Let’s Discuss the Meta Changes

I know translation issues are a thing, but Keofox literally cleared 90% of this shit up (at least I understood it) and people are still asking questions about it.

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Yeah because there are people that payed real money to customize their squads and don’t want to lose the stuff they payed for


But that’s not really an argument for the discussion.

Again if you only cared about MM efficiency and abhorred restrictions to it, you would have done that.

In the end i guess there’s not much point to discuss. You guys will do whatever and we will then react to that however. I just find the “it will make our vastly improved MM slightly worse” to be a bit of a meh argument, especially if I personally am fine with longer wait time if I am OK with that for myself.

More people than you are playing the game

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That does bring up a question for me, will the tech tree be like in War Thunder, where you have to unlock more than one thing before accessing the new level? Or will it be like people are saying, main vehicles and forget about guns or planes?

If I don’t play the game, will the match making be slower or faster?


Game will automatically choose a authentic customization presets for a diff company that you can manually change later(it was said in the news)


The tech tree is excellent. Many people have been asking for it for a long time, because it is ridiculous to grind the same weapon 3-4-5 times. I think this in itself would make him a significant player, if he didn’t see that his life would cost him by the time he reached the end of a campaign. Most of your players are not time millionaires.
But the rest. Equipment MM. It sounds simple at first…
But this can also be screwed up at the beginning. If you do the same thing here, you set the levels as in the current system. Instant fall.
If you think again that an MP40 is the same as the ppd 34/38 with 71 cartridges, or the ppsh41 with the beretta with 20/40 cartridges, then there will be chaos, not balance. Very big chaos. And these are just two of the countless similar ones.
You say that there will be more balanced battles and that it is worth sacrificing a lot. This is only partly true. Equipment will be more balanced. Battles don’t. The balance of the battles will be decided by the ratio of good/bad players between the two teams. In such a “small number of players” game, it is exponentially true. We don’t play 32vs32 where 1-2 people are not necessarily enough to decide the match. Here yes. How many times have you seen a player excel, even with worse equipment, and even decide a match?
I think many people here on the forum have produced or seen something similar. Not even once. Especially if I bring up the “squad problem”. From the player’s point of view, nothing will change compared to the current system. Except for the “worthy opponent” feeling, right? What is called ranked elsewhere, only here from the equipment side.
In other words, the mere mortal player (who are in a massive minority here, I think, because most of them have never come to the forum in their life) cannot feel that they are progressing with their new equipment, because “worthy opponents are always coming”. If mix the players (in terms of equipment), example there is an upper layer (for example 2 players), a middle layer (3 players) and a lower layer (5 players), then this would be less true, because the player might feel that he gets a bit ahead in the battles with his new tools. Of course, lower players don’t have to “save the world”, just like, for example, tier 8 shouldn’t shoot a tier 10 vehicle in Wot. But they have their place.
Criteria. Yes, several criteria complicate the operation of MM. At 1,000 people, the math works out. And at 10 thousand? We don’t know the player numbers because you didn’t tell us that. I hope the 1000 was just an example, because if not, the problem is bigger than most people think. Of course, it can differ drastically from region to region, but if there is an axis player base of say 10,000, is that really the maximum that can be achieved in a 10vs10 mode to see if their equipment matches? This mainly applies to vehicles, since 80% of handguns are present in every campaign.
Couldn’t the MM watch so that a tiger doesn’t end up on the Moscow map? Because here, from now on, you should only pay attention to the “sets” of the map, so that this equipment cannot be placed here, but it can be placed here. “Does he have a tiger among his tools? Okay, then he can go to Stalingrad ( theoretically ) , he can go to Normandy, he can go to Berlin”. This is not such a criterion. Of course, it gets complicated if you also have stg44. Then there were 2 left. But I accept if you say this is unsolvable with the current stock.
Finally, this is the nature of revelation. In a word, I haven’t read anywhere from you on this topic where you would say, ok, we made this up, TEST IT. Not everyone, of course, select enough of your very skilled, active players to test them. Instead, I feel that you are waiting for the feedback, which is wise, the developers will figure something out of it, and then it can go live, we’ll see what happens, and then we’ll change it in live if it’s messed up. It might work, but I think it’s risky. But it’s your game, you do what you want. No one will be questioned about the forum, and the “snail publisher” will be if the thing still doesn’t work. It is worth listening to the players, but the games often come and go for them.

No this is not what I was talking about at all, I wasn’t thinking anywhere near 72 queues lol, more like under 12 (1/3 of what we currently have now) if we simply assume a few playable nations and 3 servers but I can’t really give precise numbers as we don’t know how many different distinctions of BR there will be (unless I’ve missed it somewhere?) so everyone queueing doesn’t get split into “low”, “middle” and “high” or maybe other categories?

Except more players will fill your place due to the improved game

Possible, but not a guaranteed outcome. Anyway, in my humble experience the best way to grow a product is to not go out of your way to alienate existing users because that has a guaranteed negative outcome if growth is your metric.

