Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

Am I to understand that the player in the group with the highest weighting factor is better able to determine the level of the room the group will face?

Your historical opponent. Like no us vs soviets.

But soviets vs Germans.

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How is this possible?

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cough cough MkB in moscow cough cough

Not to mention


Even then no WW2 game today has matched the sheer amount of content this game has/ will get


My main question is:

  • how battle rating of equipment will be calculated?

Situation: I have a SINGLE soldier using a stg44, but my 30 others, are all using a bolt action.
Will I be placed against ppl using Stg44, ppl using mainly lower equipment, or an in between?

Concern: the new tech tree, is weapon type, by weapon type. Someone focusing, for example, on smgs, will be low lvl in other fields. That person, will be disadvantaged against someone having unlocked everything.

Suggestion: do not categorize players using only their top equipment item. Instead, match players using the total point value, of the entirety of their equipment.


I’ll tell you exactly in the devblog when I get the information.


Too bad you kinda forgot to delete it from the ad page for literal years… huh

I dont know how a Tiger in Moscow will look authentic.


Because it will be just a winter or a sand map.

No more “Moscow” or "tunisia*

As far as I understand.

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Wow, even BFV can acheave this level of historical accuracy.


And Afrikakorps vs. Soviets


I did enjoy Bf5. As many other people.

Was a nice game. Didn’t get the credit it deserved. Imo.

Just imo.

Please wait for the devblog. I’m interested myself! :grin:


Is italy

It has great gameplay but 0 ww2 feeling. If they made it in a toy soldier setting it would be a great succes.

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I propose changing some of the map names to “winter map” or some generic shit
So people stop the “no mkb in Moscow” bullshit.


Then it’s just another map on a ww2 setting. Not tied to a time period.


All I ask, is that our concerns are taken into consideration. I really appreciate this kind of devblog.

Thank you.


Well. There are still Afrikakorps squads left.

City of Stalingrad. Univermag where Paulus was captured.

You roll up in your King Tiger, take your STG-45 and fight against guys with AK prototypes and RPDs.

Remind me why would I play this instead of BFV then?


No german get removed from italy tree, german get only their desert uniform for tunisia