Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

Because the BR is max weight

If you equip one single fedorov and the rest mosin+t60 you find the tiger as opponent Because the fedorov be a endgame gun let you play with endgame player

In short

The equipment BR you have=the opponent you find


I was one of the clown using bolt actions, and end smgs, and mixed stuff.

I kept using stuart and Chaffee anyway. But it’s true I’m sad they have nerfed speed, and flanking in maps is hard due to grey zone…

I loved MIXED arms. New system will discourage my play style and force me into using all equipment of the same BR bracket.

If I don’t it will be a chore vs sweatlords and I’ll be an handicap to the team.

That’s how I played.

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Also a very good point. As ranking doesn’t really have any good rewards past a certain point, players have no penalty due to leaving. Heftier penalties are needed. Personally, I play through even if its a map I don’t like, or a team, or a mode etc. I play through because it would otherwise be unfair to the others. Unfortunately, most players don’t care about anyone but themselves, leading them to abandon games a lot.

Fuck no, what is your problem? If the devs go into a direction where player choice is in terms of maps is significantly reduced, it’s a conscious design choice then just trying to force players to play things they don’t like via punishment is really dumb.

Beatings will continue until fun improves, i guess?

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Especially it will downgrade light tanks. Man, even HnG made it better.

Yeah Its unfair that people wanna play sth. they wanna play.

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  • You can use the M1A1 or M3A1 instead of the drum thompson
  • Garand instead of m2 carabine
  • Bar1918 instead of the other Bar
  • And the rest boltie and the m24 chafee

You find early and mid player not sweetlord because your Br is to low

Wen the update drop my new squad composition become more historical and towards boltie common smg withaut disdain to use some med weapon or veichle just for raise a bit the BR and get a more wider match selection

The sweetlord can keep the stg44,fedorov,rpd,drum smg and the rest, i can wait the cold war expansion for them

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You can combine and merge our premium slots and give chance us to add tiger 2 pz f2 and tiger 1 and then we will be able to play moscow berlin normandy stalingrad and tunisia for example

this is exactly my take. if i want sweaty matches i will take stg44, ppsh, fedorov, p47 or tiger 2. if i want slower pace matches i will equip my team with kar98k and puma or pz2. and if i want to have some mix i can take some lower rated smg without having to sweat against end game equipment. idk what is the peoples obsession to match stg44 with kar98k, when for most of the war it was more likely that they came equipped with mp40.

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Everyone thinks that this isn’t going to do what War Thunder does; they will see that this is the beginning of War Thunder grind in Enlisted. By combining the campaigns, the progressions, and weapons together by battle rating (because notice how some late war starters are as weak as some early war starters), what we will eventually see is Abrams in Moscow. They are going to repeat all the mistakes War Thunder has made with its own battle rating system. The grind is going to be so much worse and identical to War Thunder once enough content is added (for the sake of adding content). Campaigns as we have it now will become a very good memory for the sad future awaiting Enlisted.


this is wrong. equipment based MM has nothing to do with skill. you will have same shitty players with best equipment as well with worst equipment. and equipment based MM was needed cause we just had sealclub fest where veterans with their end game equipment killed will in new players to actually stick to the game. one of the favorite past times for axis players on normandy on d-day and ver-su-mer is to kill enemy stuarts, scotts and shermans with their tigers and panthers without those player being able to do anything to you.
SBMM would only match good players vs good players and bad players vs bad players and with equipment based MM you will get mix of everything every match with every BR.

it is exactly the opposite. with current MM you were forced to equip competitively every time cause you didnt know what to expect in a match. but with equipment based MM you can easily equip e.g. 3 squad of kar98k soldiers with pz2 or puma. or do some mix of mosins, svt 38 and ppd. or go full sweaty with tiger 2 and stg 44.
advantage of this MM is that you will always know what to expect from your enemies and you can play non meta builds.

japan will never see jumbo or sherman cause they have too low level equipment. if they have equipment that is mostly 1-3 or 1-4, they cant see MM that is 5-10 BR.

people already mentioned that. think it is best compromise for some historical accuracy.

i think the plan is to have multiple minor nations participating in battle with their axis/allies counterpart, but that plan is far future. they are probably merging italy into axis for ease of tunisia campaign. they will probably redesign it at later date.

Hi Keo,

what I mostly dislike about the suggestion is that the campaigns are dissolved. While I understand that the campaigns divide the playerbase, I still love them above all. Every Campaign has a different feel, a different atmosphere. It’s like playing a completely different version of the game. And most importantly you always know what to expect from each campaign and you can always pick any of them by a single mouse click.

This wont be possible in the new system, sure you can tweak some gear to get the desired effect, but you will never be sure that your will get what you wanted and most importantly you will need to mess around with the loadout of you entier lineup. Which is nothing anyone would want to do multiple times a day.
(Here please take note, if you make the update as proposed give us a way to make alternative loadouts for a squad, which we can easily swap. This is incredibly important)

So please dont remove the campaigns, for me they are one of the gratest unique selling point of the game. If you remove them the game will be not the same anymore. Many people will have to reevaluate, whether they like this “new” game or not.

Best regards


Lol, so much of this is just left to the imagination. I have found that when things are left to the imagination you are setting yourself up for total disappointment. The devs are not going to make a fool proof system, quite the contrary. What we will probably see is German equipment in the Pacific as yet a new “compromise” or “sacrifice” on history. The devs really have dug themselves into a hole, it is a total mess that is going to require more and more of these so called “sacrifices” until you have Japanese and Italians fighting Soviets in Berlin. It’s going to be just like War Thunder arcade mode, and content will continue to be dropped into the game cause why not.


I see that this update would increase player counts so, will we see the return hardcore mode?

I think to fix a bit of the “historical” problems everyone is bringing up, make it just western front eastern, north Africa, kinda like Pacific just my thought

and please tell me how will that fix historical mess? there would still be tiger 2 on eastern front and it could spawn in moscow or in berlin. or are you suggesting separate campaign queues that they want to get rid of cause you will be splitting playerbase even more every time they add campaign. or maybe having early, mid, late war fronts? but that still wouldnt fix historical accuracy cause of overlap e.g. invasion of france is early war, but so is pz 4 F1 that was made almost year after france fell. and there are numerous examples like that.

Not really.

If I want to use a drum tommy?

I better use Johnson, m2, and best usa tank, because I know my opponents will automatically use

Stg44, fg42II, king tiger or tiger, mg45.

I cannot use chaffee AND a drum tommy, or vice versa.

Devs stated multiple times that your BR will reflect your one single highest br piece.

So it will be in our interest to use similar br equipment all around, and not deviate from it.

It’s why I want multiple persistent “custom” servers. Because I have no interest in generic fps with identical mirror tools, all matches, in random maps without any sense of identity or flair.

Some might like this new upcoming generic and completely bland WT like gameplay, and I respect that, but I myself stopped playing WT for some reasons.


Costum game

Read, my friend:


And the costum server is what you get, not because keofox promised it but because already 5 helper assured us that costum game are gonna be reworked with the update

That’s the thing.

I don’t really trust them, and I’ll believe it when I see it.

I don’t want just custom games. I want PERSISTENT SERVERS, always open, MADE by DF, and thus official. That gives exact same benefits to progression than the regular, very bland, war thunder mode that will be the norm.

Unless they offer us this, Enlisted will lose a lot of what made it stand out from other fps.

It will just be copy paste war thunder mode, using squads instead of just tanks.