Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

It’s one of the reasons why I think squads should be able to have separate loadouts made in the soldier menu. That way when you load into a match, the loadout that is applicable to that battle is applied. Similar to how they described customization to work. There’s so much they would need to do with equipment disparities, classes that are in some but not others, event squads and premium squads, campaign squad slots, etc.

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Keep waiting.

So you claim something and then tell the other person to go proof check your statement?

Amazing conversational skills. Bravo.

The system seems balanced for people playing solo or with people of the same tiered gear. However, what if I as someone that has near everything unlock and grouped with 3 new players. How will the system account for something like this?

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As someone that recently suggested this Fronts system + time periods for Eastern, Western and Far-Eastern fronts

I think we still need separate fronts with early, mid and late war time periods or else it would completely kill the early war campaigns like Moscow and Stalingrad since weapons and vehicles would feel exactly the same even worse with the risks of getting full uptiers like in War Thunder

With current knowledge of the proposed system I guess it wont.
Which is why its good you brought up here and perhaps they can work something.

The system definitely wont be perfect once its released thats for sure.

I think such a rule will become a new constraint for you to add new content.

The vast majority of players will engage in ARM-style combat at mid- to high-level combat, and the game will still be filled with spamming of all kinds, as well as flamethrowers and other explosives.

You should somehow balance these two situations that are about to happen. 12 stg44 + 6 Kar98k vs 18 STg44.

And my biggest concern is that it doesn’t solve the problem that most weapons in the game cannot be used reasonably. Yes, some players bought BA-11 and Stug III A, but they can choose better weapons in their sortie queue, because there are no reasonable rules for me to use these things to contribute to the victory of the battle.

These weapons with different performance will not work well together, because there are only a few weapons in the game that are the optimal solution for combat victory.

At the same time, intense sweaty battles also force players to choose some weapons with better cost performance. For example, compared to Stug III A, players are more willing to drive Panzer IV tanks with turrets and machine guns.

In the above example, you can pretty much only choose 18 STg44.

The current MM situation you provide cannot solve this selection problem. Although there are choices in the game, there is no reason to choose.

For custom battles, you guys mentioned limiting the types of weapons a player can carry. But without new features like the Spawn Score mechanic I’ve been advocating for. Players also cannot construct a scenario that is closer to historical accuracy, such as 3 T-26s against 1 Panzer III, or 3 T-34s against 1 Tiger.

In what you call historically accurate custom battles I still want players to bring a handful of AVS, AVT, Mkb42, STg44, etc. automatic weapons into battle, but I don’t want them to abuse that stuff.

In this case, the SpawnScore mechanic is more valuable, and with the support of such a function, you can make all weapons work at the right value in the battle. You don’t even need a strict or complicated BR weight MM. And players can freely combine and choose what they need, powerful weapons are expensive, and weak weapons are more numerous.

Suppose Kar98k costs 1 point; STg44 costs 5 points, then

12 stg44 + 6 Kar98k = (6 + 5 *12) = 66 points

18 STg44= (5*18) = 90 points

This is a clear difference. This way they have the opportunity to play together in a balanced and regular way.

Yes, there are some flaws in the simple SpawnScore mechanism, as some players who refused and cry for that, but you developer team can design the value of SpawnScore in various details, and avoid the shortcomings. Limit the maximum value to avoid the appearance of score millionaires. Timing increases the score so that the player can at least deploy something. Allows players to use hero powers or deploy things for the first time like CRSED without costing any points. Another is to allow players to set a basic team, the score required by this team is not allowed to exceed a minimum value. He can be any basic squad like 5Kar98k + 1MP40 + 1MG34.

You are also the developers of CRSED, it is impossible for you not to understand the role of soul points. It all depends on your thinking and design in the end.

Although some players in this game are used to sending all kinds of spam. Spam is the game’s strength and its weakness, and players either love it or hate it.

But you can still introduce a War Thunder-like SpawnScore mechanic for new modes, new custom battles.

