Is death too inconsequential?

The whole game is designed about ppl dying (and killing) a lot, I wonder what ppl think about this.
Should there be a stronger incentive to stay alive? (I don’t mean promoting campers.)
Or maybe it’s great how it is?


This issue is connected to bots because if game focuses on staying alive, they will do a even worse job than rn.
I would love to have a less spam-die game, but not with the Tesla AI.


Idk, I always thought that game is special in some way because of expendable bots in team. From the perspective of the world war, you are just such a bot, which can be replaced with a single command (the y key for me). In my opinion, it has some depth and message;]


unironically, diying give you more xps than staying alive.

so there’s a clear ( well, not that clear ) indication of what the game was intended for.

after all, you don’t make 15v15 with 5 up to 9 soldiers each and expect most of them to survive or last long.

incentivizing staying alive doesn’t serve much because first and foremost, the player it self will be the only one alive unlike his AI squad.

in order to incentive staying alive, you would have to limit the numbers. something similar to lone fighter where you’d have to be careful as there aren’t many active soldier in the battle, and killing the enemy does actually affect to a much greater extent due to the consumption of tickets. and ultimately, make the game much slower and will inevitably lead to campers.

in my (biased) opinion, this would only work for some sort of PVE LF.
where you have to cooperate with your teammates against enemies and take it slow as each death would impact much more the tickets. or for example, losing a tank actually matters.
instead of spamming ( to some extent ).

but, i’d argue this isn’t the game for that either.

hence, just turn off your mind and just shoot, die, posses other bots to kill even more bots and occasional players, to then go back to the spawn screen and redo the whole process.

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That’s not true. This is a completely hidden thing that you wouldn’t know without dataminers.

This is primarily done for the sake of casual players, so that even if they’re going to die and do nothing throughout the entire match, they’ll will have satisfaction from progression in grind.

Leaderboard points don’t reflect dying in any positive light. (And those are the main incentive for players. Those points pop up on their screen every second).

Bad idea. No need of that :-1:

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Explanation? Something? No?
Then opinion disregarded.

I love this. I was thinking about this earlier today. There should be an experience multiplier or something for staying alive longer.

not completely,

you can run some test and see it for your self if you are that interested to find out without needing someone to tell you what to do.

could be.
i don’t know why that is the case for certain.

but dying is a big part of the game. and being punished for it with longer spawns or… what have you may have a negative impact.
hence might not be a bad thing at all.

well, it’s more of a social construct.

personally, leaderboard is the last thing i care about.
maybe that is because i just don’t care anymore about much lately.
( not that i really cared about leaderboards in the first place. just here for the " ride " and customize my battle barbies )

but, someone else might use those are some sort validification or pure religion.

to each their own i suppose.

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I mean if you can give me an incentive to NOT Rush in human wave tactic every single spawn I have, I’m for it. As is I see manpower as the most expendable resource in this game and I treat it as such. I WILL assault the objective without care for my men


As long as death has value, there is no shame in it

You can build rally points too close to objectives, couple that with infinite defender tickets and it makes “running it down mid” strats completely viable for defenders - meaning that attackers have no option but to hyper aggresively push on their own to kill off enemy rallies to cut off the unending stream of defenders (and usually, by forcing them to run from further away, your team’s campers actually get to shoot something for once). Anything else usually just ends in a stupidly long match that trickles away tickets without achieving anything

Personally I like the fact that the game plays fast and is not a running simulator mixed with where’s waldo
For that you have about 99999999 options readily available and I’m not too interested in them

I find the gameplay fun. Therefore, I don’t think gameplay needs a big change such as forcing you to stay alive longer. Enlisted IS an arcadey-style game.

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Well yes, fast pace destroys immersion.

cant really stay alive long in an open cap zone tbh beside it really a problem that cant be fix imo

Probably would require a larger/less time pressured mode, but a squad reorganisation/replenish mechanic could be a thing. From experience suicidality is enforced by time pressure and/or the loss of your specialists.

For attackers it could take the shape of a partial respawn of your squad with point capture (a forced or contextual trigger, that prioritises specialists), for defenders maybe a contextual action at rally points and or natural spawns (at the cost of less tickets than killing of yourself/squad and redeploying).

Would create an aesthetic of seeing units routing and returning and such but the inherent pressure for time would likely need some softening in the sweatiest cases.

It would just promote camping. Like you already said.


Camping is the No.1 problem of FPS games.
Enlisted is rather good at avoiding it thanks to the squad system, but it does come at the price of extremely fast paced gameplay.

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It wouldn’t be so fast past faced without rally points.

I think that’s a way of making death more meaningful. Not having rally points would have several positive factors.

  1. Engineers would no longer be a must have class.
  2. Building rally points really isn’t fun after X thousand matches. You just bang the air with a hammer for a few seconds every time an objective relocates.
  3. people would be more afraid of dying, since no one wants to run 100m+ to the objective every moment.
  4. APC would be the only legitimate way to advanced spawn (max 3 limit).
    (Note that APCs have much slower spawn cooldown than rally points)

I don’t know tbh. I mostly compare this game to the battlefield and I’d argue it has similar number of campers but I feel like my life matters more there. Though it’s subjective.