ive been waiting for this gun for a long time and now im glad its here. The gun is quite large, recoils hard when not mounted which is very cool, dispersion is nearly non existent, has 20/80 ammo as standard, but there might be some improvements to it id suggest
First of all its sound, in reality the Lahti had quite scary and lousy sound to it when firing, current model in enlisted (even though it has unique sound that no gun actually has in game) reminds me more of a popcorn popping than MG firing, that should be changed
Secondly, Lahti could fire at 550 rpm, current gun has 500 which is plenty but +50 would help it a lil bit with that recoil without making it STG laserbeam, ive instantly gave it to soldier who had vertical recoil perk until ive found out that horizontal recoil is so high that i should swap for horizontal perk, which i did, and now the gun climbs to the Thor himself
here is some footage of real gun and some ingame photos
It is a cool looking LMG.
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Is it any good? If it only has 20 bullets per mag like BAR, or the Czech lmg, but kicks like a mule, is it worth it performance wise?
If it has no dispersion like you say, I’d be tempted.
Is an mg joe always they have dispersion and movement dispersion penality, here the question is how much the gun is penalized by them
Like a bar?
Like a mg42?
I don’t fire lmgs while moving, ever, so it’s not a problem to me.
But @111635432 mentioned it has very low dispersion, meaning it could be an accurate piece. If it is (accurate) I might be tempted in getting it.
Whish devs would stop being lazy and implement tryouts of gold weapons before buying.
its one of those guns where you really want to switch between semi auto on long range and full auto on CQC, some burst firing helps, but gun climbs quickly, id compare it to BAR, with slower ROF than BAR, the magazine lasts a bit longer imo, reload time is ok, when you mount it, then it has really no drawbacks in comparison to ZB-26 except rof, then they are both good, but that will change when you shoot while standing
ZB26 has different type of recoil than Lahti, its significantly higher ROF plays in its favor greatly
but Lahti feels somehow different
BAR feels to me like an assault rifle in this game
Lahti doesnt feel like an assault rifle, more like Madsen 
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i might add that In moscow where i have MG 30, MG13, ZB 26, Lahti is slowest and has also wild recoil… you might clearly see that it is not a bargain of a century … but is by no means a bad gun, it is different than those above, its just not OP laserbeam , it has bit different character than others which is what i wanted, ive longed for some Gold order Machine gun, especially from finland
Question is whether 20 round mag in full auto campaign is enough if we consider future campaign merge ? i think not, many guys switch to MG34 anyway but hey there are tons of SMGs for full auto fiesta
i ve stopped using MG squad in moscow long time ago and this gun might bring it back for me and mainly because of that PERKELE feeling and fact that Lahti is capable even when its obvious downgrade from MG34,
It feels like playing with chauchat, yeah you know it isnt best gun in the world but so what , it can compete
im considering buying all 3, in moscow you can buy only 1 … i wanted to do the same with MKB 42 W but then MKB 42 H appeared
i mean G43 Kurz is one of the most wanted guns in game and i bought 2 at best, but i liked the idea where i received from event 3 Besal machine guns and put them all on british gunners in one squad, so one such in moscow would be nice , i dont know if we will ever get finnish faction cause if yes then hmmm

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In fact… in might not be a downgrade per say: it probably will have way lower br than mg34.
Meaning at it’s own br, it might be king!
Quite curious about what br will be assigned to each pieces.
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Hey I remember using that in BFV. Real underrated let me tell you, a good allrounder.
Have you tried it in Enlisted? I’m still on the fence about it (don’t have many orders). Trying to gather more opinions about it.
if you consider to get a slice of new battlepass guns then imo its the most interesting choice, soviet sniper renamed SVT ? eeeh no…
japanese BAR ? like if japanese didnt have enough of interesting LMGs and even if i would purchase all FN 1930 for japanese i could possibly get, it wont save me from M2 carbines and more BARs that are about to come for US , there will buffed SIG 1920 for that 
W.A.R ? i bought it, and since it is quite similar to BAR A2 without auto slow, its really very very similar to BAR in pretty much everything along with sound … except skin
it has different sights and looks like M1 Carbine on steroids … like if you would compare pikachu and raichu
and lahti has mosin nagant sights 
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I got the Belgian BAR for Japan. It’s really like the first USA BAR. Nothing too special about it except auto slow… but even while auto slow it kicks a lot. Would have preferred semi auto mode. Still nice, thought, probably not as good as sniper lmg, or recoiless type 96 lmg thought. But a good in between that is sexy looking.
As for the Soviet sniper, it is indeed a svt reskin, but it looks real pretty. Haven’t bought it tho.
The WAR looks like an absolute beast tho, better than BARa2 (stats wise)
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I really wanted this at first, its a cool unique weapon. Then when i thought about it, i rarely use mgs.
Maybe I will attach one to infantry squad at some point
How many BR levels do you think this game would have lol? More than 5 would be very sad.
WAR is nice collectible, but bit unnecessary since there are numerous BARs and B1916 but cool
what i think though is, that we are not going to see new gold order SMGs for some time
japanese got type1 for gold order for those who dont have acces premium pack
axis got BELTFED Cönders Smg with somewhat 1000 rof (what could be more bonkers and childish than this )
soviets got nearly 100 round drum shpitalnyi
idk what more powerful or lnteresting smg there could be
It’s what you guys wanted, so whatever the br scales and amount, you’ll take it and like it, because that’s what will be 
But I don’t hink they need to release more powerful smgs, with war thunder system: they could release new, obscure but LOW br ones that those wanting to play early war might like… 
It’s the only good thing I see about war thunder system: they can add new stuff that isn’t power creep.
(You don’t like type 96 lmg? It’s the lmg with least recoil in the game
More br scales there are and better is for mixed Br battle
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It’s what I believe too. Probably around 10 to 12…
Really like war thunder.
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I think they are 6 but with some intermedie br like 1.3/2.4 ecc…
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