Is there any point in playing enlisted nowadays?

I know I already seem like a Karen by posting but…

Are enlisted players really able to survive every day, go out and think for themselves with so few brain cells?

Doesn’t the game’s advertising make its objectives very clear?

Look at this.

The enemy was already hitting the final gates and they were not even able to take away more than 100 reinforcements, they advanced in less than 5 minutes.

The bombs exploded and no one defused them.

To top it off, no one was able to make a single rallying point.

Was I wrong in thinking this was an extremely simple game?

I mean, you see 2 points and a sign that says “defend the point” “attack the point” was enough to make you understand the objective of the game…

Is it a problem of people’s neuronal reduction?


Is it that I expect too much from this game?

Now, I don’t mean to insult or belittle anyone… But come on, even my cat plays this game well.

I have a disabled cousin and he figured out how to play this in half an hour…

I need an explanation!!!

I refuse to believe that humanity is so stupid.

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Write a 1000 word poem on why BOTS would lose to full team of players (that played at least a bit judging by nickname badges)


And why would this game put me at a numerical disadvantage?

I seem to remember that the developers were going to remove the bots…

Ahhh, it’s true, the developers don’t do anything they say, it’s true.

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lol true

anytime someone deserts bots fill up, sometimes playes but only on start of match

also check scoreboard before match starts and see bots join in real time as match starts


Sometimes matches are very one sided. Yours appears to be one of those.

The bottom half of your team is all bots or new players. By the looks of all the name decoration bling on the other team, they ALL have their try-pants on. Kudos to you for sticking it out haha. I would have left before the match even started after seeing that.




I seem to remember that they talked about a patch that would make the bots not cross paths, or would make them move when you aim at them… It hasn’t happened more than a year after the post…

Let me tell you a secret, it doesn’t work in the game.

They said it wouldn’t be a war thunder…

Guess what…

Many patches that have come out do not fulfill their purpose… But well, that is not the point of this post.

It happens to me all the time, every game.

In the end, if I quit every game I played, I would be a private with -100 points and would never advance in the tree.

Try changing factions or only using BR I or BR II only weapons. At least until you’ve leveled up enough to compete.

I’ve been playing for years and since the merge, I use only BR II weapons because I can’t stand to be in sweaty matches like the one you shared.


Now it’s because I’m trying to upload to the USA, but I have Germany and the USSR in BR V and it’s the same but with artillery spam.

The only difference between BR V and III is that in BR III you get trolled 9 out of 10 games, and in BR 5 you get trolled 8 out of 10 xD

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Pics, or it didn’t happen…

I consistently get fun and evenly matched games staying in BR I - BR II on US, USSR, and Germany. Even at BR III, you start to get the paras and higher level tanks that make things less enjoyable (IMO).

If you have even one BR III weapon equipped, it throws you in BR II - BR IV, so much tougher matches.

I’m glad that more and more people are realizing that the overpopulation of casual players is a serious problem

  • your team had 3 bots, enemy team got 1.
  • top 2 players in your team were useless and were just vehicle whoring, if they actually helped on the ground you would not lose that fast
  • enemy had lots of veterans (you can see that from name decorators)
  • top enemy vehicle player was actually useful with vehicle

The only one in a vehicle in the photo was me, and believe me, I was more useful than the rest of the team.

It doesn’t matter if they were veterans, you can fight them with a team.

It’s not that the enemy was more useful with their vehicles, it’s that my team didn’t do anything about it. In other words, it was a complete nonsense.

Your comment is like trying to cover the sun with a finger.

My team - 3 players + 3 idiots + 4 bots. And those 3 players make more than 80 % of all the kills and score of a team.

I didn’t want to say it, but yep. I always hop out of my fighter based upon team needs.

If you have a solid team attacking/defending the obj, fighters are great, but if the team sucks, you’re just stat padding in the air.

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Your comments are always trying to defend a company that doesn’t care about you, this wouldn’t happen with a good balance… If there are no players then put all the players of a single nation against bots and that’s it.

The need at that time was an airplane.

This is where the need was.