Isaac Lewis’ Birthday

There’s no weapon reward, it’s classic few days event for orders.


Good idea.
See you in Moscow, comrade!

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I bet it’s something like option to remove like with bayonets. And completely unrelated to thing you truly want, lmao


It can be anything. An improvement, a downgrade or a sticker of an elefant placed on every bipod.

But at least it means they know something is not ok and that’s a good first step.


And no discount on Lewis squad?


We already had final sales before merge.

Several months back

So any discount would be illegal.

nice little event.

off topic: the new forum structure is horrible, return it to the previous version!


Nvm, I guess I completed it :no_mouth:

Was a couple of months since I used it.
Forgot how nice this weapon is, especially against bots ; ).

Now I want it for my Commonwealth guys!




I’m still hoping for an early ww2 theme, with France & Commonwealth vs Axis and their cute pz1. Maybe Lewis would be there.

Since there won’t be campaigns per say anymore, they could really just add a French tech tree, and earlier Commonwealth unlocks.

I believe!


There’s great potential of having even lower BR than current starter equipment in Moscow and so will have.

But once new tech trees will be implemented, adding low BR stuff seems extremely unpractical not worth in development perspective imho.
So I am not very optimistic about stuff like that.

Mmmh depends, in WT, they sometimes add new vehicles which aren’t top of the line (or used to back when I played). It wouldn’t be very difficult to implement.

There IS also a market of ppl interested in earlier ww2 as opposed to late, very well known ww2. It’s different, could attract a broader clientele.

Who knows. I myself am at a point where I begin to tire with this constant power creep… New lvls and all new premiums are always top of the line in power. But ask any veteran player when was their favourite times, most will answer early days Moscow, when everybody had shitty starter bolties, and ppd 34/38 was a big boss weapon. It was fun, real genuine fun where most just focused on gameplay.

So I could very well see early unlocks, that would become easy to add with new system, being popular with players.

But… again I just daydream babble.


BTW, what will happen to those Soldier upgrade orders once The Great Merge hits?

Yeah, but I wouldn’t put pz I on same BR as pz II for example. And adding completely new lower BR than adding few vehicles per year.

But I don’t know WT that well, did they add retrospectively lower BR level than previous starting one?

Q. What’s about different orders, like the “Soldier level up order”?
A. They will be kept. We’ll also be giving them away in special events. The same goes for everything else, including gold orders. We only exchange bronze and silver orders to silver.


Well, so maaaany vehicles saw their battle rating changed sooo many times… it’s really easy to do for them, all they do is change the battle rating numerical value, and all is well (sometimes).

Could be easy to “bump” everything up 0,5 BR only to add pz1 at BR 0 for example (those numbers are fantasy).

But, it can be done! I want lil pz1… I’ll buy an overpriced camo on it, that will probably be worth 10x the very vehicle’s price… Just like I did in H&G :stuck_out_tongue:


We no longer need sliver to upgrade soldier after the merge, what is the point of keeping the soldier level up order?

Because you still need to get XP for their perks.


But it will be possible to get more that 5 perks, right? And there won’t be any RNG involved in getting desired perks?
Still confused how new system will work.

I don’t get it. Can’t we just choose perk at will after the merge?


What Vault cat meant was that, while we will be able to choose from the whole pool of perks, without having a random pick of 3 perks to choose from, we will still need xp to earn said perks.

I think it’s along those lines.