Join the "Battle for Stalingrad"!

The new system of progression is very good, I will be able to save bronze and silver orders to more easily progress in other campaigns

I pray that Stalingrad maps have accessible sewer systems!

And please Grain elevator map!!!


not only pc the pack

Are all bolt-action rifles being buffed, or only bolt-action sniper rifles? It’s not clear which. The dev blog says one thing, but on reddit when asked you gave a different answer.

If an entire campaign will be acessible for F2P after CBT ends I see no problem with this.
It is probably a decent compromise for people who want to get in that campaign sooner and not be penalized for it by having no progression at all.
Also price is somewhat bearable, but I still dont understand why it have to be a whole pack purchase, why it is not possible to purchase only one of the vehicles for example.

However, I wouldn´t really be proud on allowing this SO LATE… that is after releasing TWO blatant cashgrab campaigns with prices that are more of a scam.
I´m personaly not interested in Stalingrad, so I won´t be using such advantage, but I believe many will do.

Also, as was pointed out in this thread, people who fell for previous CBTs now look like absolute clowns… (which… we are lets be honest).
This should have been a thing since the very beginning.

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only on staligarde the change for weapons at the moment

Because you bought a premium account. not full access to a new campaign that hasn’t even been released yet. :slight_smile:


one thing i wanna know Big Ammo Pouches are still at level 18 and for everybody right?? so not behind the full access thing

There is no CBT this time. We all get access to the campaign at the same time, both paying and F2P players.


No cbt this time only the access player obtain all present and future premium squad + already upgraded weapon/soldier + a fast progression from the start + more universal slot

For the other is the same like other in campaigns

@1942786 I saw you saying that full access gives you 3 additional squad slots, and you can’t buy more.

So, as you can’t have more squads with different weapons/vehicles, can we get an ability to change soldier weapons or squad vehicles during the battle? Like, you have a squad fully armed with svt-40, but you got a map where you want to use mosin rifles, and so you could just change the gun before spawning, but without leaving the battle. Can we? Please?

Doesn’t anyone care about MP40 muzzle smoke and excessive flash?

Since the SMG damage has been changed, is it possible you could see with your colleagues about changing regular bolt actions as well to act similar to how these new sniper changes will act with closer damage up close.
Also AI seem to suck with bolt actions but I believe I know why. For some reason when a bot shoots an enemy and makes them lay down/bleed out and someone else finishes them off they get the kill instead of the bot who shot them down, could this get fixed? Our AI squadmates could get more kills and not get kills stolen.
Also bots should shoot bolt actions faster, they wait for 5 seconds before shooting their next shot but with SMG and Semi Auto they dont wait between shots.

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Great job people!
I just want to know when can I start my fight in Stalingrad?

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My one reservation here is how many times will one have to buy campaigns to get access to the full game? The method of balancing f2p and paid isn’t inherently bad, per say; I can’t make that judgement just yet. Servers can be expensive, plus maintenance isn’t free. Which is a consideration that some people seem to be overlooking when they should ‘greed’. Are campaigns going to get merged at some point?

how come no one talking about the bolt action buff?
Biggest news so far.

Makes me not cry needing to grind through the campaign, first time I will use 100% bolt actions.
Finally I can rest now.

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When do the new features in this campaign like the new recoil system, and remote explosives and stuff, (AND SHOVELS) get added to other campaigns?

as a veteran player I can only say that I find it hard to imagine the developers, keeping 9/10 campaigns updated simultaneously by adding new things in each campaign every 3 months also taking into account the number of players that for certain periods drastically decreases and the game becomes deserted, I really believe that in the end the campaigns of a certain front will be united also because we have been asking for it for years, and so far as stalingrad has shown they are listening to us :smiley: so don’t worry

Wait a second, does that only count for "sniper rifles, and not for regular bolt action rifles?

So I have 2 questions about this campaign

  1. I heard we were not going to see Hungarian. Romanian, or other minor axis forces but does this include equipment? Can we expect to see some guns from them at the very least? Many of them had their own unique weapons and it would help the Axis side a lot with not having Moscow 2.0 in terms of weapons

  2. For the paid pass are these locked squads essentially like the premium squads just bundled together into a single package? I hope these locked squads aren’t just like level 25-30 locked behind a paywall.

Seems neat but especially that 2nd question is stopping me from being outright pumped because it has huge implications based on what is locked in the pass.