Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

Please be sure to carefully consider and present each variable and constant of the weighting factor formula and the new currency. Thank you very much.

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I mean the squads because some of them are Afrikoros exclusive units or divisions.

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Also I feel kind of ignored with my question but fortunatelly others made similar.

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I don’t know why you still do.

But, your call to play it or not…

A true, probably premium squad get some different approuch lest see

So kind of like BFV did with it’s many generic, not iconic “ww2” maps! Or H&G!

Imagine geting a map like “panzerstorm” instead of the “reichstag”.

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Ironically, because games have basically stopped doing Eastern Front and Enlisted for me was a breath of fresh air.

With King Tigers in Stalingrad the call is already made for me - no thanks.



Hope you have a nice one.

I hope tho, customs will bring us the right options to populate them with historical accurate games.
I will Def play them now and then

But that’s just me.

Yes, they do.
If you prefer historical accuracy over gameplay and playerbase health, I don’t know what to say.

It is a video game, first and formost, not a history channel documentary


Theoretically a lot of these issues could be resolved if they removed the whole “historical” squad gimmick and just have it all just be generic Squads and you have multiple pre sets or load outs for different fronts, battles, etc. So Germany: Normandy, Africa, Eastern, etc

Obviously we would still have our AI squad mates and the various Squad classes, but instead of X Regiment that fought in XYZ, it’s just Mortar Squad, MG Squad, etc

Either Premium Squads would remain or their special weapons are basically akin to Gold Orders and you can give them to your regular squads, so we don’t end up with 50 different squads

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Expect that in the early battlefield (lightweight) perhaps some bolt action rifles ( and ptrd) will be as effective as some of the lower factor automatic weapons such as the ppd34.

Do I have it wrong, it does sound like with the new system, I will be thrown onto maps from previous campaigns I would rather not play on, and have no choice but to “Desert”? to try the lottery for another map.


I can see newbies going to bring only two of most powerful gear they can for example (2 smgs, 2 tanks, 2 planes) and their third squad would be basic 1 star bolt action rifle, there will be no engineers (no spawn beacons), no At troops just smgs, tankers, plane spam and few snipers. Well at least veterans will still have them so i hope they will still play the game…

Enlisted is an MMO squad based shooter for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 in World War II where you act as an infantry squad leader, tank crew or an aircraft pilot. The weaponry, soldier’s uniform, appearance and capabilities of the vehicles in the game are in line with historical facts.

Nowhere does it say “historical FPS”

You will be leaving matches like in War thunder, if you have booster on then you are screwd you have to play or lose booster.

I started playing this game last holiday season with a group of friends. I thought it was just a way to pass the time, but I was so taken by the charm of the game that I ended up devoting my entire holiday season to Enlisted. I also thought I would play for free and never pay, but when I saw the beautiful Soviet women’s squad I made my first payment and found myself buying gold to buy some weapons, a premium account, and full access to Stalingrad. I am restraining myself from charging too much at too fast a pace, but I will probably buy something next month and the month after. Thanks for a great game.
Unfortunately, however, all of my friends who started the game with me left after playing it for about 3 days. The reason for this is that they ended up being abused many times by fully armed German soldiers with StG44s when they only had bolt actions. They could not stay even when I gave them tips on how to fight well with bolt actions, the Normandy at that time was full of players with strong equipment in Germany and the Allies were full of beginners and bots and could not win at all. So before my friends realized the appeal of Enlisted, they left because they decided that it was a boring game where the advanced players just torture the beginners.
As many have said, this situation is due to the problems with Enlisted in its current state. The campaign divides the player base and sometimes does not have enough players. The large growth component, which is supposed to be the fun part of the game, overwhelms the newbies…
The future of Enlisted looks great to me as I saw it in your post a few days ago.
The loss of some historical accuracy, for example, is trivial to me, to the extent that a Tiger shows up in Moscow. I can set up a Soviet military unit that already has a large number of AS44s deployed. The same is true of the current situation, where this game is arranged as a fun game, not a completely historical simulator.
I am confident that the game will not lose the hardcore military game appeal I feel it has, as I do not believe that half of the US Army will be female soldiers or that schoolgirls with swords will show up in the Pacific.
We don’t know the details of the new Enlisted yet, but I fully support the general direction you have just given us.
Keep making good games. Thank you.

…To be honest, I would like to see a little Samurai Girl in the Pacific.
How about for April Fool’s Day or Halloween event? :rofl:
OIP (9)

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ok first, I do appreciate your intention to solve fragmented queue problems. I think this merging separate campaigns into fronts is a step in the correct direction.

However, I do play North America evenings when the queue populations are also quite low. I am skeptical that merging Berlin, Stalingrad, Moscow into 1 queue will provide enough players for you to honor the expressed intention of keeping early and late war equipment separated in North America evening time slot.

Players need to understand that even with these campaign merges the population for “Not Normandy” will still be below optimal, it does not stop players from zerging into 1 faction creating skewed populations as we see now after every update. So the chances of seeing gaps in equipment and population are still very much there in off-peak hours (North America evenings).

And I think Darkflow needs to be more honest about the reality outlined in that 3rd paragraph ^.

Jeez I am not a man you know. I am human being in line with male facts. And uses to advertise with authenticy.


ya but their mostly not historically accurate in the least

Even their paint jobs are wrong most of the time, along with there uniforms.

Nice attempt at trying twist their words