I can’t even grind to unlock an APC for extra spawn points, unless grinding L’s count.
Anyone have any tips for a beginner in Japan?
Should I just wait for a more balanced Japanese update?
I don’t even like the sights on the Arisaka Type 38 Carbine, the 2 protective ears on the front post are brighter and distract the shooter, any way the devs can brighten the front post? Do the other rifle sights get any better?
I’m sure once I unlock better items the matches won’t be SOOO one sided but this is ridiculous. I may have to start deserting matches despite not wanting to abandon the other players (And Bots )
I know Japan is outgunned by US but I also enjoy a “challenge”. A challenge is cool but a Kobayashi Maru not so much.
Find another 2 guys who are decent players and play Japanese with them.
The issue is, US is extremely popular faction. It has extremely unfair capture speed/ticket policy against Germany and everyone is taking advantage of it.
Meaning, htey can achieve easy victory and victory means 50% exp more.
So either group up with other players or do not play Japanese at all. There’s basically no other solution atm for achieving wins consistently.
Yes, they do have better sights. I can make screenshot of any weapon and its sights in which you are interested in.
I got through Tunisia axis when there were almost no players by friending the best teammates and trying to build a stack after consecutive Ls. Worked alright , would recommend trying it at least.
Or he could just do little bit of grind and get type hei. That’s the lovely gun with sexy sights.
Some people say its inaccurate af, but they clearly do not know what they’re talking about (dispersion is actually very decent). I’ve achieved great distance kills with it.
Type hei is definitely ideal, I prefer it over even the type otsu. I think a lot of people got a bad impression of it because it was much worse when pacific launched.
Yeah, I do prefer it over Otsu as well.
The only problem is, Type Hei is Tier 3 weapon. Meaning, he needs to get 9 items from tier 1 and 6 items from tier 2 prior he’s even allowed to get it.
BR2 Japan on EU is rough, especially when you go against M8 Scott/105 spam. Lots of Japanese teammates seem completely green too, so you basically have to do everything - kill off tanks, build rallies, depush their raillies…often it doesn’t matter what you do, your team is just too underequipped and inexperienced to stand up to a zerg of semiauto wielding horde supported by endless supply of HE slingers
And so far they’ve been getting way too many tickets vs Japan too
But hey, when you win, it feels 10x as nice. Firmly believe it will make you way better player down the line too.
Treat it as zen practice I guess (although there are matches where I do mald out, even though I try to remember how unfair and stacked it is)
Words to live by:
EDIT: Here’s a pretty rough game that ended up as a win - but it you can clearly see that Japan team did things and the US team was pretty uncoordinated too, basically only one guy building rally points, lots of them just sat in vehicles farming meaningless kills. That let me push out, find and destroy that single rally point before we got overrun. Eventually they just slowly pissed away their massive ticket advantage and got real unlucky - the last capzone we fought was a cave, protecting us from HE spam and by that point their tickets were low enough the game became winnable…
Result of having magical “join any faction” option being on by default for every new installation of the game.
People who have ingame experience can turn it off, but most new clueless players fall victim to it.
Side 1 gets filled with vets, Side 2 gets hoard of newbies for “auto-balancing”. Guess which faction will win?
If you would like to level up this faction you should play lone fighter because you can level up there so you don’t have to play the misery which is public matches
Japan Br 4 has been good to me. Very good matches. And I just love running around with the katanas lmao
Just had a game I think yesterday on confrontation where the US was 95% done capturing the final point. Another player and I held, and our team managed to win with a reverse sweep.
Type I is based AF - it is cheap as hell, both to buy and upgrade, based on my other favourite rifle (Carcano 7.35mm) so it handles basically the same, the sights are very nice and precise, comes with a bayonet, which in BR2 matches drastically increases performance (when in CQC you can shoot - bayonet - shoot - bayonet - shoot to drastically improve your kill/survivability, plus it lets you charge people camping doorways with smgs - many of them are unprepared to be turned into a shishkebab by a TOTSUGEKI) Plus, it unlocks engineer squad and engineers - both crucial pieces to victory
You want AT - i keep one AT rifle in my lineup for Japan, because you can use it to easily remove AT cannon a-holes camping hills, wrecking your team (one or two shots will kill the gun and whoever is manning it). It is not really viable for killing tanks, unless they are stupid enough to rush you. In the video you can see it fail to penetrate side armor hatch on the sherman at basically perfect perpendicular shot. Ideally you want the Type 4 launcher, but Type 5 will work just as well, if you practice it agressively. Type 5 comes with more ammo, so you can be a bit more trigger happy with it - it’s more practice!
SMGs - IMO kinda need large ammo pouches whatever you grab. Ideally I’d recommend the 2a, it’s very versatile and extremely capable in all ranges. The MP28 has a huge mag, but it’s damage and damage falloff is kinda hilarious, it’s like you’re firing badmington shuttlecocks, past “real close” you just get white hits on everything. Early on I think Type 100(early) is pretty nice?
Radiomans - for Japan I’m using an engineering squad with 1 radio guy in it
Vehicles - depends on your slot situation. If you are actually good at flying, the A6M2 Reisen can kill anything you face in BR1-3. D3A1 obviously makes killing tanks easier/more reliable, but it will die easily to random crap like AA guns, tank roof MG’s, most enemy air can make short work of it. Personally I just run both in my lineup. Not a tank player, but the only BR2 tank I’m happy to see is the Ho-I. I guess Ta-Se can help you clean up US airspam, since it’s AA capable
Squads: My recomendation for absolute basics is: Engineer squad, AT squad, Assault squad. The rest is up to you
Those 3 squads setup (ignore the rest, I’m still leveling squad upgrades) Basically make sure you have engineers everywhere
Eventually Hei rifles are a decent upgrade, but like all BR2 semiautos, the can be a bit…scuffed
Also, dynamite sticks and TNT for everyone, down the line, as that helps you remove the tank hordes
Okie dokie. Then don’t play Japan anymore. What else do you want to whine about? Also, BR IV Japan still has those weird ones in it. I would suggest enduring lower BR, until you can play IV.