today i come with another relatively simple suggestion. although, i’ll must admit, of very niche perhaps.
and that is, some sort of generative invisible walls with parameters.
to be more precise, it would be handy if we could get a tool that works similar to the ladder tool.
where you can tweak parameters and sizes.
but, instead of creating a ladder, the square will be filled with hitboxes which will make soldiers, ai and vehicles unable to cross that area.
and inside the yellow lines, hitboxes will be generated in that specific location.
but once in multiplayer or in a game, it will be invisible.
reason being, current one way rendinsts are not great as some of them are not that invisible. which if you manage to get around or see through the replay, you can see just a flying object, and causes shadows or general areas to be tad darker too. in other instances, you can’t resize them massively or the rendinst will make your editor crash, forcing you to add more than one if you have to cover more areas. not really great or convinient if you ask me.
and last but not least, majority of rendinsts that are part of buildings lacks actual hitboxes.
so it would come in handy to create custom hitboxes for special buildings and what not.
and that is all from me.
With PvE this is now needed even more:
A simple box with toggleable collision.
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in the meanwhile, you can try to use the skull rendinst,
it’s invisible but has actual collisions.
but then again, filling everything it’s next to impossible.
so… this tool would be extreamely good to get as soon as possible.
but we don’t do that here.
Here probably better to use vehicles/tanks with +item_in_world postfix template and turned off animchar_render__enable proeprty… Vehicles/tanks with this postfix will not fall and probably can be inside other objects.
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that’s… kinda the problem.
we can’t resize vehicles.
so… good luck trying to cover wider areas etc.
you’ll have a wall of vehicles, which i’ll say it here, and not to sound rude, ( i may be talking from my own here, i’ll admit ) but 90% of the vehicles are not flat and can be climbed because of their edges
that’s why this tool would come in handy
and vehicles are not flat, with that collision neither.
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I have found a TEMPORARY solution. A proper invisible wall is still needed!
Simply override RI LOD and set all of them to 0.
@Enginya It’s a long shot…but is it possible to disable collision on RIs, for bullets only? To block a player with a wall but still allow shooting through it?
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and the other way around too.
making glasses bulletproof or any other soft walls where bullets might go through because of the material.
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This rendinst’s colision box is bigger then the accual texture. It’s a perfect tool to create invisible walls, one downside it that you will need to hide it under some textures.
It stops players and granades but still allows bullets to pass throu. I will give you a prefab that helps with placement of colision barrier.
Simply use prefeb to place your invisble walls and after you are done remove guidelines by searching (press tab) column_b_a then click on all filtered than select and remove all entities. If you hid column_a_b correctly you will be left with invisible wall a_inviz.rar (420 Bytes)
@Bazsi37 @Devenddar @ErikaKalkbrenner
can you tell me how did you override it? I can’t figure this out
I don’t remember the exact name, there is a rendering called tunnel interior, one side is invisible, the other has a tunnel effect. This rendering is rectangular, large and easy to resize.
The purple sphere is not collision. Collision is visible by toggling CollGeom in the toolkit.
The sphere around the RI is just an indication of selection. It is generated around the collision(?) of the RI, and because most if not all RI have advanced shapes (not a cube) the sphere will be bigger than the RI itself. But it’s not showing collision.
you can see the sphere’s diameter is = to the pipe’s length.
If i resize it only in one direction the sphere will become huge; It is always a perfect sphere, not an ellipse.
i never said that purple sphere is a colison box it, first screen just shows the entity but i understand it migght seem that im showcasing the colision box (i replaced the screenshot in my original massage so its no longer confusing). this screen on the other hand shows the colision box of that entity. an also proves that game recognises that as a wall and generates nav mesh properly. as i said if you hide column_a_b you can create invisible walls. Also prefab i created helps with placing that column so you can know what will be the shape of said invisible wall, i dont like collgeom option thats why i use prefab fot that
It’s not really a wall if you ask me.
but i’m afraid that will have to do for a long time anyway.
Are there any collision currently that passes thru bullets only? Like that column? If there is it could be used to create barriers for now. For later when custom geometry will become available it could use same collision principle. If not, it should be added later.
Are there any collision currently that passes thru bullets only?
That asset does seem like, it can let bullets through, but not players.
@ShepecOne i didn’t see the first picture, you were right. Nice find!
If there is it could be used to create barriers for now.
For later when custom geometry will become available it could use same collision principle. If not, it should be added later.