Jumbo should not have appeared in the Pacific Campaign!

God, I really wonder if the creators have tested their balance?
The Jumbo was invincible in the Pacific Battle. No Japanese tank could compete with it. You could only rely on aircraft and infantry. This was so unfair!
Throw Jumbo to level V!


If it is reasonable for Jumbo to appear in the Pacific Theater
Then the Japanese Tiger tank should also be reasonable.
So let’s all abandon history and move towards complete magic, just like Battlefield 5


Tbh, they should make Japanese only to BR3. There’s no proper reason why they should have BR4.

Jumbo is okay on BR4 if you compare it to Germans.


Agree about Pacific but Jumbo struggles hard in Normandy against Tigers at BR5 it will be completely useless.


I hate the fact that type 4 is at t4. Also US will get p38 in t2 whilst japs cannot have anything close to that


tested? Are there still people who believe that Darkflow tests its updates?

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the panther is also br 4 like the jumbo firing m72

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wdm, clearly type4 - a garand (tier3) copy should be tier4

japan is already all bots with 2 queues lol, they dug themselves a grave by adding all flamethrowers to tier4 and forcing japan to be stretched to somehow reach that goal


MG port sniping at japan BR II
even german BR IV need to kill jumbo this way, so nothing to complain, and u also has 500kg to deal with anything.
The real despair is when the vehicle slots are all occupied by noobs.

So Japan has no complaints about getting Tiger tanks, and it’s not impossible to defeat them.


Then we have to open a whole new BR5 for japan.
That will make thing worse.

Yeah, but jumbos struggles against german BR4 tanks as well.
This cannot be said about Japanese tanks. All Japanese tanks are inferior to jumbos, that’s the fact.


Oh no, leave the Japanese Tiger tanks in BR4, it’s fine, the Americans have 1000lb, what’s the problem? Not invincible


depends on the tank, because panthers are lolpens on the jumbo while the pz4h has to mg port it or go overmatch the lower side

Japan BR2 tank can kill Jumbo front.
But US BR2 tank can’t do shit to Tiger.
And Tiger is BR5 even in German.

M4A1(76)W can easily penetrate Tiger tanks
What’s the problem?

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It doesn’t even need to be aimed at the MG machine gun
The difficulty is much lower than that of Japanese tanks targeting Jumbo

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nothing strange
M4A2(76)W in BR5
M4A1(76)W in BR4
We just need to give a slightly older version of the Tiger tank

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I thought maybe the Japanese military could be given some army planes to counter the likes of the P38 and P51
Such as ki-43, ki-84, ki-100
They haven’t added 800KG bombs to the Type 97 bomber yet, but the P51D5 has two damn 500LB bombs

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nothing, just between half-despair and full despair when +2 BR

Just to remind you, every aircraft in Japan can turn faster than P38, P51

All in all, I just don’t like the idea of ​​"they have meta, so we have to have a meta too"

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