Join the "Battle for Stalingrad"!

What people do in their bedroom is not my business but, we shouldn’t be damage discriminating against them


Not my fault! They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse!


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It’s possible. And that is possible)


Kursk confirmed?

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Just so you understand. We try to customize weapons of the same class identically. Because it just makes sense - if you attach a scope to a bolt-action rifle, it remains a bolt-action rifle.

Sorry for this typo. We will punish the translator - he will write bolt-action rifle on the board 100 times after the lessons.


this, is overall, how to present a campaign. and serious amazing dev team so far. 10/10

for the ones that wont invest 30 euros/dolars or what ever, serious, what more do they have to give to convince you guys this game is worth the investment.

i couldnt care less about repeating gear or weapons! im all for the experience ingame/fun. and this game provides both at most if not all times.

seriously, you guys will pass on a 30$ pack with such bonus in it? and actually support them atleast once?


Im more concern about this. does that mean theres going to be 2 premium levels like premium squads and another sepcifcally only for full access player ?

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The best part you can play her for free actually no one here has a gun pointed at you and threatens you to pay, I don’t understand why many have taken it personally


hehe, thats so great I will finally master the bolt action chad mode and play how god intended, as a regular rifleman.


I really hope they add an option to make the new muzzle effects optional if they obscure the sight picture when firing. And i hope they do not over do the firing effects from the firearms.

Personally I do not mind the current muzzle flashes on the weapons as they do not obscure aiming when firing however I have played games in the past where the muzzle flash and smoke was too over exaggerated to the point where you could not see what you were shooting at. I do not remember what these games were.

God heroes and generals really did kill itself so many bad changes due to bad development. That game has so much potential back in 2012.

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as far as our reads goes, there is no more transactions inside that campaign besides the 30 euro pack.
so probably no more "premium squads " sold separatly.
imagine this as current moscow or any campaign, if you reach this level, a free 2 play player wont play with that tank, and the one that bought the pack can,

if you decide to invest after , you will be able to unlock it and play with it.


Thank you Keofox for answering so many of our questions :slight_smile:
This campaign brings back memories of playing Red Orchestra 2, I loved the gloomy atmosphere of Stalingrad in that game.

From the released screenshots I can already tell that there will be fights on the Falled Fighters square with Univermag and Gorky Theater, and you’ve also mentioned the Stalingrad Train station.

Any chance we will see the Grain Elevator, Mamayev Kurgan or Pavlov’s House? Or maybe one of the factory complexes on the outskirts of Stalingrad?


From what I understood Keofox here it will work more like a Battlepass- you need to unlock all of it, but part of the content is locked for those who buy the full access. And as soon as you buy the access - you get all previous rewards.
So sadly it will mean a bit more potential grind for F2Ps, but I hope that those locked squads, weapons and vehicles will be similar to current premium squads, so they will be sidegrades instead of locking parts of standard content.

its prety much what i stated tho.

Agree, heroes and Generals here are other problems, but it’s just me and you who found the real problem.

But the developers seem to choose to ignore it, the smoke and flash effects are really overuse in next update.

Not only fully automatic weapon players, but also semi-automatic players.

Whether your argument or mine is right or not, time will tell what I said, this will only generate more snipers in this game, this kind of game ecology is not acceptable to everyone.

You didn’t mention that you will most likely need to grind those locked squads anyway, even if you don’t want to pay for some reason.

That sounded like you could grind nad unlock such content only after buying the access. Just wanted to clarify, sorry if I misunderstood your post.



its ok :stuck_out_tongue: , main problem here goes around english, its like my 3rd speaking language and sometimes i might not use the right words to state a point :slight_smile:


This is not the final look. SMGs flashes will be less.

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the problem isnt the flash keofox.

its the amount of smoke that will obscure the sight picture.

heroes and generals had this issue for many, many years and probably still have.

its a way to make automatic weapons less viable, sure, but at what cost? making the players that use them to always have the fog lights on to hopefully land a shot?

@CaptainSebekel just posted this on another thread ;

even tho this isnt the case anymore, the smoke makes the sight picture impossible to play with.

please find a mid ground . and dont obscure the picture just to make bolt actions viable and late campaign automatics a pain for the user.