At the same time keep the current spamming mode as default, so some players can continue to freely use their automatic weapons and explosives and suicide planes in it. (Maybe some of these players are typing to answer this that they don’t like being restricted)

And the SpawnScore mechanism will allow you to add content and balance them more conveniently, and expand this mechanism to more game sessions.

For example, the number of ammunition on the vehicle, the different weapons mounted on the aircraft, the different support calls by the signalmen, and so on.

For example, skydiving, forced landing, and landing return of an aircraft will return respawn points, which makes some game content and behaviors have tactical value.

The MOD I made also needs such a function. I hope to apply the function of type soul points to the call for support of the radioman. The player calls for artillery or airborne support according to his combat contribution. He cannot abuse these functions, just like the ritual in CRSED.

For more other mods, if you need to port CRSED’s shopping refrigerator function, then modders also need some point mechanism to buy things in the refrigerator, right? Players will not deny this.

As you have introduced you have brought BR weight MM. Just as you made the GunGame mode, different players can find their own game content.

I’m still looking forward to more information.

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you will not lose it. they will have to make system work so you can keep all your squads and cosmetics, otherwise they can be liable for breaking anti consumer laws.

did you even read damn announcement. ffs they will not be in any disadvantage. if moscow weapons are max 4 BR, berlin are 10. they will be matched against other people who have equipped 4 BR weapons and not against people who have equipped weapons with 10 BR.

tigers in tunisia are possible, p38s not really. game will match you against similarly equipped opponents. japanese equipment is shit so they will probably not go over 3-4 BR. p38s should be rated at least 5 or 6 on a scale.

stars cant be used for rating…

not really… it all depends what weapons makes you comfortable. you can play with bolties even in 10 BR if you are comfortable with them, or you can play on 1 BR if you dont want to go against tryhards. just dont overreach high BR with weapons you dont think you are capable to carry with.

there is incentive unlike now. people now just use meta builds with SMGs, ARs and semi autos and highest tier vehicle cause they know that they will be in disadvantage if they come across enemy players with same meta build.
with new MM people can comfortably use older weapons and vehicles cause they know that MM will match them against people with similar weapons and not like in current MM against meta AR-s, SMG-s and semi autos.

bring mp 40 or something with lower tier instead of stg44 and problem solved

and BR exists why? and equipment based MM exists why? it is not like stuart will be matched against tigers with new MM.

source? mmostats dont count cause they pulled that number out of their ass. btw you can data mine number of players (and bots) from replays

they could implement limits to prevent this and fill game with bots like they used to. but even if they match tiger 2 against m13, is it really that different of situation from when they match you with stuart against tiger or pz2 against t34?

oxymoron. history never provided balance.

skill based MM? f**k no. equality over equity. this is casual game, not competitive one.

marshals are just players who grind more. they can be totally shit and just by playing popular side of campaign in thousands of matches they will get marshal.

i leave if my team loses cap while i am building rally point. simply no point in staying in that kind of battle if my team cant keep one cap from enemy in 30 seconds. either my team is full of bots, or enemy is too strong or both. simply not enjoyable battle when you are just a moving target for enemy team cause your team cant support you and take some heat off you.

why? ranking is shit anyways. doesnt do anything. rewards are also shit. and would just encourage stacking for those who care about rank (and that would make game even more toxic).

wouldnt work cause people want choice. you can at best encourage this kind of behavior with extra rewards.

yes game needs another vehicle slot for f2p players. simply f2p players are currently in disadvantage when trying to counter certain vehicles depending on their choice of vehicle slot.

it would be good to have SEA server, but idk if you have population to keep it alive

engineers are single most important class for winning. rally points win the game.

that is an advantage.

only if you decide to invest in eco system. but how many other players are repulsed cause veteran is pounding them with end game gear that they know will not be able to see for months? i recon that for any 1 player that stays, 9 other go away cause of equipment imbalance.