But whatever, we’ll see how this all plays out. Nobody knows the details anyway.


I completely dislike this new setup of combining the map pool because I will be forced to play what I think are the worst maps in the game. This issue will not only apply to me but also to the entire playerbase. I have specifically chosen to avoid certain campaigns because I do not like their maps or I do not like their factions, I have chosen to play specific campaigns because of the maps and the factions. By virtue of combining all the maps, you are essentially forcing a very large portion of the playerbase to play the maps they do not want to play. This is very similar to the current setup in War Thunder where many players are forced to play maps they do not want to play. Now when I will receive a map I do not want to play, I will press escape key and leave the game, and requeue for another match. If I am forced to play that match only, I will simply leave the game and not even play.

By combining the equipment pool, you are setting a very bad precedent that War Thunder has set for its playerbase. Players who choose to stay in low ranks to capture the aesthetic of the Early War will always find themselves outmatched and will essentially be punished for choosing to handicap themselves into early period weaponry. This sets the precedent that the only place where you will not find yourself handicapped is the very top rank which would be the Berlin-Normandy campaign. So there is actually bad incentive for one to stay in early war because they will always be punished by encountering players who have better vehicles UNLESS they are only queuing with the best lineup.

Developers, I think these two reasons alone are enough to completely wipeout your dedicated playerbase, and should not be implemented.


No, not guaranteed, but likely.

Unless you take into consideration that the game is designed to alienate new players. Fixing those issues will draw in new players, so the loss of older players will not hit as hard.
Catering to your veterans is useless if your game isn’t gaining and retaining players

Well, to me, it was.

Played Moscow in my pz2 vs t28. Back then pz2 was worse than now.

It was fun because it was a surprise. Everytime, I stayed on my toes, I never knew what Id face! I learnt to tank well this way too. Used cover when my enemy was bigger.

Something you in your Stuart, will never learn.

I then used different tactics to take down more dangerous opponents. Stealth. Flanking. Ambush. Mines. Tnt.

With this update all of this will be unnecessary and disappear, as we will always face identical things no matter what.

You guys want things easy, I get it I do. It’s what you will get, too. It will also be the most repetitive ww2 fps also.


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Well, I don’t want to be rude or impolite, but in order to have a good playerbase there are some sacrifices to be done, and if you don’t like it… You should try Post Scriptum or HLL, where you have some kind of historical accuracy.
Enlisted is not historically accurate, not even in the beginning, where you can get FG-42 for regular soldiers, StG-44 for everyone and experimental weapons everywhere. Sorry, but if you wanted some kind of a WW2 mil-sim, Enlisted wasn’t meant for you.

And it’s not that I have something against you, it’s just that all the players that are complaining about these changes wanted realism (despite the fact that they promoted the game as realistic), but you couldn’t get it even in the very beginning of the game.

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you will still be able to do just that… you will face what you bring give or take. and sometimes a wild stronger opponent if no enough players to fill your queue.

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Overall I am a fan of the current historical approach, but I don’t mind too much the proposed new direction given some measures are taken. The one that comes to mind now is this: give all adequate camouflages to vehicles and a basic appropriate outfit to all soldiers (this last one is covered IIRC). Don’t go War Thunder route where you have to grind or pay for a desert camouflage for your tank when you are sent to fight in the desert, or white camo in the snow. Then you can let players select which camo they will use when they spawn the vehicle for the first time. Also take the opportunity to add desert skins to planes like the Beaufighter etc. and don’t let different plane skins be tied to gold order vehicles.
As I understood we won’t see, for example, soviets in north africa or in the pacific, which is good enough to me.
There could also be a bias when the server selects the map. Stalingrad and Berlin maps are very specific, so there should be a higher chance that when you get those maps you have the appropriate gear. This way it could be even more satisfying than what we have now, with a lot of asssault rifles (even if they existed at the time) worsening the experience in Moscow campaign.

I think that’s an overly dramatic characterization. None of us here know the growth numbers I guess. We don’t even know to which extent the changes are done in order to address issues with growth of player base vs. manageability of content and campaigns, which are not the same problem.

The veterans versus new players is potentially even more complex here, because not every new player is also potentially a paying customer - while I’d say that most veterans are. But I didn’t want to really drag this discussion so far, so if you wanna reply then you can have the last word.

No, I just want things balanced. There’s a difference.
I play Valorant, last thing that game is is easy

No, I will not, and you know it.

I know we both have different views on this new mm, but at least don’t disrespect me saying things like that.

“If not enough players fill your queue” is a whole different matter than the variety we used to have.

The community wants this? Fine, I will concede as the majority must win.

But don’t tell me matches will be as varied and surprising. It will always be restricted to a strict range, and everyone will try keeping as much meta equipment as possible, to face ppl they know will themselves.