Is there any point in playing enlisted nowadays?

yes i can judge how you played that game from that single image.

you didnt build rally points, you didnt rush to defend objective and after 2 deaths you went to play vehicle. that is all signs of selfish play. considering that most of the other people had more kills at caps and more deaths than you they at least tried to defend the cap even if they were useless. you on other hand was useless and you didnt even try. that is the difference.

And you’re not right, I was late for the game. But anyway, I’m not going to bother explaining more what they don’t understand.

Stupidity cannot be fixed.

According to your comment, the photo of Hitler in the Eiffel Tower was he on vacation?

I don’t want to continue the conversation, but I really don’t understand how you can be so stupid.

Your conclusions are wrong, you are basing them on your own stupidity with no evidence beyond a photo, and you continue arguing about being right with stupid conclusions.

I leave you the photo of, according to your logic, 3 friends on a school raid.



It doesn’t give you the neural capacity to use that image and pretend to be philosophical.

You know there’s a replay option, yeah?

  • you joined ~25 seconds after first spawn, not really a late join.
  • you spawned in tank on a map where tanks are pretty hard to play (for first objective at least)
  • you got destroyed minute and half after spawning without even getting into position with only 1 kill
  • you spawned with arty squad after they have mined first objective
  • you died after getting 4 kills around objective while first objective exploded
  • you jumped into vehicle instead of infantry and building rally point for second or third objective
  • you hunt down enemy fighter while enemy is mining second objective
  • you release hvar rockets to get ~16 kills outside second mined objective (around 5:30 into the game)
  • your team tries do defuse, but they are thwarted
  • at your resupply point you fight enemy plane, while enemy mines third objective
  • you release hvar rockets again getting 3 kills (around 7:40 in the game)
  • you resupply and release hvar rocket at empty site (around 9:40 in the game)
  • enemy mines and explodes 4th objective while you are going for ressuply
  • you prioritize bombers for easy score, down one before getting killed by bombers
  • enemy has meanwhile half mined last objective
  • enemy mines objective, while you spawn with assaulter squad and die while fighting near objective, objective explodes

so absolutely nothing wrong with my analysis of the game from your screenshot. you were useless, so you have no right to complain about your team being useless. at least they were at objective trying to defend it.