Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

Enlisted also has some kind of historical accuracy thou. If that weren’t the case you would have Tigers in Moscow, FG-42s in Stalingrad, Sherman Jumbos in the Pacific and so on. Literally never seen anyone on the forums wanting or referring to Enlisted as a mil-sim or close to HLL and Post Scriptum, lol.


No, but if queue times are getting longer (they are for me), there’s not much else that can cause that

And that formula isn’t working

aware. wasn’t my intention .

Well I have seen plenty of whales that are dedicated players for years and they spend money quite often in the game. Not like new players that ain’t interested and just play the game once and then quit. New Enlisted won’t fix that either.

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Today there are a total of 36 queues (6 campaigns, 2 sides x 3 servers).

DF new MM-system.

4 different main queues (“Axis”, Soviet, “US” and JPN)

x 3 servers.

That’s 12 queues in total.

But If you introduce a Standard/Rank option you will divide the player base in two.

12 queues in Standard mode

12 queues in Rank mode

That’s now 24 queues in total.

And I have’nt even accounted for all the soft queues within these main queues that the system has to calculate to make a match (probably at least 3).


Ummm, not trying to be sarcastic but… Tigers in Moscow are a thing to be now :see_no_evil: and when I mentioned HLL or P.S, it was because they’re crying about all these inaccuracies but they tend to forget the other ones… Even if we have accurate stuff in-game

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Fun fact: Hell Let Loose also has Tigers and Panthers in Stalingrad.

It’s not historically accurate either, because it prioritizes gameplay over historical accuracy.


I’d quit too once I realized the grind was insane and campaigns were lop-sided

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quick math.

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Hmm Interesting enough the only thing that really says this comes from Fox and its 0815 “trust our data” and at the same time the small minority was important enough for them to have meetings concerning them.
But yeah, if the data say it, its fine I guess. I mean is there any reason not trusting them?


agreed. matchmaking won’t even solve the issues people have with ’ bad teammates’, there will still be curve stomps all the time :slight_smile:


Sure it does but I didn’t say I like HLL or prefer Enlisted to be like HLL. That game is cancerous because it’s TOO realistic, in terms of gameplay, lol

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Happily optimistic, Although I enjoy the historical accuracy, I do like the sound of fuller lobbies and not unlocking the mp40 for the 5th time in a row


Aaaand, that’s the thing, there are no examples of perfect historic videogames, even if I made this mistake, they need to add some things that aren’t quite right, in order to have a better gameplay/ playerbase/ anything.


You did, in fairness, already point out it being a burden in your cons, but how many damn loadouts will we need to make to cover the hundreds of thousands of possibilities and combinations possible?

Like… at the very least I need a Normandy American, Berlin German, Berlin Soviets, Tunisia Allied, Pacific Japanese - for top-tier loadouts.
I’ll need a Moscow Germany, Stalingrad Germany, Moscow Soviets, Stalingrad Soviets, And a Tunisia Axis - for lower-tier loadouts.
Then I’m going to need to double the Moscow ones as there is both winter and autumn variants of the maps…

That’s like a minimum of 12 loadouts needed. Of somewhere between 4-10 squads each. Of up to 9 soldiers each. You’re looking at needing to micro-manage and equip over a thousand soldiers.
At around 20 Soldier Customisation Orders per soldier (~20,000 Customisation Orders)
Plus the upgrade costs / experience needed for each one to level up…

And we haven’t even got to weapon and vehicle combinations and issues yet increasing total numbers of loadouts.

Basically, by implementing your method of merging campaigns, instead of slaving away our lives to get new weapons and equipment (which at least change your gameplay when unlocked), instead we just slave away our lives to upgrade and equip hundreds more soldiers (which have no impact on anything as you’re still getting the same amount in your one loadout you use). Woop. Upgrades, people, upgrades.

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So how are you going to balance Stalingrad full access unlocks? T-34 is tier 1 tank/1star so you will be able to play against PZ3B/C/E they have barely 20mm/37mm cannons and pitiful armors, Puma is also tier 1 and can’t pen t-34
While Axis Stalingrad ( full access) has PZ3N with Heat it would be tier 1/1 star and can go against m5a1, m8 scott, t-26, t-60. Ofc those Stalingrad vehicles could fight each other but not that many people own that pass you will be mostly going against new players. if you are going to change their tier to higer then it’s fine but don’t remove my heat from PZ3N it’s only good thing about that tank.

You already manage the equiptment of all your various squads in different campaigns.

And you wouldn’t have 2 seperate Assaulter II loadouts for Moscow just because some moscow maps are less snowy than others.

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Scam. Will mean nothing. Deal with it.
Now consume next product.


Also don’t forget that that game’s playerbase hasn’t grown in years and the majority of the people left are all veterans that shit on all the new players, lol