It is absolutely useless without -30 horizo perk
Left 2 targets - scoped 3*
First one standing, second on the bipod, no perks
Just checkout left target, is that in your opinion acceptable for the SNIPER rifle?|
To clarify - i have 3 sniper squads in setup, using it W/O scope
1by1 semi auto bipoded 4* no perks, same enviroment as yours, from the same pos
Bullets literally hitting next target
And on the last screenshot it hitted WALL behind the target (just how?)
So, we see that in bipoded it is quite accurate, but as i said previously - grass ruins all the day in Normandy. And even bipoded FG bullets somehow fly away into the next universe
Without bipod we see this, in a best possible situation
6* -Horizo
and without bipod and accuracy buff we see THIS
1/2 bullets just hitted next target
I would never call this piece of trash a sniper rifle.
We can easily compare it with any Kar98/Mosin/M4 with scope, and it will show the way better results. It is unusable as sniper rifle, since bipod doesn’t help vs grass, and it might be used only without scope as DMR, since it, paradoxally, MORE ACCURATE (yes, it is)
KAR98, just KAR
and this is not even the tip of the iceberg of " green surfaces ".
barrells, trucks, trails, windows ecc…
sounds more or like that you don’t like the gun ( which it’s fine. i don’t really like it either due to how easy it is to us it. but as i said, i use it for “cosplay” ) , and trying to making it looking bad when in reality, as being objectivally possible, it’s decent and somewhat, even better than the other options.
now, if we have to go for longer distances, no doubts the K98 is your choice.
but doesn’t make the FG 42 II any less effective.
we seems to have different opinions. and that is fine.
but… i don’t really see the need of going further.
what it matters, is that the OP has an opinion about it, and HE decide to belive what’s right and what’s not.
It is effective on a CQB (once i maid 82 frags on ONE sniper with it and ammo boxes), but on the 50+meters it is a trash
And somehow, sometime, bullet just fly away somewhere.
It is the facts. Everything other is the opinion
which actually, you made me think of a valid point of reconsider the fg 42 II.
being expencive in terms of upgrades.
if OP is thin on silver orders, he might reconsider that.
like, it’s all up to his gamestyle preferences. and in my opinion, at the end of the day, it matters to get the job done. and if you are looking for an efficent way, IN MY HONEST OPINION, and MINE ONLY, the fg is better than the g43. for the reasons above.
but if you think the k98 or g43 are better, you are free to do so
Friend, here is the problem
Compare it W/O scope, 4* w/o perks, and wth scope. And i was standing.
You see bullets flying away in the next universe? I too. It seem to be the bug
Nope, it’s actual physical bullets shot by an actual FG 42 II
It’s literally more accurate W/O scope
And it seem to be the bug
Same soldier, same FG 42
This is my test, From the wooden floor distance to the more far target.
Bullet are shoot one by one, 2s between each, aimed at the center, both weapon max stars:
I didn’t do the kar98k but it will be very similar to the gewehr. It is more precise but at this distance it’s not possible to compare.
It’s still a decent sniper, but not for long distance.
And for long distance the high ROF is useless since you aim to reaim each shot, even with bipod.
I just see no sense in how bullets flying somewhere away, i made a bugreport already, but i’m still mad
It feels like soldiers cleaning their guns with the red bricks