " and keeps suggesting them to others despite never actually even tried it once :clown_face:

out of all times that you could have been right, this ain’t one chief.

No, it isn’t. And if you feel that way, it’s more likely because of your approach to the game.

not really.

i’m mostly doing my stuff over the editor, and exploring newer stuff.

i just can’t see how you keep planning on doing the same thing over and over.

sooner or later, you will get bored.

me? i’ll be fine.

i’m more worried about you.

Meaning, you don’t even experiencing the scenario that you’re using as an argument.
No wonder, since it’s completely made up.

People will get burned out by literally every game if that’s their primarily focus, and they do not play any other game.

People should stop taking game like enlisted so seriously. It’s literally just casual ww2 shooter with bots. It supposed to be a fkn sandbox. Any limitation will just hurt it.

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am i supposed to take that seriously?

watch my replays, and you find out what you think it’s " fabric of my own mind " it’s actual reality.

yes, but actually no.

seems a bit of a waste, doesn’t it.

we could, and perhaps should make enlisted into something more serious.

so… i guess guardian wasn’t… wrong after all.

since they keep busting customs, maybe the base game should be the focus.

limitations are a must. even if we don’t like them, or doesn’t affect me personally.

given that even if you play casually this game, you’ll find your self among stacks and sweaty players.

which i’m not sure that’s what you like after a hard day of work.