Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

Ok, here’s a genuine question since the devs like forgetting about Tunisia, probably with everyone else now, but wtf are they going to do with motorcycle squads? Will we see them in Normandy now? And German motorcycles with no Soviet counter

Ofc they have, but as said I doubt they would shoot themself on leg financially.

I did play HNG quite some time, so im awfully familiar with journeys of reto moto.

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  1. People unhappy with matchmaking are more likely to make threads about it. If you are content with the status quo of historical accuracy, you probably would create a forum post about it? So the ratio itself tells you nothing.

  2. It also says nothing about the perceived relative importance between the two.

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yeah, and if they stick to their plans they should also skip talking about campaings. It will be super confusing for ppl.

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One subject has alot more topics regarding it than the other.
But sure, we dont know so we’re back at what keo said HA ppl being minority.

Well both are quite relevant to subject of new roadmap.


Most likely yes.
As medics too.
And probably more vehicles for riders.

T-26 in Berlin source where?

My friend call them maps, keofox stick call them campaign for whatever reason but now campaign are a map were you play


So that means they are adding Japanese and Soviet motorcycles this update? Or will we have to wait a long time dealing with this being one-sided?

On same place that wasn’t.

Google and you will find it. Kinda easy search.

Well both are quite relevant to subject of new roadmap.

That’s true, but just as an example: i think i might also have written a comment of maybe even a post about match making. But still I wouldn’t be down to improve it at the proposed price :wink:

One subject has alot more topics regarding it than the other.
But sure, we dont know so we’re back at what keo said HA ppl being minority.

Which gets us to the beginning of the loop. Anyways, the devs can do what they want and think is best. The rest of us can just offer advice and deal with the outcomes in our own ways

Nonetheless thanks for the respectful chat.

There is no way for us to know. That we either suggest or wait

And said squads are only in Tunisia. For Germans and alies side.

Probably who knows, but ive waited for the proper MM for years. Sure I wasnt expecting it in this way but apparently its coming.

I know, but the update will remove campaigns. So they will be based off nation. Meaning any campaign with US or Germans will have them. Pacific and Normandy for the US. Moscow, Stalingrad, Berlin, and Normandy for Germans

Google who “burden on proof” is on.

So, T-26 in Berlin?

As “Google it” as search for it. And you will find it.

Maybe, don’t look at the soviets

Just maybe you will be able.

I wasnt expecting MM to come in announced way either.

Which unfortunately have been seen quite many times in past already.

Mostly regarding unbalanced equipment.

thanks as well.

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Once again, you claimed it, you come up with the source.

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We (group of people on discord) still trying to understand some… Stuff.

Like white phosphorus for German and non for soviets.