I understand the FG 42 is a great rifle overall but I am referring to it’s sniper capability in comparison to the sniper versions of the Kar98k and Gewehr 43.
The zoom lvl is the same as the Kar98k. But its less precise than the gewehr which got a smaller zoom.
IMO i prefers to play with gewehr, it save ammo because you gonna make a lot of kill with the FG42 but you have to spit bullet like raisin.
(max range practice target, aimed at the center, max upgrade weapon)
not really
i suppose you are talking about normandy, right?
well, the FG 42 II with the scope is just an g43 on steroid.
cuz the damage is insane even for the distance compared to the g43 scoped and the rate of fire it’s just up in the sky miles away compared to the latter.
and if you dont like the scope ( you can eventually remove it and use it without it )
what buffles me, is that it’s even better than the normal fg because of the lesser recoil that it has even without the aim stability perks needed on a character compared to both fg and the gw.
you noticed this factor more when shootin at the distance. like, recoil it is noticable, but the accuracy it’s just insane due to the last update where snipers got more accurate.
the only down side so to speak, does not drop like the K98 or drops them easely. and the optic is not that great as the k98.
you need 2 shots to kill ( unless headshots ) and sometimes, 3 to down them, and kill them from greater distances.
so, in terms of performances:
the g43 it’s… standard. great for corridors types of maps and mainly from medium distances.
the K98 it’s mainly good for longer and mid distance but you kinda lack of fire rate between each shot and mag/bullet capabilities.
and lasty, there is the god tier FG 42 II which it’s a beast in almost everything.
if you use it in hipfire in close range, it’s just devastating. you don’t even need to aim, just put your opponents in the middle of the screen and call it the day.
so yeah, it is a “great” rifle ( more or like, wonder machine i’d say. somehow even better than the stg. maybe not in ammo sizes )
The accuracy has been upgrade indeed, but its still the less accurate of all the sniper in the game.
No, with scope it is utter shit
well yeah.
but with 20 rounds in the mag, you stasticially have more chances to kill MORE people effectively and more faster if you know how to aim.
usually, ( i mean not brag. cuz i usually let the facts speak for it self ) but with a mag of 20 bullets, i can to the very least, make 10 kills when i’m not trying, and 14/5 if i manage to land perfect headshots.
all the other bullets are usually downing in case i didn’t killed someone or missed him.
so, it’s not like the g43 where you still need 2 shots no matter what. and the K98 having less ammo ( depending on certain scenarios. )
unironically, the FG 42 II it’s just perfect of the nature of enlisted. outside maybe D-Day, the other d-day rip off, and / or airfield. where maps are enormous.
but for the majority, are mainly close and mid quarters. where those weapons dominate the opponents.
and what the ally gets at the same level? ( 21 )
sniper garand… wow…
Good sniper? No. Good as an extra assaulter/DMR role? Yes I enjoy it
You forgot just one thing. It never hits the enemy on the 50+ meters
Accuracy is horrifying, you can shoot whole mag right into the enemy, and get 0 hits. Fact
it ain’t true.
it’s dead ass accurate.
at least, when bipoded.
Do you use the bipod?
( cuz positionin is everything. if you are charging, of course you are not gonna use the bipod. but if you have to make precise shot, you don’t wiggle left and right like a mong standing up like a plank. no shit you will not be accurate. no offence of course )
Seems like the same accuracy as the FG 42 II in Berlin to me which I never have a problem with granted I dont use it as a “sniper” though
All weapon in the game accurate when bipoded. But you know, GRASS. So it’s quite unusable in Normandy where grass is pretty EVERYWHERE
And while standing, it shooting everywhere, but in the enemy. In a sitting pos it is also awful
Because you can’t use it like the sniper, since it has awful accuracy in a scoped mode on a distance.
I took all the scopes on FG 42 II off, and it became godlike. With scope it can’t hit shit
I mean, i have 3 sniper squads in normandy in setup rn, and all with scopes-off
Thats what I did lol removed the dumb scope now its just a good assaulter to me
Yes, fact
As sniper it is a burning trash
Maybe you mounted your sights inverted?
Funny, I still have the scope on and manage to hit my shots with it
If you want to really snipe, go for the bread and butter: bolt action. Even modern snipers still use bolt actions to do so, saying something.
Fg42ii is a multi purpose weapon, ok at everything, but excelling at nothing.
A good way to decide yourself: compare two snipers already comfortably camped in secure positions, who notice each others (at medium long range) at the exact same time. Both players are equally good shots, one uses a bolt action, the other a fg. The bolt action guy will win this encounter as his shots will be more accurate and he can even reliably hit targets WITHOUT having to use the “hold breath” function. The fg guy must absolutely do so or risk seeing his first and maybe second shot miss, which by then spells his death he might also need more than 1 connecting shot to down his opponent, while bolty only needs 1.
Whole different story if they stumble upon each others in close quarters, though… fg guy will literally kick bolty guy away with firepower (it’s true, ragdolls act a bit weird, using full auto fg42 on someone propels hims away!)
imagine having grass.
this post was made but ULQ community.
jokes aside. it’s… not that really awefull. especially since you can literally use any surface with the bipods.
( it is wonky, and it takes time to set it up right… but doesn’t negate the fact that it can do the job as long you use it correctly. )
Just record the video in practice mode, shooting 3*,4*,5*,6* FG 42 scoped
With/without perks
I promise you, without perks, and without 5*,6* it is a definition of the trash.