Is there any point in playing enlisted nowadays?

Bro, I had several enemy tanks, my team wasn’t doing respawn points, so a damn plane was necessary.

I don’t understand why they judge an entire game in a single image, I literally took that photo 4 minutes after starting and I no longer had 3 points.

I don’t understand why they judge an entire game in a single image, I literally took that photo 4 minutes after starting and I no longer had 3 points.

Judging an entire game or a player by a single image is pointless.

Also, don’t assume that it’s my responsibility to carry the entire team in a backpack, because it’s a team game, not an individual one.

Don’t even try to say that me not doing a respawn point (which I did) was going to change the whole game.

Have some common sense.

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While I agree with the general complaint “no team balance”, having 0 engineer points and flying a plane doesn’t help either.

If you want to fly - ok.

If you want victory - play for victory.


i know you were in vehicle, but second place was also in vehicle before being infantry. you can see that from kills to assist ratio.

also you were not useful in vehicle. you were only slightly outperforming bots for kills on cap. if you had high kills on cap i would consider you useful cause you would have actually softened the cap for your teams players to take the point.

no you cant. that is what actually makes veterans effective, cause they know how to build rally points and how to rush the cap.

you may not like to hear that you suck alongside your whole team, but you do. idk why you are finger pointing at your team when you didnt do anything to help your team win on the ground. in this game infantry wins games, not vehicles.

lol. i think you are mistaken about me defending DF. they have many flaws, but at least they mostly match you with full teams against each other (with few exception like console only). they are just not responsible for quality of players.

you got 10v10 full human match. you got 4 players quitting at start for your team and MM found you another human player to replace so you only had 3 bots and enemy team only had 1 bot.

you quoted exactly need for your team. rally points>killing enemy tanks

if you are complaining about wanting to win and have 0 engineer points while flying plane while pointing finger at your team, you will find no sympathy from most people cause you are not contributing anything to help your team win.

btw it wouldnt change the whole game, but at least you would be justified at complaining about shit team. otherwise you are just bad player complaining about rest of your bad team.

No shade man. Like I said, I would have left that game myself. There’s probably nothing you could have done that made that match winnable.

THAT SAID - your original post called people out for not being smart enough to understand “attack the objective” and “defend the objective,” but the screenshot you shared shows that you yourself didn’t defend the objective. :thinking:



Most points, most engineering, most kills, more kills at objective than any other teammate => still loss = shit team balancing.

I’m not going to discuss everything, because it’s pointless.

Am I a bad player? I’ve been playing for 3 years and I always end up top 3 90% of the time, no matter the game or the br.

So, I must do something right, right?

You’re still wrong, you’re trying to judge a game you weren’t in based on a single image from a game that was 3-4 minutes into the game.

Now, I don’t think you’re stupid, but I’ll explain it to you anyway.

When you start a game, you start at a distance X from the point, except for some people in defense mode.

Now, what happens if as soon as you get to the point there are nothing but enemies?

Exactly, you die, no matter how many people take you, you die anyway. Unless of course you’re a hacker with immortality.

In this game in question it ended in no more than 5 minutes and nobody (including me) did anything to stop it.

Why did I include myself? Simple, when I saw the game I stopped trying, but that didn’t mean I got on a plane.

The plane was useful at the time, but it no longer mattered because there was no one to stop the enemy advance at the point and I was not going to be able to do anything about it.

Now I’ll tell you again… IT’S A DAMN TEAM GAME.

I can’t take on the entire enemy team alone.

One thing does not take away from the other.

I kept playing even though I was defeated, and that doesn’t mean I’m not trying to do something. It also doesn’t mean that 60% of the players, being generous, are stupid.

And no, you shouldn’t take it personally, I’m talking about the people I play with in most of my games.

I will have to keep repeating the same thing, a single image does not represent the whole panorama…

Hitler took a photo at the Eiffel Tower and he wasn’t exactly on vacation.

I see that you lost two squads without building a rally point and then got into a plane.

That means you can’t demand that your team win for you.


Anyway, I’ll end here, because you are representing my claims in each comment.


Sure it does. You can’t call people out for not defending an objective and then not defend it yourself and get mad when you lose.

Just got my ass kicked by some sweaties. Here’s what defending the OBJ looks like.

Bro, I don’t mean to offend you… But are you stupid?

You still insist on comparing a start-up image of a game that you don’t know how it ends, with a complete game.

They claim that I call them “stupid” but in reality, in each comment they give me the reason for being so.

As I said, I’m not going to argue any further, it’s pointless.

vehicle whoring and getting high K/D or score doesnt mean that you are actually doing something good. from that single image i can judge your playstyle as completely selfish.

here is my last screenshot. second player on team ended up in top3 position, but he did less for contributing to victory than 3rd, 5th and 6th player. chasing bombers and getting 10 vehicle kills gets you high score, but contributes nothing to actually team winning.

you can judge it just fine. 0 engineer points, low cap kills, vehicle after 2 deaths tells that you played selfishly. when you play selfishly you dont get to complain about team doing nothing to win.
if you were building rally points and fighting on cap like you can see from my screenshot above, you would be totally justified about complaining that your team was shit.

i agree, but like i said dont complain if you play selfishly.

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You know my gameplay from just one image?

Since I read the first part, I don’t plan on reading the rest, you’re stupid.

Hahaha I’m still laughing when you say “just by looking at the image I know your game mode” are you a fortune teller?

My god, what one must read on a forum of idiots.

Just wanted to ask - in the image you linked, it looked like a very balanced game to me. Similar number veterans, similar number of console players, your team actually had more people dropping rally points…

I’m all for balanced games, and better MM, and realize we are not there yet, though DF has improved MM considerably.

What would they have done here to make it not “shit team balancing”?

And just to finish, every single damn game I start with engineers to create a spawn point, so no… You don’t know my gameplay from a picture.


Dude you just posted a screenshot of you with 2 deaths, over halfway through a match, with zero engineer points (i.e., no spawn points). :zipper_mouth_face:

Then you complained that nobody built spawn points. And nobody defended/defused. While you have the least amount of defend points other than bots and you’re flying miss daisy. Pick a lane.

And the same thing happens again, half of a 5-minute game. THE INFORMATION DOESN’T ENTER YOUR HEAD?

It is incredible that they draw their own erroneous conclusions and accept it as true.

It is incredible that they draw their own erroneous conclusions and accept it as true.

In the end, I’m right. Enlisted players are stupid. THE END.
