John Browning's Birthday

John Moses Browning, the famous designer and inventor, was born on January 23rd, 1855. He made his first firearm at the age of 13, and at 24 he received his first patent for his invention (in total he registered about 128 patents during his lifetime).

He created the world’s first semi-automatic shotgun, the Browning Auto-5, and the M1911 semi-automatic pistol still in use today, but it was the machine guns that brought him the most fame. The water-cooled M1917, the air-cooled M1919, and the large-caliber M2 — these machine guns were produced in the millions and are still actively used around the world.

From the 27th of January (13:00 UTC) to the 30th of January (13:00 UTC), show your opponents the power of machine guns!


За 50 убитых из пулемёта

For 50 machine gun kills

  • Booster +100% for 1 battle. Can be received every day.

За 1 сбитый самолёт

For shooting down 1 aircraft by a Machine gunner

  • 2x Weapon Upgrade Order. Can be received once per event.


  • On the 31st of January it is possible to purchase weapon upgrade orders for gold.
  • Counts kills and destructions from hand-held and stationary regular and large-caliber machine guns.

You could at least give one of the 1911 for twitch drops, if you make such mini-event.
Hardly anyone can will got worse from this, but some players could return at least for the sake of the collection.


Regarding the destruction of enemy aircraft.
Does destroying enemy aircraft with aircraft machine guns count?

Aircraft machine gun kills do not count as machine gun kills in the daily task.

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Really?……Thanks for answering!
My skills are not likely to be able to destroy an aircraft with an infantryman’s machine gun.
I’m going to go add some gold now.

You can shoot down an airplane with any weapon, but the soldier class must be a machine gunner.

In the first task, killings from light machine guns and stationary ones are considered. Machine guns on vehicles and motorcycles do not count.


Oh, thanks for the answers!
I see that it is only for soldiers.
Hmmm, I will try my best.


scratch that, my bad, I read it wrong

Edit again, after reading again my last version of this post, I see that the main post has been edited again correcting the requirements for the tasks, so in the end I was right, there was something wrong

For John Browning’s birthday, we should just fix dispersion on LMGs because it’s a terrible feature.


Time to AA planes with MG left and right.

Easy tasks. Decent event rewards.

Weird not mentioning the M1918 BAR @1942786 @ChuchaDrucha


Why not give us one water-cooled M1917?


Since we can destroy enemy aircraft with any weapon by using Machine gunner, then if I’m correct, one can build AA gun and just use this AA with Machine gunner class, I hope that works.

I think those 2 tasks will show how broken Enlisted’s kill registration of vehicle is.
Pilots taking ages to shot down an IL2 and an AI infantry on the ground aim-locked and shot the plane. Because game only consider where the last damage of vehicle come from, not most damage come from. So the pilot with most effort only get a “assist kill”.

Now, especially Pacific’s poor light tanks, always not destroyed even if all crews are dead, always let infantry get that vehicle destruction scores. I have to keep hit with MG so that when the game want it to be destroyed, the last bullet is from me.


This is just last-hitting from lol.
But You don’t even have to kill them, their suicide is your kill

Let them see those stats after the event, most players will struggle to take even single plane since only fighters are weak enough to be shoot down with MG/HMG/AA anything else has so much hp that they are impossible to shoot down unless you play as a plane too. They made planes way too damn strong in this game, it ruined WT and now is ruining Enlisted.

Yes. We will improve the task mechanics in the future and learn how to issue tasks for specific weapon models.


Well, every little event is always welcome. Keeps the game fresh and interesting besides getting news about history every day. Didnt know that it is Browning’s birthday.
Keep those small and tiny events up. Doesnt matter the gifts, everything for free is always appreciated.


I’m used to mark tank for easier aiming. So everyone in the team is trying to “steal” my result. Lots of times, tank crews fleed the tank and still too close to tanks so that I couldnt destroy the tank. But some times later their crews went away and a infantry bullet triggered the explosion. Even if I was the one who immobilized and contribute the most of the damage.

You know, I like this. It’s a tiny event, you devs didn’t have to do it, it’s historical and gives small but appreciated rewards.

I like those. Keep many of them coming, it’s just positive.


it’s also celebrating a god among firearm designers