Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

i didn’t knew that Tigers 2 and IS-2 can time travel to Moscow (we all know that Panzer 4 f2 already can time travel but just few months into future), so when are we able to drive T-90MS vs m1a2 Abrams in Moscow campaign?



  • are squads type taken into account with battle rating?

Situation: I am a veteran, I unlocked all squads. I will use 3 assaulters squads, but equip them all with starter smg.

Concern: this would prove unfair for new players, as they cannot use 3 smg squads.

Suggestion: doubt. Make meta weapons worth more in battle rating? Limit meta squads amount? Make higher lvl squads, cost more battle rating?

Second question:

  • I bought the maximum slots, for all campaigns. How many slots will I have, once campaigns are combined?


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I didn’t know this was real life. I thought it was a game made for entertainment

Enlisted’s uniforms and customizations are extremely immersive. The games aesthetics is one of the main reasons I got it. Unlike other “WW2” games these days,


You’re strawmanning here.

I advocate for balance within plausible suspension of disbelief under historical context.

I can tolerate Pz 4 F2 vs T-34 if we just rename Moscow to “Barbarossa”, if we need it for balance.

King Tigers in Stalingrad are not needed for balance or gameplay. That’s crossing the line. That’s becoming a clownfest.

And if I was one of the artists who recreated the city for it just to be mutilated like that, I’d be very upset.


We are geting closer tbh. With equipment at least. Just one step more.


It’s not about balance, it’s about not being able to find matches in a reasonable amount of time.

If they keep equipment locked to certain campaigns, there will be a point where they can no longer add new campaigns to the game, because the playerbase would be spread too thin. Even if it grew in size.

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thats what i did propose.

just no more “moscow”
but generic 1 fits all maps
so this nonsence can stop and game can actually benefit for the masses and not a niche group.


So how should we understand in line with historical facts?

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If people dont wanna play against mid Soviets now, they wont bother with in the new system as well.

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It’s a WW2 game. All the weapons are from WW2, soldiers uniforms and appearance are from WW2, vehicles are accurate to how they performed in WW2(kind of, not 100% otherwise the game balance would be shit)

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All German players are in a single queue, all Soviet players are in a single queue, a Moscow map is found within reasonable time (10v10 real people) but “hey it’s a WW2 game” and the best assaulter weapon you can use is MKB and not STG, and the best tank is F2 and not King Tiger – what’s wrong with this?

Personally I’d actually prefer one big button PLAY ANY – all players are grouped together but weapon/vehicle limitations are still in place. Everyone happy?


It’s hard to enjoy the game if it lets you drive tanks from the distant future that were never supposed to be there. Months in future is fine but not years. Honestly at this point you should add Battle of Leningrad to the map pool and rename everything as Eastern Front, then i will forget about those inaccuracies and just enjoy the game.


As @VoyoMayPL proposed a few days ago, have 2 queues.
One historical, one normal queue.

Those who want history can use the historical queue, everyone else can use normal queue


Stalingrad still can’t have King Tigers and Berlin still can’t have T-26s.
That’s just laughable.


the idea is to stop dividing the player base. and people that want historical settings can do it on customs

that will be open for others to join if they please.

1 single main queue for what the game should have bn since day one
1 server selector (customs) with settings bases on what a niche group want.


[proposes to divide players not to 2mm but to one mm and 10 custom lobby rooms]


its just,… another virtual map inside a videogame for me under ww2 weapons and soldiers.

so i dont care much.

will be fun? Yes. for me it will . i cant speak for others.

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Someone else has also proposed this:

Start matchmaking an actual WW2 experience and hopefully do that, but if there are not enough players the game tells you “Hey I found a lobby but it’s ahistorical clownfest - wanna join or keep searching some more”?

Or, a settings tick for those who actually care “Only put me in historical battles”.


No, it’s not.
Like Keofox said, it becomes increasingly harder to make matches if you lock equipment to certain campaigns