Join the "Battle for Stalingrad"!

WoW my fellow forum friends! I am disappointed that none of you spotted this little detail yet

Orita M1941?


Being able to play the campaign for free is already a big gift. It is completely different from what you are already familiar with and is set up for players who have bought full access.

Some leveling restrictions are forgivable in this case.


Just wow dude. Amazing. One question will this apply to all campaigns?

MP40 sound needs to be a bit changed tbh, it sounds like a degtyariov SMG, way to powerfull

@1942786 as above there will be multiple nations for the axis?

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Keo do we still have the option to purchase 10 slots to fill squads or its diferent?

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damn keofox, i bought it now
I’m glad a lot of content has been added what a Perfect!

I notice it too, but isn’t it MP41? they make a comeback?


Let me guess those regular ones will be exactly the new ones. You want medics? Pay. You want new air bombing radio? Pay. You want the whole new content? Pay. The old one is free though. lol What a joke if this is the case.


$30 and you instantly get a huge amount of content ★★★★✰, 4X pumping speed (or 8X with a premium account) and you open half of the campaign in a day of playing. This company removes almost all donations from your game and makes the campaign very balanced.

If you buy 10 levels in a regular campaign, it will be more expensive.

Yes. We are very greedy. Just terribly greedy. :slight_smile:


Calm down, you don’t even know what levels are locked yet…

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I pay for premium and for battle pass and now i should pay for the core elements of the new campaign? i dont like the new system.

I would rather wait 1 month like for previous campaign.
Don’t get me wrong, i like Your game, and most improvements, i’m thankfull for Your work.

That being said, this is just more campaign bloat leveles for f2p players, which are core of the game if You forgot.
I’m just more and more tired of playing bot filled unblanaced matches due to lack of players and most of players being so low level that bots get better equipment.


I’m also wondering if this is orita or mp41
Both weapons are similar in appearance.
Anyway, it’s nice to see a new face

Premium acc with this new system is basically useless.


You will see that I’m gonna be right about these levels m8. It’s a scummy move and I’m not supporting it if it ends that I’m right about it.

You choose your hat, your pants from the list. your belt…
But you get these things in different ways.

We will tell you in a separate devblog.


Only the flame tank

My guess that it would be the radio squad with the air strike ability, medic squad and a flame tank squad if they add

I wish. Somehow I’m sceptical about it.

Are these slots forever?