Replacing vegetation and textures - Guide

I have discovered this a while ago but i think it is worth sharing, maybe someone can create something cool with it? I don’t know…anyway:

It is possible to modify the procedurally(?) generated vegetation in Enlisted. (Also textures)
This will not work online. (it refused to work 3 months ago)

Normandy Steel plant with original vs Moscow microdetails:

The difference is obvious.

This can be used to create autumn/early winter themes on summer maps.


Collection of textures.

All these are defined in the level.blk file,
located in: common-content.vromfs.bin\content\enlisted\levels

We have 2 sections one is microdetails:


and grass

In microdetails you can manipulate the properties of certain textures.
Note that you cannot add textures to a level, you can only modify it’s property.

So for example i have snow_xxx in my file but normandy has no snow texture painted, it will affect nothing.

For the sake of simplicity i will remove everything but snow_a_tex_n* and load volokolamsk_winter.

Both coloring and porosity is 0.1 here (notice how everything else is missing)

and 1.0 here:

Setting coloring to 10 created a bugged terrain which looks like kind of cool:

Thats all for microdetails, i haven’t spent much time with it. I don’t think it has any practical use to us.


Similar to microdetails maps have pre-painted areas where these will procedurally generate. (or thats how i imagine it works)

You can change grass height:

(and lose half of your fps)

Change vegetation density:

In this case the rye was painted sparsely…

Or color:


Deleting this will remove map border fog.

Again this will not work online, you cannot load custom level.blks afaik.
This archive contains the custom level blk. You will need to copy the level bin files yourself (or change the path) (13,7 kB)

level.blks: (44,4 kB)


such a shame that we can’t still directly apply testures or different colors of vegetations outside this method.

even worse, doesn’t work in multi.

but that will do.

anyway, huge thanks :+1: , i really needed this.


i wonder about this and the possibility of abuse

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