I’d really like to see the addition of the Type 89 I-Go Medium be added to Japan’s TT, slotting in nicely into being the last BR I tank for Japan. Reasons for why this should be added being that, it’s a tank produced with decent numbers (relative to Japanese medium production numbers) totalling 404~ tanks built. Specifically the Type 89B I-Go Otsu would be most appropriate to add, as it reached a production number of 291, compared to the original Type 89A I-Go Kō with 113 built.
It features a 57 mm Type 90 gun as its main armament and though it’s 6-17mm of armour is thin, the will of the emperor it carries is an everlasting strength. It would even be a suitably appropriate tank to introduce to Japan’s TT during the Soviet vs Japan event; as during operations along the Mongolian Manchurian border of the USSR, 34 Type 89 I-Go Mediums took part in engagements within Khalkin Gol.

Additionally as a unique gold order variant of said tank here’s an image of the Type 89 I-Go with a unique camouflage on display located at Villa Escudero in Tiaong Quezon Province, Philippines.

As a bonus and as a fun little event item for Japan to celebrate not only the inspiration, the production and design of the Type 89 I-Go, but to celebrate Japan’s first ever domestically designed tank, I suggest adding the Type 87 Chi-I AKA Experimental tank No.1 . It’s characteristic are quite similar to the Type 89 I-Go but it’s a little slower due to its weight.

I spoke about this and the type 95 and variants in other post
Ah yes I believe I somewhat remember seeing it a little while back. Also on a note thank you for all the suggestions and ideas you’ve brought forth for Japan. It genuinely makes me excited for what to hope for in the future.
I am pleased see people trying help japs get stuff
Yes definitely more NEEDS to be done with Japan. They just aren’t as desirable to play as, as the other factions have more variety of weapons (I realize in reality this is pretty close as Japan just didn’t rely on more equipment as other nations did). I really only play them if I get randomly choose by the “any army” option. I love a good Victory by the Japanese as I feel like it’s much harder to win with them. I rarely ever get a full steam roll, over the Allies when playing as Japan.
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then help us to bring more weapons,tanks and such
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Its weird - whenever I play US, I get the feeling every tank above BR2 is pure trash - until I get matched against Japan which proves me wrong.
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All the 57mm cannons seem to be BR2-3 so I think BR2 is a reasonable spot instead of BR1
The only reason I suggested it for BR I is due to the gun not actually having very good pen with its APHE only being around 20mm, though it’s HEAT round is about 50-55~ mm and due to its paper thin armour and the larger round needing a longer reload compared to the M2A4 → M5A1 37 mm round I think it could still reasonably slot in skimming just below BR2.
Also because I worry it would be too quickly outclassed by the Ho-I and it’s HEAT shells and much much better armour comparatively.