Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

They obviously aren’t going to balance based on campaign levels.
They want to get rid of campaigns, not keep them

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They had boost during Stalingrad and Pacific release. Question is how many are still playing to this day, i don’t see Pacific Allied to be populated at all it’s mostly bots, same with Normandy Allies.

Pacific is the worst front in the game right now and this new update will screw that campaign even more sadly

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thats exactly like it is right now, how do you even manage to do it?
i apologize for microagression

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You already manage the equipment of all your various squads in different campaigns.

Not of 100 sets of 9 soldiers you don’t. You do 12. I already reached 12 potential loadouts just by going off of the maps and factions, not even deep-diving in to the hundreds of thousands of weapon and equipment possibilities your idea presents.

For instance, low-tier gun, low-tier tank, high-tier plane. New loadout needed for that.
Low-tier gun, high-tier tank, low-tier plane. New loadout needed for that.
High-tier gun, low-tier tank, low-tier plane. New loadout needed for that.
That’s now 3 loadouts needed for each team, in each campaign. That brings our number up to 18 loadouts needed, or 16 if you don’t double Moscow. Now up to almost 1500 soldiers.

And you wouldn’t have 2 separate Assaulter II loadouts for Moscow just because some moscow maps are less snowy than others.

So what’s the point of uniform checks if environmental changes aren’t an issue? No difference between Berlin and Moscow except Berlin has more buildings.

And I didn’t even think about different Unit levels. Is an Assaulter I with an STG good to join Moscow because he’s a lower Assaulter? Is an Assaulter II with a bolt-action okay to join Normandy as a low-tier?
So many unanswered questions and checks needed with this system.


Addendum: Not saying there isn’t still questions with Keofox’s plan.

Just saying no one has offered something definitively “better”.

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My system has nothing to do with tiering weapons? There is no high power tier weapon, low power tier weapon, etc? Certain equiptment is just not allowed in certain campaigns because it wasn’t used. (You are already not allowed to bring Jumbo to Pacific).

Currently there are 5 German campaigns. You would have 5 seperate loadouts for your Assaulter II squad. You want to use STG? You can use it in your Berlin or Normandy loadout. But you will have to use something else for your Moscow loadout. You queue a match, you get a random map, and the game will select which ever loadout corresponds.

I don’t propose any kind of soldier tier level restriction, like oh this is STG, too powerful for Assaulter I squad. No, if you want to run STG in your Assaulter I loadout for Normandy, then go for it. Use it in all three of your Assaulter squads for Normandy if you want.

I never said Assaulter I squads should be restricted to early campaigns, if darkflow said this is how things will work then I missed it.


If they are going to merge all those Hanses into single Super Hans then say good bye to your loadouts you will have to manually change all soldiers all the time which would be not worth you’d have easier time making alt accs with different loadouts per era…

Shermans were used in Pacific way more frequent than crappy Stuarts and yet you can’t play with them. You know why? Because Japan doesn’t have anything to counter them. I hope they going to model and add some experimental japanese tanks to the game to fight against Sherman and then later Jumbo.

@1942786 I have invested in this game heavily, what I understand is you need a way to combine the pool of players, I have major concerns.

I don’t want to play full players matches all the time, this game is fun and I don’t want to sweat constantly when I play…

I will miss our own choice of map in the proposed update I like Tunisia as I’m end game, I usually chose the side with less players, to help out.

As for beginner low level vehicles, I use them although I’m max level, because it’s fun, because it’s more maneuverable.

Now there will be a squad meta, axis will be a combination of the best stuff in game, this will just be KT, IS2, STG squads with no choice.

Why cant you add campaign specific loadouts, like we have now? But let it vary based on time period.

I love enlisted, but if you nullify my premiums, or you remove my freedom of choice , I will just leave and no more income will be coming in from me, sorry!

I’m surprised that you are accepting a lack of historical accuracy is acceptable, this game was based on that, give us custom load outs please.


You know they could’ve just kept campaigns but have the rotation have every campaign available like some of those events we had in the past so it makes sure all players are in the same pool

It was talked a lot here and keo gave a very good straight answer, it will be harder for MM to work, because every restriction is making MM worse and longer to find a session.
And about custom loadouts: Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes - #309 by 114488837

I think the update is going to be great for the game, but I have a concern and a question about the update.

I am concerned about the readability of my weapons matchmaking. I want to be able to choose what “battle rating” I play at without accidently putting a ppsh drum mag with my bt-7 and accidently queuing against a tiger 2. I want the rating that influences who I que against to be clear.

My question is based on how I think the matchmaking is going to work. I might be mistaken about how it works internally, but I think it is going to work by selecting players from both factions at similar power levels of equipment, and then selecting the map. Would it be possible to choose the map based on the power level of the equipment selected? This would for the most part keep the tiger 2 out of Moscow, and the bt-7 out of berlin, but not things that are more closely rated like the kv-2 in Moscow, or the panzer 2 in Stalingrad. Why are you not planning to do this, or are you planning on doing exactly that?

What about doing both: making an arcade mode with your new system and an historically accurate realistic mode?

Very few people actually cares about custom made lobbies

I wouldnt care about whether it was Moscow, Berlin or Stalingrad if I knew my equipment was realistic in that map… it could easily just pick and chose randomly, if you allow jumbos on Pacific or KT in Moscow, your cash cow (me) is outta here, sorry, I really think it’s the worst move you can make, I regularly buy premiums each month, mainly vehicles, but why would I use i-16 when I have la7 in Berlin.

This is a BIG mistake, don’t think people won’t leave…


because they trying to fix queue system and player fragmentation and the more options you place in them the issue will keep as now.

we currently dont (the masses) because it doesnt offer much…

i do play customs prety much everyday tho.


Well I don’t actually see the problems with player numbers, I always find very quickly a match



You can’t see jumbo vs japanese tanks because of very big tier diff, japanese tanks simply can’t pen it. About KT under Moscow, you will see it not everytime and it’s still diverse thing, more diversity is good.

Yes any solution that allows players to split queues based on anything other than Faction is not really a solution.

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