Is BR IV worth playing?

BF IV and V are fun if you have plenty of towels and a shower handy.


VG1-5 is in BR2? its that Semi Auto or? Damn i missed it…

No. Tier 2 but BR 3
Yes semi auto

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I am going to say Yes, maybe because ei have enough squads to equip so using different toys to Mid and High Tier. But I prefer BR4 over BR5 which has just become twitch COD like gameplay, imho only.

I played BR4 on Japan, but MMing even with +/- generally matches you against TT US which is again T20 Vs Hei spam.

But for Allies, Soviet I like BR4, as I don’t seem to face KT nearly as often, in fact panthers and panzer 4s mainly.
I can also use my KV2 and Flak bus at BR4, Axis BR4 MMing +/- is manageable too.

So yes BR4 is at least for me the new Top Tier (without COD or make believe)

I don’t play for the most part level 3 or 4 with allies, since I can get stuck in a level 5 match. I do play some level 3 with the Germans. That being said, level 4 to me is just a glorified level 3 and really doesn’t belong playing level 5, and if we’re going to have mixed levels it should be playing level 3 and level 5 should be a stand alone level. Besides, if you choose any level 4 weapons in any faction, your going to be playing level 5 anyway so you might as well just play with level 5 weapons. I do use some level 4 weapons in level 5, like the Gewher 43 sniper rifle and the MG42, and I will use on occasion a level 3 BAR1918A2 in what I call my Allied light machine gun/rifle squad, which is one MG and the rest are T20’s.

Yes it’s BR II. Far as I can tell it’s just a better M1 Carbine in the same BR. That Amergura or whatever the frick Italian thing is also BR II and I’ve been enjoying it a good bit

Edit: hold on, no, I’m retarded. It’s VG is III. Lol