Is BR IV worth playing?

Hello comrades!

For me, all BRs got a reason to play, except BR IV.

BR I : Bolt action rifles
BR II : Low tier machinepistols and machineguns
BR III : Playing on all available maps
BR IV : - ? -
BR V: Best equipment

So my question is, what reason to play BR IV?

I think you can play KV-1-Zis which is somewhat fairly at BR IV but then if you get a higher battlerating game, its absolutely useless against BR V with King Tigers, so BR IV lineups seem kinda not worth it to me.

What do you think about BR IV? What makes it worth playing?


I use it as a stop-gap while I finish unlocking the BRV stuff.

for larping reasons, yes.

that’s where most of iconic stuff is ( better t34s, panthers, mps, better shermans, etc)

for gameplay reasons, well, only germany and ussr mostly benefits and can make the best out of it with what they have in br IV.

japan and US better stay below the III or be V straight up.


It’s ok but it’s main issue is a potential uptier to BR5. So question is, are you willing to accept this possibility?
Personally I want to avoid BR5 at any cost so BR4 is a no go zone.


Its got alot of iconic cool stuff

I just dont find it as enjoyable as BR 2/3. The matchup isnt as good

If BR 5 was an island yes

All the more reason why BR5 should be on its own. BR3-4 makes much more sense.


I go BR1-BR3-BR5 with all factions outside Japan who is just BR1-BR5, I put BR 2 and BR4 stuff alongside BR3 and BR5 so i use a bit of everything I like


The only good thing about br 4 is vehicule nothing else

The bigger issue is power creep within br5, which is fine given they’ll keep trying too keep parity. But the problem is that the gap between br5 and 4 keeps on growing each time they add something to br5, so there’s less and less reason to play br4. I’d say a good way of fixing this would be moving some of the lower end br5 kit down, while moving some of the upper end br5 kit to br6.

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BR5 equipment was the worst thing to happen to this game. That and placing the VG1-5 in BR2

Not really it have a long pause between each shot

If you find a BR IV weapon fun or interesting. There. That’s all the reason you need. Go forth and have fun



With the new ±1 sometimes working rule you are no longer guaranteed 3-5 bracket, sometimes it can be 3-4, and then you are just having a field day with Tiger H1, Panther G, T-34-85 (two of them), Beretta (40), PPD 34/38, Thompson M21/28, MG 34 (75), Gewehr 43, better flamethrowers, Panzerfaust 100, maybe even Jagdpanzer IV – probably everything you haven’t touched since the Merge.

And I’d say against BR5 you’re not too outclassed with that gear either if you ger 4-5 bracket.

(The only issue is that while playing Soviets/Germans you’ll get Stalingrad and Rzhev often and not Berlin, and that needs to be an instaquit since T-34-85 didn’t exist then :frowning:)


Finally someone says it

I like BR4 a lot as well. I do have 2 BR4 german presets and 1 BR4 US and USSR presets.

Had a lot of fun. But it’s definitely not something for minmaxers.


People tend to forget that when they are “uptiered” (e.g. “how do I fight a Tiger 2 in my T-34-85!?”), they aren’t the only matchup in the lobby. There are other players, including your teammates, who might be BR5 as well. It’s a 10v10 mixed bag match most of the time anyway – from noobs who bought 1 high tier weapon to sweatlords, but not 1v1.

Just played a BR4 Germany.
Panzerwaffe Power:


It is fun indeed.


Br 4 has, in my humble opinion, the funniest things.

Best semi autos rifles. (G43! Svt40! Johnny boy!) Very good smgs. End war tanks (panther, t34-85 etc.) Really fun and powerful planes.

Only problem is the br is often stuck playing with br5…


I tried to play BR 4 few times, but I always got uptiered. One time I almost have lost because of that.

Not worth to play :-1:

Did you not have a single BR5 player on your team?

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BR4 will be fun once some BR5 stuff gets downtired & the playerbase triples.

BR4 is only playable if ca 5 players are BR4, 1-2 BR5 and the rest BR3. Once there are even 3 BR5 players the game goes down the drain.
Thatswhy ive been saying since before the merge that the matchmaking needs to be separated into br1-2, br3-4 and br5, br 5 mixed with anything else produces idiocy.

also the past months showed that the map selection for high BR, especially soviets is garbage. every map that can be classified as generic (eg beloe lake, could be anywhere in eastern europe, so possibly a battle in 1945 poland) needs to be opened up for all BRs to make high BR less monotone and more fun.

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