Join the "Battle for Stalingrad"!

I am extremely disappointed that medic and radioman changes are not in other campaigns. Extremely, extremely disappointed. This design decision was foolish and cost you more than you gained. I’m shocked.

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Just wanted to mention, love the new gun sounds.
Will the premium flamethrower tank squads just be reskins of campaign tanks or completely unique to paid purchase?


  • ton of new maps
  • fast progress, almost fully upgraded weapons and troops
  • new mechanics
  • TWO cool (or should I say, hot!) Tanks
  • a nice way to bring equal balance for everyone…
  • 3 squad slots
    … All that… for 30$ ONLY???

I woke up, I saw it, I bought it. This is incredible.


THE MAXIM??? WHERE@?! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::scream:

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Is a special squad for wo bought the access this squad are the new “premium squad” you can use them only if you buy the access

Up in the main post in a destroyed bulding

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It’s beautiful.


Dont forget the 3 permanent squadslots that are alone 20-25€ in every other campain, if am not mistaken.


I’ve been dreaming of them adding my beloved Maxim for ages… and… and they are!!! I’m so happy…

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The best part is We have another time the united axis faction romanian are already confirmed

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@1942786 when is it going to be available for purchase on Xbox/psn ? I didn’t see it in the online store yet?

I know!

It’s rare but I only see great things for now. Maybe I’m blinded by the Maxims beauty.

But seriously, for 30$, I believe no one should complain, it’s really cheap compared to all the rest and drastically different from the warthunder mindset (choke ppl’s wallet life out of them)


I made the mistake of overreacting to news in the past.

Just wait until it comes out, then everyone can decide if it’s greed or not.

On paper, this doesn’t look terrible I don’t think.

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The muzzle smoke is too large, can you reduce the muzzle smoke a little, because this seriously affects the shooting experience, and you can only shoot the target by luck

i am surprised that the campagni is left f2p and only some things like the flamethrower tank are only available by buying the access this sure is not the snail standard i understand wy people are a bit suspicious

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Does make me wonder if there was a typo somewhere…


Anyway, this is the first money I’ve spent on this game outside of the Battle Pass or Premium, so we’ll see how it goes.


There are many questions about this. Let me clarify.

  • A player without full access, but with a premium account, swings in Stalingrad 2 times faster
  • Full access player - in 4x
  • Player with access and premium - 8x

Thanks for the answer and as a relatively new player (started with Normandy) I have to spare every silver/bronze order to upgrade and equip my soldiers there. As a result everytime I play Berlin/Moscow or tunesia I have to play with mostly unequipped and under strengh squads since I cant spare any orders to improve the squads of other campaigns.
Regardless I like the pricing on the new campaign and the new monetization looks promising. Is the pack the only preorder or can we expect more?

so i paid 50 euros for a year of premium why cant i get full access