Invasion of Normandy missions (completed!)

While I really liked Normandy, I should also point out, that if you thought Moscow mortar spam is bad… oh boy. It was even more evident on Normandy where it is so easy to hide and spam.

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Lots of fun jumping into Normandy. It will likely be my favorite campaign. My big gripe is with the AI negating any use of concealment and blasting me through any number of trees and foliage.

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Like the community been utmost silent about the game issues, changed asked & required dating back to September aren’t even implemented to test them.

I will say it definitely gave the Normandy vibes when playing as the Americans it would be nice to have a like 15-second pre-game where the Americans spawn on the landing craft moving towards the beach and the battle starts as the landing craft hit the beach but that is probably very complicated and not necessary. I will say things that really didn’t make too much balance sense was the bar and mg34 and the Sherman and panzer. The bar definitely felt weak enough to make a difference and the Sherman turret traverses way faster than the panzer turret does which mean the panzer has to pivot the hull a lot more I would suggest using a different panzer even if the side plating isn’t there because tbh whenever I was killed by infantry it was almost never a bazooka or something similar always explosive packs. The Ai shooting through bushes is in need of a big fix because sometimes I just get out of spawn and bam I got sniped by some random ai shooting from the back of the map through trees, bushes, and other things. The AI definitely took a step in the right direction with them being more aware and not dying due to relocation and they definitely fought back more and I could sort of reliable have them cover the rear or a specific angle. Also I know this is picky but having a garand thumb easter egg that takes the same amount of time as a regular reload would be cool. Also the invasion mode on the beach felt more like an invasion on that singular bunker than the beach it would be nice to see a little more combat on the beach. Also control over when we change the barrel and ammo of a stationary mg should be an option. the overall campaign is pretty good not sure if the stg44 was here in the time period but oh well. Also the planes felt completely useless Idk if it’s just me but I couldn’t see anything especially out of the bf109 I was just firing randomly at the beach at that point so clearer visibility would be nice. Overall I think this theatre was a big success and a big step forward in the progress of the game there are some really bad issues and many small inaccuracies, but those will hopefully be fixed in the near future.

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damn. you would you look at where have we gone so far?

i mean, more you than me.

i’m quite sure Pavel will have much to read if he didn’t gaved up already. ( i’m somewhat joking. i’m sorry, my humor is not the best one )

aside from that, i agree that moscow and normandy test weren’t the same thing. i didn’t had the opportunity to write in your post about keeping the normandy campaing like the test because it’s hard to say.

no progression = fun ? ( for some people )
Progression = Stress ? ( sadly, yes )

and for how much i would love no progression as such, i hardly think the game could gain something from it. if it’s only skin rather than premium, than yes, i’ll might buy every single one of them.

but it’s hard to say anything about it as it’s earlier stage.

right now, it’s a real punch in the stomach going back to moscow.
where chaos and better russian equipment tears you apart.

yes, i considered joining the russians, but i don’t like the overhall unbalance between each other.

but for now, as i said, we’ll have to see.

about the normandy campaign, just. pure. love. and. fun.

i know that might sounds strange for someome like me, but this game it’s unique. and this normandy test i’m really sad that one one else beside alpha testers and beta testers could have played. because in my opinion this is where enlisted shined.

fast gun phase, vehicles, iconic weapons, close quarter, long range, amazing graphic, well map design.

something that sadly i’m not sure that i feel in moscow for the same reasons that you mentioned above.

but let’s not get over with our selves.
for now, that’s it from me. we’ll see next year.
happy new year to everybody.

stay safe,
and cheers^^

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“reinforcements for attackers have been reduced”
In a classic Gaijin move, they only implemented the 1 change that nobody asked for or even talked about.

“Next, by popular request, we’re adding a new class: the water purification specialist!”

The models of both sides looks awkward. I don’t know why but in Moscow company units like exactly as they should for AAA game. In Normandy units kinda HnG. Or HL2

It seems like devs should read some history books and some other references about how US army & wehrmachts in normandy should look like…

From January 12th to January 18th, we invite all beta testers to join the legendary battles in Normandy again!