git gud

it is random. you can end up playing against allies in tunisia or against soviets in berlin or soviets in moscow.
i hope they implement opt out feature for certain campaigns if player is willing to accept longer waiting times. also hope they will implement max BR rating for certain campaigns when deciding what map to play (asked question to devs, will see what happens).

also for rest of your questions… there are simply no campaigns. if you equip your squads with e.g. weapons rated 5, you can end up on any campaign map against opponents that is similarly rated as 5.

that was speculation from one helper and it was disproved in OP from dev. like i said i suggested solution for that and will need to see response.

for nth time it is impractical and almost impossible to implement unless you want to keep old MM going.

deciding on the map will actually not bring more restrictions to future MM. simply check BR of players/match and then decide map. IF (BR==9 or BR==10) map=berlin.map.create(). of course you would use switch for every scenario, but overall it doesnt complicate MM, nor does it need extra players.

this is correct. first creating lobby and deciding map after doesnt create restrictions on MM and it is a way to have some semblance of historical accuracy, but will not be perfect cause later war weapon can be weaker than early war weapons (e.g. M3 smg vs thompson).

you are wrong in this. you can match players first and when it is time to create match, depending on highest BR you can assign/create campaign/map. absolutely no restriction or more queue time.

actually current MM is more prone to sealclubbing than new. certainly old players can go play with new, but new players wont be as defenseless when veteran players clubbed them with stg44 and tigers.

gonna wait news for this one

not realistic with current player population. maybe in distant future

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Here’s a question nobody has asked, will console players NOW be forced to play against PC for a single queue?

Also all this talk of custom mods means shit for console players as they can’t play custom matches.


just as i said in 100 posts after you :stuck_out_tongue: had to post reply without reading this cause it got really long. that is what happens when there is 200+ posts in one morning

not really that hard to implement. just implement one switch that checks different BR conditions when creating map.

only if you play in middle of the night when there are no other players on your server… and like i said before is there really any difference between newbie against veteran in any campaign vs player equipped for moscow against player equipped for berlin? what makes pz2 vs is2 any more different than pz2 vs t34? one happens every match in old queue and other can only happen when there are absolutely no players on server (would be smarter to just switch server at that point).

there are more mid and early war player than late war players. only minority grinded all campaigns.

people on forum are always loud minority. majority just simply doesnt care. ffs there are tens (if not hundred) of thousands of players, but see how many of them are on forum complaining about this update?


people sticked with meta cause it was disadvantage not to be playing meta if you wanted win. if enemy brings best guns into game, you must also bring best guns into the game cause you dont know if you will be matched with or against veterans with meta build, or newbies with bolties.
now that this pressure doesnt exist, people can play any weapon they enjoy.

lol. this point is ridiculous.

fronts(specially divided in early, mid, late) are same as current campaigns with inflexible MM. you would still get historical inaccuracies. it is like combination of worst things from both current and new system.

not really needed. you will be mostly playing that soldier with stg44 and that is your main killing potential. i would argue that bots are even more deadly with bolts than with stg44, so 12stg44+6kar98k may be even in advantage :smiley:

I understand it now, but I still have two more questions:

  • Will Pacific Allies have access to Normandy equipment after update?
  • What am I grinding for: the tank/plane/weapon or squad (or both?)?

Thank you.

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I think the armies and “campaigns” should still be kept separate, however the mm queue and logistics should be combined for the army selected.

Logistics tab is for your army selected, when you buy any troop/gun/equipment the screen that pops up that asks how many should also ask what campaign you want said item to go to. I buy 5 troops and send them to Moscow, I buy 3 guns in same log screen and send to Tunis, etc.

