Let's talk about the future of the Rider class

it actually less troublesome surprisingly

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Tgis could also work, but they should just add it with a spawn coat mechanic, and restrict certain squads from using it, namely flametroopers.

It’s a mobile MG with low crew and 0 option to deffend itself from being flanked.
Oh, and it can’t hide in buildings nor is AP.

I’m somehow not surprised bikes are worse than MGs.

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well… you shouldn’t put your self in a position to get flanked to begin with…

which, same somewhat goes for most tanks. or airplanes in that matter.

it’s like using a tank and complaining that it can’t go on under water.

needless to say, those weren’t particularly designed / adviced to do.

i mean you dont really expect much from a motorcycle right? i mean when i use it i use it for fun not meta afterall

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The whole MG hiding in a building thing, while funny, is actually more of a pain in the ass than it’s worth. Better to just build an MG nest with an engi 2 squad.

I’d honestly say I’m disappointed, but drive-by flamethrowers seem like an insidious idea that I definitely know will not at all be exploited for the funni.

Well wen you do a flank usually is surprise attack so…


I mean, you compared it to MG nest that is fast.
I just compared it in other aspects.

that’s the whole thing about the squad.

or. additionally, flank and place a rally.
( or flank to destroy tanks )

it doesn’t really require to be more than that.

nor, you really have to compare potatoes with carrots.

huh we do have moving aa and moving machine gun but no moving AT yet right? i mean tank dont count im talking like flak88 truck


A tank?

Tank destroyers with tissue paper for armor?

We have those too.

i mean US tank destroyer are “technically” tank i mean like Big AT gun like flak88 truck
oh warthunder US have one it the m3 truck i forgot what gun it have but i remember using it

? What do you mean?

You compared it to MG and it’s ok.
I compared it to MG and now it’s a problem?

Or maybe I missunderstood something.

The problem is (in current meta) it does all those things extremely inefficiently slow in comparison to classic engineer in pretty much any squads) because of 300 metres spawn away.
The only time I purposely pick the bike is immediately after taking objective (and I do have to suicide my current squad) to rush next one and build rally point before enemy can do shit. (They’re wasting time to farm kills before they die at previous objective)
If you are not fast enough, you will not avoid enemies nor take advantage of your bike.

In all other cases, taking different class with engineer is more effective.

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Tunisia Paratroopers rushing to put bike squads out of a job:

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a meta shouldn’t define the whole game.

nor dictate what should be or not implemented.

shovels, the rocket artillery for just 300 meters, heavier tanks, tank destroyers and what not are in the game for those who wants them.

and should be there no matter what. ( as long offers something for anyone. not just a fraction or a very tiny minority )

bikes can have different purposes.

anti tank, anti infantry, or fast rally.

all works depending on your shoulders.

sure, things can go wrong. but that goes for pretty much anything.

which it’s about having a choise.

not really about efficiency and what not.

not everyone is a meta-glory-hound .

and i’d argue, it’s actually something unique that not many other games have.

it would supplement halftracks and others things too.

eventually for pves too.

stand on a hill, provide fire support with the machinegun, place a rally, or what not.

and that’s a hill i’ll be dying on if needed.

Overall I agree with you.

But No1.
“Nice” things need to be good enough. I may like diging but if I feel I suffer while doing it, I won’t bother.
Exactly what my friend did.

But No2.
Those options are good and all but if only 1% of players enjoys them / knows how to use them, there is no point in prettending they are good and needed.


It doesn’t.

All I am saying they’re not that good at something that should be their purpose.
Currently they’re extremely situational and very often wiped pretty quickly.
They’re not that good at something they should excel.
Normal engineer is very often more versatile and more reliable option.

i don’t necessarely see what is it with you chaps wanting to change things that currently work if you know how to use them.

dont see why we should make bikes different than what they are.

sure, give them more vehicles to appease more people i guess, but they aren’t really supposed to be top notch.

not really you can upgrade them beside giving them the 3 seat bike.

but that’s about it.

what could you possibly want to give them more?

a minigun or something?

the only thing it excells, is max speed.

as… it’s a bike.

i suppose we could improve the maneuverability. but those things were also somewhat hard to drive irl too as far as i could read from various books and what not.

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