We’ve got a lot of feedback from you, which greatly helps the development of the game. In the current version, the balance of the sides in the “Invasion” mission has been improved: the number of reinforcements for the attackers has been reduced and the time required to capture some points has been increased.


AI are still a bit meme-ey with the plinking, but it’s still a lot better than the first test. Gotta play more to confirm.

Few things I’ve noticed on the big invasion map:

  • AI still snipes you through bushes from obscene ranges.
  • US tanks can rarely be taken out due to the terrain not allowing for proper PaK placement. As a result, you’re at the mercy of your AT crews to get in close with a Panzerfaust.
  • Capturing is still way too fast. One guy can capture a zone in less than 40 seconds, and that’s absolutely ridiculous.
  • The front is far too wide. Enemies can walk around the entire battle with ease.
  • Why are there MGs aimed inland?

Agreed, one of the worst aspects of Normandy is all seeing AI that can score a kill not only from big distance, but also through multiple bushes and closed window.
Also mortar spamming still seem to be a thing, which with the way how Normandy is modeled is extra nasty and reason why I don´t believe that only restricting fire from spawn is going to solve this.
Other than that, I didn´t really encounter anything that changed to worse since last test (or I didn´t noticed), if germans fail to stop most allies on the beach they are usually done for (which makes sense and I´m fine with it), their amount of reinforcements (standard 1000) is nothing insane either.

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On invasion maps, any area that isn’t accessible for the enemy would be included in this “no shoot” zone. Including the defending area where the enemy can’t push into yet.

With Normandy layout, would that mean, that mortars will be usable only (or mostly) in pretty much first lines then? I´m not trying to troll, or anything, I just kind of struggle to imagine how that would work.

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Which part of Normandy are you referring to? The invasion I assume?

That’s what I said about the start of the Moscow fields invasion as well.
Later sections where it’s less open, I could see.

It’s mostly a gun depression issue for the AT guns. Afaik they actually had pretty good gun depression, more than their tank variants due to not being limited to the tank’s turret roof.

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Oh yeah, that’s not exclusively an issue on Normandy either. I’ve set up nonfunctional AT guns in Moscow a few times because of bad gun depression.

Overall, the Normandy Campaign already is waaay more fun that Moscow. Also I’m only really going to talk about D-Day because let’s be totally honest, that’s the main attraction here.

I think that there are a few reasons for this:

  • Larger Map
    We’ve been asking for this for a long time. Moscow’s invasion and domination maps are very small, leading to the meat grinder feeling. This one is far more open, and I think that should really be encouraged moving forward. Let us play on the whole map at some point.

  • Pre-made emplacements on D-Day
    Invasion in general needs to give defending teams a minute or two to prep their defenses. Normandy does not have this currently, but the defences here are already largely built. This really helps differentiate defenders and attackers and helps make the attacking team feel like they are actually accomplishing something.

  • Gradual incline of the map
    Now I’m not sure how historically accurate this is (I’m no history major), but this Normandy map is possibly one of my favourites ever made in a multiplayer shooter. It just feels so very European with these tiny brick streets, churches, and eventually after actually pushing through the little collection of houses on the hill, the map finally opens up to the french countryside. I have never seen a D-Day map like this before. Usually it’s push up to the bunkers then boom, you’re on flat terrain. I really like your guys’s rendition is what I’m saying, regardless of historical accuracy. It gives the attacking team this natural sort of feeling of progress and the wide flanking routes enable snipers to actually properly set up. I also really like the crossing lines of machine gun fire set up by the Germans on some objectives.

  • The beach
    Again, I’m kind of gushing here a bit, but the beach area on the map is really awesome. Most D-Day maps make your march across no man’s land for a huge part of the map, with maybe a few tank traps for cover, and then rush up to a sand hill underneath the bunkers. This map has just enough natural and man made cover that players don’t feel like they have to horde charge together.


  • Give defenders time to set up
    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again; one of the major reasons defenders get steamrolled on a lot of maps is because they don’t have time to set up defenses. You have all these awesome defensive options yet we can never use them! This is especially true on the Normandy map where the German players really should have a defensive and time based advantage.