MM queue works as the devs plan with equipment and vehicles putting your with low/mid/high players and when you load up you have your army for that campaign, HOWEVER if enough players aren’t found then bot squads should continue to fill the lobby and there shouldn’t be any mixing. If everyone uses high gear then, yeah sweat game, but it stays there, and if there aren’t much sweats then bots can give meatgrind. Mids are mids. Finally with lows they get their chill matches and bots if not enough, so more chill matches :+1:t3:

They can get the new unlock system and still keep the armies separate and games semi-authentic/immersive as they are. Say I unlock mp40 and it comes with squad for Moscow, I get that squad for that army and mp40 unlocks for all campaigns so I can go to log tab and send to Berlin but I still got the new squad for Moscow., etc.

Think of it like how transfer weapons works now, can’t transfer all guns to any campaign, so now Stg44 in Tunis. Premiums can still be added as before, armies stay and act as presets, mm and unlocks get rework, payed squad slots stay, etc. With this everything is the same for the most part, but unlocks and mm can be balanced their way, thank you :call_me_hand:t3:


This is just an assumption made in the reply, you may only have 1 STG44 + 9 bolt action rifles vs 10 STG44.

You can replace this proposition scene with AVS Fedorov or whatever you want

Don’t argue with everything if you already know what I mean.

I’m just asking for functionality in custom mode, the feature won’t affect to you

I’d love so tbh, but I’m not convinced. You saw how Keofox answered quickly those who asked “what will happen to all Stalingrad bonuses we paid for?”

Keo “you already had your bonuses”…

I wouldn’t be surprised they use the same crass excuses for slots and cosmetics.

Like you posted somewhere:
“You will have nothing and be happy about it.”

Already am. Pointing out using starter equipment will be as effective as end game equipment, they will have identical effects, use, and most importantly fun factor thus nullifying incentives to grind, simply that.

Using next unlocked stuff will be pointless other than to satisfy curiosity.

Gameplay will remain identical. every. Match.

So not really a git gud or skill issue. Just something boring.

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Yes, they will have access to this equipment, because it will be just in Allies(USA) tech tree.

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oh no, time to suffer m2 carbine, jumbo and p47 spam as a high level pacific player :sob:

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I definitely agree this is an issue, and its only made worse by devs messing around with capture speed. Capture speed needs to be uniform by default and only affected by how many soldiers are on the objective.

Also a very good point. As ranking doesn’t really have any good rewards past a certain point, players have no penalty due to leaving. Heftier penalties are needed. Personally, I play through even if its a map I don’t like, or a team, or a mode etc. I play through because it would otherwise be unfair to the others. Unfortunately, most players don’t care about anyone but themselves, leading them to abandon games a lot.

This is a matter of balancing that needs to definitely be addressed. Personally, I like to play support, and when you actually have time to set up fortifications, they have the potential to make a difference (sometimes). Unfortunately, far too much emphasis and focus is put on running in and dying just to do it again. Its pretty clear when you look at engineer scores.


ok but what if i want to use my low tier tank in a high tier battle ? I usually roll with the puma, a starter tank on normandy, even tho i already have a 2 pz4 unlocked. how do i do that ? do i just equip my squad with a high tier weapon and queue it with my puma ?


Good solution.

The minority accepting all as it is right now (see? I can say that too, uhuhuh) would remain happy with the generic arcade mode, while the rest could be in official made servers, MADE BY DEVS, that would allow 100% xp gain and ignore either this wt br thing, or campaign melting pot… or all the issues ppl dislike here.

It used to be like this in ALL fps games years ago. Worked well. Everyone was happy. None was forced to play things they didn’t like.

Devs hinted changes for custom. Just give us 100% xp and persistent official servers. Everyone will be happy. A portion of players will stop using generic arcade mode, the rest will keep using it.


not really… some people are better with bolties, some with full autos. you can have something unique with new MM. i found old system rather boring. old equipment was hardly used and most of the mid level equipment was just transitory cause if you want to win you need to use meta builds.

new system will give me actual way to use old vehicles. i want to play stuart, or regular sherman without being afraid of being ineffective against panther/tiger. i can experiment with old rifles without worrying that they will be obsolete with next unlock. and that is something that current system really discouraged.