They won’t have choice: some factions already have 6 different smg types only! Each will have different brs… then there will be things in-between.
Now counting factions like Germany, with early Moscow and Volks that scales up to Berlin with stg44 fg42II and king tiger… there will be A LOT of different br stuff.
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Germany have too many smg, but most of them are mp38/40 reskinned with some buff/nerf on rof so it probably gonna have a lot of intermedie br
They also have too many tanks, AND premium tanks, all of which will be different br, from pz2 aaaaall the way to KT
It´s alright. Not a must have but decent fun for sure. Similar to a BAR but a bit more recoil. It´s still an LMG at the end of day meaning you won´t hit anything unless you´re crouching or bipoding.
In terms of gold weapons you could do a lot worse though (The Hyde Model 35).
I love my hyde35… I don’t regret buying it, and still use it. I even still use my Pedersen device pistol rounds rifle…
I love very odd and bizzare weaponry, even if they’re not that effective 
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If it didn´t have that twin mag configuation but a fast reload it would be much better. As it stands now it´s a worse MP40/1 wich I take massive offense to because I really like that gun. Also that 8.2 damage don´t feel like 8.2 damage that´s for sure, unless they buffed it and I forget how much damage it did previously.
Used it just yesterday: it’s a solid 8.2 damage, I only need 2 or 3 rounds to down an enemy. 20 bullets is empty fast, though, and the mag switch is not really fast either…
Not the best. But it’s funny to use 
I Figure It will be available from the lowest tier (as it is a prewar machine gun). of course that is just speculation. I also figure Gold order weapons and vehicles will be at least .3 lower BR than tech tree equivalent to make them desirable but rare.
I too like rarer weaponry and grabbed a couple to attach to my low tier infantry rifle squads. as well as all the MKB 35s and a couple of other early war guns.