as the title says my idea is that the explosive pack should get limited to at least engineers or AT gunners since in the last few days i had horrible experience while playing enlisted in the tank infantry should be scared of tanks and not the opposite and throw 8 explosive packs at you or at least make the default throwable a grenade not a god damn explosive pack
Imo explosive packs should stay but they should only cripple tanks, not destroy them (except the lightest constructions).
To destroy a tank you’d need a TNT / other plantable explosive charge that requires you to get really close to the tank and risk geting killed.
- TNT - widely available, dangerous to use, powerfull
- explosive pack / molotov - widely available, less dangerous to use, less powerfull
- AT launchers and rifles - specialist weapon, less dangerous to use, still powerfull
Honestly, I find TNT extremely unreliable when compared to the explosive pack. Explo pack can be thrown under the tank for max effectiveness, while I struggle to kill heavy tanks with TNT. (Probably skill issue but meh)
Nothing a buff can’t fix.
This is because most people don’t understand that it doesn’t really have downward blast. It goes to the side and up.
- This means if you plant it on top of the hatch, you’ll likely do very little.
- HOWEVER, if you place it on the vents, where it can still hit the turret on the side, it has a better chance.
- If you place it underneath, or let a tank drive over it before detonating, you are almost guaranteed the kill.
It works fine as is, and pretty well balanced too, people just need to learn to use it.
100% Agree.
No handheld GRENADE should be capable of taking out heavily armored tanks. Plain and simple. It makes AT troops obsolete and completely skews balance.
Exactly. Basically nobody pushes up with tanks to assist infantry like they were used for historically. Simply because the explosive packs are spammed in the way they are due to being able to one shot tanks.
They should nerf demo packs and buff AT gunner’s portable rocket launchers, it would make AT gunners useful. TNT should also get buffed against heavy tanks since they are very risky to use. For campains with weaker tanks like Moscow just keep them as they are so maybe still let them kill side armors with 40mm thickness.
Limit, nerf, etc etc. It is always the same song with tank users.
I don’t even remember when i picked up AT gunner squad maybe only for Japan since their AT rifles are so op and can kill tanks, planes and infantry alike.
You should be using this
not this (like a suicidal maniac)
and yet game made opposite balance where AT rockets are underpowered and demo packs are completely overpowered that can destroy 99% of the tanks and every trooper can carry them (9x per squad = 9 tank destroyed)
Not to mention, they are shooting a literal rocket; it should be an infantry’s worst nightmare to see an AT gunner, not just the tanks.
Not exactly sure how we’re buffing panzerfaust for example any further ?
It already is by far easier to 1hit kill with faust than with detpack so should the panzerfaust ignore the modular damage and be 1hit kill from any hit to tank ?
Well with that logic they are entirely fine, since ive got many times 20 kills with 1 HE of a tank.
So lets say 40 HE rounds 40x20 = 800 so technically 1 tank is capable to take out 80% of attackers tickets.
literally 1 iq take on things… tanks wihout infantry cover = dead boxes full of minced meat
buff explo packs or at least add bundle grenades + at grenades
Yes, you’ve summed up your comment quite nicely.
Yes, that’s how it would work with my idea.
Explo packs already can destroy 90% of the tanks without even thinking.
Well not really, thats what it used to be.
Requires some degree of aiming these days to get it under the tank.
As well as the detpacks universal supremeslayerkillermurder effectiveness has been nerfed quite alot.
Aka no longer deadlier against inf than regular grenades, which is fine and should stay like that.
only in matches with new players or matches full of bots.
In matches with more experienced players, tanks do not last more than 5 minutes.
Your argument is completely fanciful.
Pretty much exact scenario as with killing 9 tanks with 9 infantry.
If your going to destroy 9 tanks with 1 inf squad your opponent wasnt exactly that good or they were all bots.
If you’re complaining about this just wait til they add AT grenades
Leave the detpacks alone, we have only just got them sorted . It’s bad enough with the plane spam, let alone making the tanks harder to kill. There is a balance within this game, and it’s not just a tank fest.
There needs to be an ALL-AROUND balance, this is just step 1.
Explosive packs efficiency is reduced, allowing tanks to move forward and out of greyzone without getting bombarded by EVERY SINGLE TROOP.
Engineer Fortifications get buffed so that tanks have more reason to push in close to support their infantry and assist in breaking through enemy lines.
Overall, the point is to make it to where tanks can actually push forward and actively engage in the battle, not just sit in the back as artillery. Historically, tanks were used in BOTH roles, but in many instances were used to push through fortified positions that infantry were incapable of pushing by themselves.
THAT is the kind of gameplay that many of us are looking for, not just more infantry run-and-gun like every other game right now.