Japan is not worth playing

then you join the stacked side - and it’s mind numbingly boring, as there is basically nothing you can do to lose about 80% of the matches


What are you on about? And if stacks are a problem, then get one of your own. I keep seeing this a lot, and it makes me believe most are just playing by themselves lol. Which is no issue. But you have options. And if it gets boring, there are custom matches or simply another game. Also, what is even boring? I actually enjoy this game somewhat, and that’s saying something. I don’t care what you find boring. There should be a preset for these kinds of posts. Because this is like clockwork…

I also find it funny that those who blah-blah-blah about stacks are usually in one. Jokers. If you want to change anything, then you better stop stacking on one side. Go play those japs!

I don’t need to I’m just saving any new players I can or people who want to level up the Japanese faction

Get your 20MM anti-tank rifle
It can help you deal with any vehicle that is not a Sherman series vehicle
Especially when you hear the sound of airplanes

The most important thing about low-level environments
When you see the opposite side, you can continuously get out of the plane
Or when waiting for a battle, there are more than 5 players on the opposite side (except game controller players)
Then you can consider whether to leave early or not.

Why is it okay for game controller players?
Because they are easy to distinguish and very weak
Most of the time their low battle score will be clearly displayed on the settlement page.

hei is tier3 but BRII

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Yes, but that wasn’t my point.

Typ 2a is the best smg for low BR. No recoil.
MG 97 with its scope can be very nasty if you get used to it.
Terrain is not ideal for tanks, but Allies don`t care. As defender mine the roads and bridges in the directions to next point. Sooner or later a tank or Apc comes along.
BR4 players on allied side are rare. Usually you face BRIII max, so use the best stuff you have you will face the same opponents anyway.

Japan is not worth playing for you,

because you have “harmonization” mode on.

Censoring Japanese flag cannot censor your dishonour!

Commit sepuku now.



The issue is that there is a dispersion above 1.0 in the first place.

no the type hei is BR2
JUST IN the BR3 image block

I know, learn the difference between tier and BR. You have literally no clue what I was talking about.

Exactly, The reason I started playing Japan in the first place was because I found myself chasing the players on my USA team that were capping in a matter of seconds, it was ridiculously boring indeed. I have BR3 gear on my Allied faction and do well enough But now with my stock Japanese gear I can’t even grind the silver or Research XP at a reasonable rate.

One thing I am doing is making sure not to feed them kills, so I focus on survival then killing as many as I can while they rush the caps. Unfortunately the rest of my team gets slaughtered like livestock.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m not looking to get farmed somewhere else. I tried one match in custom and realized they don’t have BR restrictions… That is my biggest problem, I am running about in stock BAR weapons, thanks for the suggestion none the less.

I didn’t know what “Harmonization” was until you mentioned it and I looked it up. I rather like the New Japanese symbol over the red dot, its far cooler. Though Kinda missing the Iron Cross which looks cool as well.

I want to thank Adamnpee for the screenshots
emp_zealoth for the very detailed walkthrough, I am studying it very closely and FLAG03 for the tips

Any other tips would be greatly appreciated, my endeavor to bring balance to the pacific has proven far more difficult than I expected.

I agree, it is quite a challenge and it has made me leave my comfort zone and explore new strategies and tactics

Thanks everyone