Join the "Battle for Stalingrad"!

See, maybe you are getting on their target audience now :slight_smile:

It’s an amazing deal ngl. Let’s see if it’s a fun campaign to play with.

Judging by the pictures will be a berlin campaign on early content. And I m sure just by this it ill be one of my fav campaigns.

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Reduce SMG sounds BS. Should be high damage and death on close range, no one is in fighting conditioning having taken a mag to the chest. They should be loosing power and accuracy on medium-long range, being shit at long range.
Pay to win and skip all leveling and all also sounds complete BS and ruins the leveling system.
You will make it pointless. Just Pay to Win. never good. But again your wording and english is off so might not be as bad as seems, guess we’ll find out.

It is worth discussing that there are still many sniper players in BF1 and BF5 without serious smoke effects, and they are not affected by automatic weapons. Does the developer think that it is right to weaken fully automatic weapons through smoke and fire effects?

If you want to add the smoke effect, why do you need a very high level to get a fully automatic weapon, and make the player spend so much time to unlock it, why not let the fully automatic weapon unlock some of it at a low level I really can’t understand why. tease the player’s eyes.

I guess I should be more specific. Are these locked squads more like the premium ones or are they stuff like Assaulter 2 and the late game levels are just being locked behind a paywall. My concern is that like this is taking the level 20+ squads and just putting them behind a $30 paywall.

I sincerely suggest that the smoke and fire effects can be cut in half, to make the game more realistic I agree, but the developers added serious smoke and fire effects, I really have a hard time understanding where the position of fully automatic weapons is in the new version?

This is killing the auto weapon players’ lives and abusing their eyes, so why not do it in the first place? Does it have to be a game that can only be played by luck?

Yea, because berlins maps are so awesome already. Here hopefully we will have acces to the sewers!

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This is such an exciting and anticipated update for the game. I cannot wait to join the fight on the streets of Stalingrad!

Wow, I had zero anticipation for a new campaign, especially a Stalingrad one, but you guys managed to make it interesting. I’m just worried a 5th campaign will split the player-base even further (especially good and experienced players), meaning a widespread return of the dreaded bot-only squads in certain less-played campaigns. I hope this campaign brings in many new players and helps publicize the game.

Also, seriously consider allowing players to join mid-game by awarding free experience (based on the match-time they lost and if they kill at least 10 players in that match or meet some criteria), bot-only squads ruin too many matches and are the biggest issue with the game right now.

It is worth discussing that any EA games are not worth discussing. :wink:


That’s just the thing: if they merge campaigns together, while using this method of monetization, wouldn’t that risk some players potentially double-paying for some campaigns? I am just hoping that they’ll be thoughtful about the implementation if future campaigns is all.

That all said, I am excited for the new campaign and will consider throwing some money their way if, after reviewing what they offer, I approve of it. After all, I do appreciate the effort that it takes to provide free content and have rather enjoyed it so far

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Because you don’t play the BF series at all, and you don’t know how large the number of BF players is. For example, the ballistic problem of 2042 has been complained by many BF players.

Of course I don’t play BF! Like I said, those EA games aren’t worth mentioning here, and cater to a different audience.


All bolt action




Imagine… Imagine a mannlicher doing 15 stock damage :heart_eyes:


You can the winchester do 15 stock
Same stats

Oh I use it too, don’t you worry! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
It’s mostly for my Normandy fun. I find Normandy “meh” but the bolties here are fun to use.


Agree nothing is better than use the 5 star mass36


Its official. I need new underwear.