Invasion VS Conquest (poll)

I found a lot of players who dislike the conquest mode and want the select mode option.
I will make a poll with some ideas taken from other players and some of my own ideas.

The issue

As you know, Enlisted has two gamemodes (Conquest and Invasion)
These gamemodes are very different and it is hard to balance both gamemodes.
I have several ideas of balancing this:


  1. Separating gamemodes between lone fighters and squads
    This idea is based on introducing more Invasion maps and making them squads-exclusive
    while conquest maps should stay lone fighters-exclusive
    By doing this, both gamemodes will be balanced separately and maps will be focussed on fitting one gamemode. For example: more arcade gameplay for lone fighters and less meatgrinder for squads

  2. Giving the players choose gamemode option
    By doing this, players will have options to choose the gamemode they want to play

  3. Removing lone fighters and focussing on squads
    Some players suggested it but I don’t think people will agree with this because there are a lot of players who play lone fighters

  4. Enlarging the maps for squads
    Devs don’t have to limit or remove anything. They can just make maps for squads bigger while keeping both gamemodes available

What do you want?
[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

  • I’m okay with the current system
  • I want ‘‘enlarging maps for squads’’
  • I want ‘‘removing lone fighters and focussing on squads’’
  • I want ‘‘adding choose gamemode option’’
  • Other
  • I want ‘‘separating maps regarding gamemodes’’


Comments is not a place to argue what is the best option

I don’t like Conquest/Domination in any game. It’s stupid and pointless running from A to B to C rinse repeat. Invasion style is much more exciting in my opinion.


I don’t like conquest too

That’s why I put “make conquest lone-fighters exclusive” option

Now let’s see what playerbase thinks

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Just need better maps for conquest


Honestly? I hate conquest

I am mostly playing tanks and planes (and of course infantry when needed /dying) and this game mode feels like MMO side quest, run to this point kill every one wait few seconds to capture the point Repeat, no real progression in the battlefield just repeating on what you already did.

It’s even worst in tanks since you need to get out of the tank to capture the point…


Conquest is definitely more boring than Invasion

It’s okay for lone fighters but for squads, you just die and die and die and die and die…

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I think conquest needs to be changed, not thrown out. The problem comes when you market the game as ‘realistic’ and then have massive objectives with green spraypaint around them and huge ‘A’ and ‘B’ hovering above them. Why are we reduced to this black and white gamemode when there is so many other ways to make realistic game modes. Imagine instead, there was a grid placed over the whole map, with small(ish) squares which change to your sides colour when you enter that square. Not only would each individual have much more impact on the battle, it rewards every type of playstyle. If you like flanking and sniping from the edge, you would still be helping your team hold ground. This would allow the entire map to be used rather than the unrealistic conquest game mode which lets be honest, is just terrible.


I understand there are issues with the idea i suggested, but there are also solutions to those issues, maybe for a separate thread

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I like the idea

The ‘‘magic circle’’ system we have now promotes use of SMG’s and pushes meatgrinder

But I suggest you to make your own suggestion to a better system
You can make an image using word or paint so you can show how will it work

Then I might include you in this topic

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Yeah I will try and find a way of showing how it would work.

Good luck

Obviously a very quick attempt, but you get the idea, ideally the boxes would be smaller. I have got to walk my dog then ill go into more detail. Also i couldnt find a Conquest map but the theory is the same.

So what are the differences between red, blue and green squares?

I will propose again what I proposed in a similar thread a while ago.
Add the option to select the game mode between invasion or conquest, but in order to avoid one mode being played more than other, have a third option to randomly choose between all available game modes, and place a slightly higher exp reward for people who que up with the random option.
Or a daily reward. Or something similar.

That being said

I entirely agree with this sentiment. Conquest could be improved in modern ways to better represent what real warfare is like.
I’m not a fan of the proposed grid system, but something similar, to make the frontline larger and make different fronts matter more.

(Side note: @73507743 I’m starting to suspect you’re from poland, with all these polls you’re making.
At this point whenever I see a poll, I assume it’s made by you :rofl: )

I absolutely despise domination mode for squads, as such I would be for separating it from them. Domination is just too generic meatgrinder unfit for squads.
Squads should have invasion and assault modes, while lone fighters should have domination.


This is exactly my opinion but most players want choose gamemode option

I honestly am not a fan of that option but community wants what community wants


I’m not from Poland but I don’t want to reveal all my identity

I’ll give you a hint: I’m south-Slavic

And what does poll have to do with Poland?

for example


So it was a joke then :man_facepalming:

The reason why I make polls is very simple:
You see, this Forum has about 1500 members. But only 1-3% of all those members make comments


This means that without polls, a person who comments the most can change the whole game by himself and devs won’t know if other payers will like it. For example: people were always against adding t-34 to Moscow and Panther to Normandy until the poll had proven otherwise.

Or when I suggested shielded Maxim, players were spiting on me in the comments for wanting a shield until I made a poll which had proven otherwise

I wanted to seperate conquest to be only for lone fighters but as you see, poll had proven otherwise

It can be said that poll is the best way of knowing what people ‘‘actually’’ want. If we had only ****posters and no polls, Devs will only know what me, Tcat, shrek and Voyo want but not what others want


I want good game :smiley:

I don’t know how about you guys but for me polls are a bit of a meme right now. Something like: “a good post has to have a poll”.

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