Just flank the Jumbo

To all the people who say “Just FlAnK ThE JumBO xDDDD”

This thing is so broken



all these shots and not the engine.

I was in a Sherman, the panzer was shooting from the left side completely perpendicular to the left side of the jumbo

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The tank damage models are in general broken and has nothing to do with the Jumbo. I shot a Pz III with 15 AP shells from 10m away in the side with a jumbo in the summer event before I ditched the trash gameplay in Normady again.

Safe to say, it did nothing. I was directly aiming at the ammo rack. The rounds kept “appearing” below the tank and ricocheting of it’s base in the damage preview window. Makes no sense what so ever.

The ping pong tank play in Normady is horrible IMO. Rest assured, I will be staying away from that campaign for the near future.


i thin that this was me in the panzer shooting that one?

I think so. you hit him a bazillion times. I recognize your name.

i only hit him four times but i only got him as no one was paying attention to me other then the whole 2 squads worth of TNT charges

well he survived 14 shots total lmao

aye kinda pissed at that game we were trying so hard to win and when we got oyu down to 600 tickets yall started hitting the balloons that yall had 1100

that was me LOL

i think that, that is unfair as hell

guess what i found out

you are adopted?

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the 716th german AT squad, real world counterpart, was armed with the mas-36

Did not know that. Gonna have to burn some bronze orders and get some more mas 36s.


it was a reserve Occupied force mainly made up of the old and conscripts

I was in that match, you were shooting a friendly tank
Come on man

me nar i only had my pz for the whole of 2 minutes as soon as i got the jumbo some dude got me with a TNT bundle

I’ve never come across a Jumbo I haven’t killed with a detpack tbh

the demo charge works better then any AT weapon

averange jumbo user seeing this photo:

" yOu arE bAD. yoU aRE ShOOtiNg aT tHe sIde WheN it’S aNgleD "

which for experience, you should never shoot there because it’s angled. get it?

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