Limit Prototype Weapons and Explosive Pack Distribution

so essentially removing 75% of weapons, and what about premium squads?


So when can I use gas chambers to kill certain ethnic groups or drop magic bombs on Japan that can make Godzilla?
Donā€™t forget to pin every imperial soldier with the Medal of Glory that belongs to Europeā€™s dark history.

In a way, maybe a little, however never as drastically as you suggest. And itā€™s fun to explore some of these prototypes. At this point, while I enjoy historical accuracy this game is a simulation of what battles look like with even~ish equipment including some prototypes to fill the gaps.

We just need the iconic classics.

Reimburse gold/silver/usd.

I would start buying new premiums in this game like a maniac if one day I launched it and saw ā€œwe are sorry we messed up WW2 so bad, we realized this now and deleted all prototypes and fakesā€.

Would be the best day ever.


Speak for yourself.


Yes. You and the two or three other people who share your opinions could have the game to yourselves!


As I always do.

Note how I never use ā€œthe playerbase needsā€, ā€œthe majority/minorityā€, ā€œyou ten peopleā€ like this guy below, for example:

Because Iā€™m aware different people have different tastes.

But yeah also 75% looks like obvious dramatisation, it would be around 20%, probably.

Just pure beautiful PPS, MP 40, Thompson and Type 100 bliss.

I would seriously pay big bucks to finally see one proper WW2 game in my life without bs.


All former customers turned into monkeys
Their money has turned into something they didnā€™t want.
At the same time, due to the imbalance of equipment, the winning rate is extremely deviated.
The population began to lose a lot

In the future, only extremely historically correct players will be willing to pay to play this game
But because the customer base is too small, it cannot maintain operations.
A legend comes to an end again
And these extremely historically correct groups will be looking for their next poor victim

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You forgot to mention that HA customers only option will not be enlisted there is HLL(Hell let loose)and squad 44 which Enlisted has to now compete against and will have even less customer

You can invest in making one yourself
This way you donā€™t have to worry about the balance between business and gaming.
If there are gas bombs and flamethrowers that restore the historical strength, you can tell me.
As long as itā€™s fun enough, Iā€™ll be willing to pay for it.
The premise is that his price will not be as expensive as Tarkov

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You and I both know that nothing will ever be taken away from players in this day and age.

However a man can dream.

A game where various WW2 fronts, factions, weapons and vehicles are represented, but only those that actually were used en masse in WW2.

No prototypes, fakes, what-ifs, reindeer stickers or accordion ā€œdecoratorsā€.

I wonder if Iā€™ll ever see this simple yet beautiful concept of a game in my life.

(Funnily enough, Enlisted open beta test with jist 4 maps of Moscow was really, really close to this dream, and it makes it ever so bitter)


I donā€™t think a game where you walk for half an hour and die for 10 seconds is very competitive.
This can be well proven by their daily online numbers.

Squad 44 is a paid game enough to screen out a large portion of the population
I havenā€™t actually played it so I canā€™t explain the game environment.
But judging from his comments, it seems that his freedom is not high enough (including not being able to go into the water)
Poor optimization and few servers at the same time

Enlisted is a free game perfect for players with low FPS abilities.
The threshold is very low and it costs nothing
The best thing is that you can also get a sense of accomplishment by shooting AI

Clearly noting that your opinion is rare in its absolute zealotry.

I didnā€™t claim to have stats. Just what is plainly observable. If you take away peopleā€™s premium squads, gold weapons and weapon inventoryā€¦ many (including me) will walk away. You will have your paradise with so few real players there would be absolutely no financially justifiable way for the servers to stay open. I guess you could maybe host a local custom game and play with yourself. And your proper gear. :rofl:

Explosive pack spamļ¼ŸNow I canā€™t see anyone using explosives to kill many soldiers, even if they each carry three explosive packs.Moreover, in reality, I have never seen a tank dare to run to a range of less than ten meters next to infantry at will.It is normal for these tanks to be destroyed by explosives in the game. Before you say that explosives are powerful, you should see how many infantry this tank player killed before being destroyed!In addition, there are too many tanks in the game, with 2 out of 10 players. Do you want only the engineers to have explosive packs? In this case, no one is willing to use infantry.Because no one wants to be constantly bombed by tanks!If you like tank warfare, you can play their other game.

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Yes explosive packs are too powerful, when did u last see any soldiers in WW2 carrying around explosive packs? Only engineers carried high explosives, can even let AT soldiers have them. This way more people will end up using AT soldiers and AT guns because they arenā€™t used as often as they were in reality because right now they donā€™t need to because they can just pull out their explosive packs and solve tank problem. In real life Squad doctrines were for the regular infantry to hide when enemy tanks were present and let the AT infantry handle the tanks, So it is the Tankā€™s job to take out many infantry there are there as support for the infantry to suppress the infantry and prevent them from advancing.

Can also introduce other AT Grenades for other infantry.

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Lol doesnā€™t matter, in real life you donā€™t see every soldier carry FG-42. This is just a game.

AT soldier and AT guns are still oftenly used to deal tank that are sitting in grey zone.

Lol so other infantry use at grenade instead of explosive pack to deal with tank, nothing has been change. They can just pull out their Ģ¶eĢ¶xĢ¶pĢ¶lĢ¶oĢ¶sĢ¶iĢ¶vĢ¶eĢ¶ Ģ¶pĢ¶aĢ¶cĢ¶kĢ¶sĢ¶ at grenade and solve tank problem.

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i would love more anti tank grenades it would limit them to anti tank vs the tnt bundle anti everything

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Unless dev deliberately nerf its performance against infantry or else this will be the new anti everything.

@Euthymia07 You really think 75% of weapons in this game are prototypes? if that was the case then that beats being a proper WW2 game now does it since WW2 wasnā€™t fought with 75% prototype weapons that hardly saw any action. Also you donā€™t have to remove anything just let people already keep what they already got or refund the silver it cost to buy them so you can buy another weapon.

@Conscript_Joe Soviets already have enough Sub-machine guns so limiting the AS-44 to just 1 soldier wont make much of a difference. US already have Thompsons which is already a nuisance when you have Airborne drop on you with Thompsons and wipe your whole squad out.

@Bkworm07 Funny how when Historical accuracy like having AA shoot infantry is funā€¦but gets taken out because of a few whinersā€¦When historical accuracy is fun it gets taken out tooā€¦

Most anti-tank grenades didnā€™t have same explosive power as a explosive pack would. They would mostly damage certain part of tank or maybe injure or kill crew. If you want to limit that to AT soldiers i wouldnā€™t mind.

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