Why not Xp In Modded matches?

The game Progresses too agonizingly slow for us not to get XP in every mode. I get network interruptions and errors when playing the big battle for some reason so I NEED the XP where I can get it please don’t cut off XP progression on an already long proggression.

Thank exploiters who did trap AI and got millions xp per match the day they introduced custom matches.

Untill they come with a system to avoid that. No xp on mod matches. Coz I could easly see people playing against trapped bots just to make xp


Well, as there’s keo unironically reviewing mods, they can turn on xp in those modded games, if keo checked them and said they’re ok. With modifier ofc.


Keo should be removed he is unfit for being a moderator

Just only allow tested maps to appear on the mod sight and be only able to appear on the custom game list if tested. I don’t see why we must ‘suffer’ because of shitty map makers :confused: I see the problem but I can’t even get experience on Lone Wolf games. where there is no ai.