Japanese level three weapons are less then inspirational

I am not going to proclaim that I am some sort of Japanese world war two weapons expert, although I do own a ww2 Type 99 rifle. I just started building my Japanese faction a few months ago and once I started tech treeing level three and level four, I came to this conclusion. The weapons at level three, other then the KE7 MG are pure dogshit. :rofl: The level two Hei rifle is far superior to the Otsu offered at level three, and to be honest, appears to be better then the level four Type four. The only advantage I can see with the Type four is it has a ten round mag. Seriously, did the Japanese NOT use more then five or ten rounds in these guns? Your at a disadvantage at level two with five rounds, and seriously disadvantaged at level three with only a five round mag. Ten rounds at level four is a joke. So, this is why there are no players at level three for the Japanese and causes the Allies that want to play level three to get punked to level five against the Japanese.

Obviously, they must have offered ten round mags in these guns as DF offers a BP level three semi auto, but for Pete sake, a five round mag at level three is STUPID… Take the level two Hei, give it at least a ten round mag and offer it at level three, and a 20 round mag and offer it at level four, but as it stands, I can see why NO ONE wants to play level three Japanese. IMOP ten rounds should be a level two, 20 rounds level three, but no matter, DF, this is why you killed level three Japanese/Allies IMOP.
Type HEI BR2
Type Otsu BR3
Type 4 BR4
Type HEI Automatic BR5


BR2 is fine with five rounds because the M1 Carbine has 15 rounds but does worse damage and the shitty-ass Italian rifle also has like seven rounds or so only.
The issue with the rip-off M1 Garand is that the 10 rounds are clip-reloaded, not via magazine, making it overtiered similar to the Johnson rifle.
Why they put the Otsu at BR3 is beyond me and does not make sense given it has about the same stats as the Hei. Edit: Has apparently zero recoil, still sucks ass.

Btw. I dont know why you include the Type Hei Auto because it is not only a SF rifle, but also one of the best guns ingame.


Regarding Type Hei, you can open weapons for gold applications, and understand that greed has won, contrary to logic. Therefore, specifically Hei does not and cannot have a 10-round magazine. In fact, it was.
But when you say “used”, you understand that this is a paper weapon that has never fought?

Regarding the Japanese zh-29, the situation is more interesting, if you have not noticed, then it has the HIGHEST RATE OF FIRE among all semi-automatics at the third BR, as I understand it, this partially refers to the ZH-29 from the Stalingrad campaign, where it had a rate of fire of 1000 shots.
It seems that a 10-round magazine was not developed for it, but the Japanese used the regular zh-29, which they took from the Chinese, although it is unlikely to be added.

Also, the developers again stubbornly decided that the new content should be exclusive, so they put a new Japanese rifle with 10-15 rounds in the new Battle Pass))

All questions are exclusively about greed, since the game already has 10-Rounds to give the Japanese for the third BR.


I included it but did not mention it as really it didn’t apply to the BR 3-4 I was bashing. It is a very good gun and from what I can see, it and the level two Hei are the only two decent guns Japan has. The KE7 MG reminds me of the BAR, and I like it, but will never use it as like just about everyone else, if I play Japan past level two it will be level five.

This answers my question as to why DF only has a five round mag, and this certainly does not help to get people to play level three with the Japanese. I will most likely just play level two with them, but finish tech treeing them as I have nothing else to do. I am finished tech treeing the Allies, Germans and only have two tanks left for the Soviets.

Since DF has strayed from reality in some of their weapons, they might just as well stray from reality with the Japanese rifles as well and give them ten round mags. :rofl:

I do play Japan at BR3 from time to time (actually more than any other nation at that BR funnily enough).

I think that Japan’s BR3 is definitely a mixed bag : on one hand they get some of the best weapons at that BR like the KE7 you mentioned, but also the two SMG (Type 100 late and SIG 1920) which imo would be the best in their BR if the PPSH box did not have its BS dispersion. And on the other other hand, they get the worse standard rifle (Type Otsu is terrible and only slightly better than the BR2 Hei), the worst BR3 medium tank (Chi-Nu has terrible armor and whilst its gun is on paper similar to the sherman’s the fact that M4A2 has really good armor at range makes the Chi-Nu a pain to play), Non existant planes (I mean they don’t even get a BR3 fighter outside of a mediocre premium/event reskin of the BR2 Zero and their Only attacker could as well be BR2) and non-existent AT weapons past BR2.

All of this shortcomings make Japan’s BR3-4 lackluster and the reason why we still have the BR3-5 matchmaking for Japan vs USA


They are also given 15 rounds of Papier-mache weaponry. But again, only on the condition that you buy it for real money.

And even judging by the real Hino-Komuro gun, the Japanese loved the 5 rounds guns


Allies having multiple 30 round thomson is less than inspirational LOL


KE7 is worse than Type 96 and even 99 in most if not all manners.

KE7 is a better M1918A2 BAR, I really like to play it.

I dislike the sights on the Type 96/96 and both of these are more similar to the bren. Plus they do get -50% moving speed while the KE7 is only -20%.

I just prefer the KE7 because It feels more mobile and easier to use when assaulting. But its just my opinion, feel free to prefer the top loaded ones


Type 4, is the same as the german g41, in almost every aspects.

I still don’t understand why it’s 1 br higher.


I would dare to say that the same goes for the Johnson M1941 which for some reason is BR4 while being at best a sidegrade of the Garand



Well they can give the allies SLEM-1 i would not mind having WW 2 FN in the tech tree :smiley:

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Wait what none of this weapons where paper they were made weapons type Ko had several models it was not used in combat but Type Hei actually saw combat use and testing during ww 2 and some where even captured by the allies however Japan didn’t adopted them because they where not production efficient rifles didn’t justify the cost. But Type Hei rifles where used despite not being adopted so its really a rifle that saw combat in world war 2 sadly we don’t know how many but just like their experimental smgs they got used by the army even if they didn’t adopted them.

KE7 is kinda bad yeah, but it does have open sights and has nice hip fire. So dont know if 99 and 96 are that much better, Personally I use scope MG are BRIII or the Hotchkiss.

96 needs to be moved to BR II cuz at BR III it has less hit power then type 99 and less rate of fire I have no idea why its BR III it should be BR II.

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Yeah there’s a massive difference between prototypes/one off models and paper

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yeah its very different type ko was absolutely bad idea to complicated required lubed bullets to many parts Type Hei at the other hand was better that’s why they send it to the combat lines but it was not a good option but they produced some so they decided just to use them. We know that at least 50 where made so it was very very limited use.

Blasphemer, seeing that I have many battle campaigns played with the BAR 1918A2, and have only fired the KE7 on the firing range, I will say the A2 is better, but we’ll see if I ever use the KE7 in a combat situation. If I do, it will have to be level five as I, like most others will bypass level three with the Japanese. :grin:
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