Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

That is not the devs fault.
The game has never been historically accurate, if you got the game wanting historical accuracy you were foolish


I find this new system does make it easier to add content without having it needing to be added multiple times to multiple campaigns. Plus it also adds the opportunity for content to appear where it could/should, For example, the King Tiger was first used on Normandy.

So for example we will be able to have Tigers in Tunisia, or Pumas in Berlin

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Public formal wishful thinking.

That tank on the hill will be a problem regardless if it’s a t-60 or a late game t-34 if nobody has anti-tank/plane/other tanks because they all spec MP40.


General dislike.

  1. A minor thing I dont trust you much. I mean its even to hard to ask for working MG bipods and now you wanna touch the mm? Really, step by step and fixing/ ending current projects would be more trust-building. And one of your past posts were not really helpfull, though I am surprised that a bunch of sarcastic posts are important for no reasons.

  2. It doesnt solve ANY issue in the game, both gameplay and content-wise/ key reasons why the player numbers are not really great and most campaigns. Its just another lazy coping tool to somehow merge the healthy campaigns Berlin and Normandy together. It wont bring back players and will not please all remaining players. How should it be more balanced if the numbers of Western Allies players wont really increase or low tier Axis players?

  3. Its straight copy+paste from WT. I dont know why we need keep getting more WT features but I dont play Enlisted to play WT. Enlisted should be more than just WT with infantry.

  4. Really? Still locking UK just in Tunisia? Thank you for ignoring the demand to add free CW units in Normandy I guess.

  5. No matter how often you will say that it wont really affect historical accuracy or that those players are judt bunch of nasty persons, it will screw the historical accuracy (its amusing to read it though). I wanna play Moscow with Moscow stuff, not having a chance that I will face African Allies I dont wanna play against just because my gear tier is in the right spot for them. I wanna play Berlin with Berlin stuff and not ending up in Moscow for no reason. I dont know how you can speak of accuracy while saying at the same time that Tigers in Moscow are possible.


I mean it’s still an immersive WW2 sandbox. All the content is from the period. It’s just sometimes things will get mixed up. I don’t entirely agree with it but we’ll see how this changes over time

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I definitely believe that the combining of the campaigns is an absolutely necessary step, because the player base is already splintert across multiple campaigns and plans for future campains will make this even worse.

The benefit of being able to add new stuff more easily is also huge, with the level system the amount of possible new stuff is quite limited and if you are only playing one campaign on one side you would only be able to enjoy maybe a single new thing each. With unlocks being level based it was also difficult adding “weaker” stuff to other campains like aa or motorcycles. As you already explained, this new system will be a lot better for that.

My biggest question for the update at for one part balancing issues, as for i understand it Japan will remain an individual nation. Given that it’s current equipment (and most of what is available in the editor) is no match for Allies from Normandy, how do you plan to balance this?
Will Japan only play against low level allies players? Or is there a lot of new stuff coming?

The next question is weapons and vehicles which are premium in one campaign and free in another e.g Jonson rifle or panther a.
Will the gold be fully compensate and the squad deleted or do you have other plans?

Squad slots are also an issue, if you, for example, have some slots in Normandy and some in Berlin, will they get added together for the axis? Given that there will be more squads, free and premium, to choose from, it would also be nice to be able to bring more that 10 squads at once.

All in all I am very happy about the change and am very much looking forward to it. Changing the core game structure is quite a big task, but in that case a necessary one and I am glad that you are taking the effort of listening to the community.
If I would be allowed to ask for a single thing, it would be that you do not follow war thunder by adding some kind of repair cost and reduced XP from low level squads. As long as this isn’t planed, I have high hopes for this update to be great for the game

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Lol this already happens.
“Can someone build a rally?”
“I don’t have an engineer”


So how does the math work here?
If I take 9 early war rifles and one late war SMG, I’ll count as late war or as mid war?

Also what if I take 9 squads with basic equipment and 10th squad with some late war stuff?

I want some basic, primaly school mathematical formulas. If it’s not a secret of course (what I doubt).

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I like the idea.

But please, for the sake of make people happy, tell us more what option you guys will bring into customs to make historical accurate matches, so people can have a place for that and feel comfortable with the changes.

I have 0 issues with the stuff proposed and I belive is the right step to make the game thrive in the future. Aka more players, more humans per Match, and less unbalanced scenarios like fighting Stuart’s on a tiger

The pros are far more than cons. And I m happy devs are doing it.


The rating is planned only for weapons and wehicles. Not in squads.


Yeah what now

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And explain me saying you wait the Q&A for shitpost make me the bad guy?AFTER you ask wy moderators delete your post lol

One obvious problem for me is that I sounds like I will be sent to maps I don’t care for, I normally avoid Normandy and Moscow maps because I don’t care for them, I would prefer to play on Tunesia and pacific map, but it sounds like I cant chose that option at all?

Also sometimes I like to use lower tier kit but if I have top tier kit the game is going to only pit me against top tier appoints, so How would I use my entry lever tanks or planes if I wanted to?

What about all my Premium Squads as well?


Hmm… we never created maps for campaign levels. Artists do not even know what is planned to be introduced in the coming months and even more years in Stalingrad or Tunisia. any card is suitable initially for any army and any weapon of the Second World War. Therefore, in custom matches, you can create such a room. :slight_smile:


In short: no, they don’t.
And it’s not “complete accuracy”, it’s “suspension of disbelief”.
Right now I can try to ignore weird stuff like MKB in Moscow (that was never there).

But once we get Crusaders in the Pacific, T-26s in Berlin, King Tigers in Stalingrad → thanks, keep my premium for 2023, I’m out 100%.


I think that this is the highest rating of the participant.
I know about the complaints of many players about squads. Letting cunning players in the squad lower their rating and hurt you even more, we definitely won’t.


Well, that is kind of a deal braker then.

So auto spamming is gladly still possible.
Balanced I guess

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I don’t know if I can find the correct definition in English. So forgive me.

But Enlisted has always positioned itself as a reliable shooter. not historically accurate (it’s boring and terribly balanced!), but authentic - it means. that it looks acceptable, possible and at the same time well balanced.

Otherwise, it is very disappointing to play for the army of the Reich and face an unpleasant fact: it seems that this Soviet KV-1 is invulnerable to your guns, the game is lost, you can already delete it. :slight_smile:

And vice versa - oops, this Tiger-1 is the king of the battlefield. Early T-34? Haha