Japanese BR5 automatic rifle

I don’t think it is only full auto.
This is the test document of this gun.
Look at (2)
It means it has single shot and continuous shot mechanism.

page5 of the pdf.

I don’t know Japanese so I use google translate.


If a Japanese speaker can confirm then we should really let a helper know.
This weapon deserves to be in the game.

yes it can


Hi, Im sorry for the tag.
The community did some research and found a very interesting Japanese gun that has the potential to fill the role of Japanese BR5 select fire rifle which Japan is desperately lacking at the moment.

In short:
the prototype MG version (ultra light machine gun) of Type Hei rifle.
20 round magazine, both full-auto and semi-auto settings.


that gonna be has much venon a FG42 is.

but that,s the ideia. it is about a OP gun, and japan is dare need of it.

Thanks for the tag, regarding high tier weapons I’ll just link this post of mine Japan Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread - #66 by Killerwolf1024

Funny enough there’s plenty of machine gun options for Japan (prototype-improvised-adopted) that aren’t in the game yet.


Should be noted that there is also a 30 round magazine, I’ll post the gif I made again which shows the 30 round mag.

I’ll give some other stats since people are interested in this gun a lot and there sometimes is just plain wrong info on them

(Translated and discussed with a friend of mine)
Name: Ultra-Light Machine gun
Manufacturer: Nippon Special Steel
Length: 1,007mm,
Weight: 5.4/5.6kg
Action: Toggle-lock, closed bolt
Sight: Aperture rear sight with tangent leaf, adjusted by a drum.
Rate of fire: 720rpm
Bayonet lug: yes
Selector switch: Three position (safe, semi and full) selector lever
Reload: by changing mag or loading with clips
Magazine Capacity: 20 round (30 round mag was made as well)
Recoil: worse than Type 96 LMG, but better than infantry rifle.
Overheat: cook offs often occurred
Muzzle velocity: 730m/s
Accuracy: Worse than Type 96 LMG firing in semi at 300 and 700 meters, even with shield attached. Firing in auto at 300 meters, all rounds were in a 4×4m2 square except the first round
Magazin release position:

If you wonder what the “bar” right in front of the magazine is, our best understanding is that its a dust cover that could be closed when you remove the magazine.

Where normally LMGs would be issued one per squad (分隊) the Ultra-light machine gun would be issued two per squad. We’re not sure if it was crew served but we assume it wasn’t.

-“Masterpiece Weapons of the Japanese Army - The Ultimate Weaponry Thorough Study” 日本陸軍の傑作兵器駄作兵器―究極の武器徹底研究 by Jiro Sayama ( 佐山 二郎) page 61-69