  • Stg/mp34/1 or whatever it’s called reload
    This one just looks really weird and not like any STG reload I have ever seen. There’s virtually no weight to it and the speed reload looks more like something you’d do with a modern AR.

  • Starting animation
    This comes back to my general criticism thread, but you guys should really consider adding some starting animations for teams. It’s a small touch but it really helps to immerse the player especially on such a historic map as Normandy. You don’t necessarily need to have the boats actually driveable or being driven, but maybe just spawning all the players in the landing craft then having the ramps drop at once would be really immersive and cool as well as facilitating that setup time for the germans I was talking about before.

Here’s a video from BF5 Pacific Storm. Not the same theater, not necessarily historically accurate, but gosh it’s an awesome way to start the game. You don’t even need to actually make the landing craft driveable or anything, but just those sounds, the music, seriously had me shuddering the first time I played it and I think it really defines the American perspective. Having just the sound alone would make me smile ear to ear and help with the immersion. 0:08 - 0:40
Video link:

  • Smokes spread radius
    Again, maybe this is some sort of weird historical accuracy thing, but the spread on the smokes in this game feel waaaaay to tight for me. There’s not really any practical way to use them the way they are right now unless you get your whole squad to stack them. I’d say double the current radius and you should be good.

  • Shermans should only be spawneable on second point
    Here’s the deal; the whole point of D-day was that you had this uphill battle against entrenched germans with no armored support. The Shermans should not be spawneable on the first point, plain and simple. It doesn’t make any sense gameplay wise and it doesn’t make sense historically. Make them spawneable on the second point once Americans have secured the beachhead.

  • Asymetrical Air power
    As far as I remember from my history books and personal research, the allies pretty quickly established air superiority. This should be reflected in the game. Germans should be down a plane or have none, and americans should be at an advantage in the air.

TLDR most of my main criticism is about how the game was marketed versus how it actually plays. I was very interested in finally getting an asymetrical ww2 game and it just doesn’t feel like Enlisted is quite there yet. Each Faction should have advantages and disadvantages in their equipment and in the way they enter the map. Please work on this.

Here’s a link to my main thread where I elaborate more on some general stuff: My take on Enlisted so far (12/24/2020)

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I can add that this actually greatly improved the value of USA snipers. You can take out the MG nests from spawn on the beach. Meanwhile Germany can counter-snipe the snipers with their snipers. Fun little battle that is mostly hidden but largely determines the final result of the battle.

The map is mostly a mix of all diffrent Normandy beaches, no copy of one paticularly.
I can tell from experience (I’ve been there) that the elevation is not quite correct. In reality, most of the defenses would be all the way up the hills and the incline would be as steep as the hills left/right of the D-Day map. On top of that, the defenses were generally layered up to 2 times instead of having the 4+ layers we have currently.

That said, it does definitely feel like a D-Day map so all that historical inaccuracy actually works in the game’s favor.

My only issue is that you can’t decontstruct the tank traps / barbed wire on the beach to clear the way for infantry / tanks.

Agreed. It’s unrealistic to see a prototype assault rifle in the game anyways, I don’t think those were issued to defenders in Normandy.

Yes please! Never realised I was missing that but now you mention it-

Also yes please

I think that would hurt gameplay too much. And actually the tanks would get deployed onto the beach, they simply could not move up the cliffs (as it really aren’t hills) until the USA had secured a path up to the top.

Gameplay wise I think this wouldn’t really help as air support, when used right, is absolutely devastating and Germany kinda needs that against a good attacking team.

That said, I have a couple of suggestions of my own:

  • Have a naval fleet deployed off the coast, which acts as USA’s artillery
  • Let the radioman have a alternate secondary called the “flare pistol” which could fire flares or smoke, the flare being used for more accurate arty shots, but have smaller cover area for the arty
  • Add a larger landing craft that would be used to dismount the tanks
  • Add .50cal HMG mounts to the smaller landing crafts that can be used (but gunner would be pretty exposed) by players
  • Add rocket launcher (effectively larger mortar) mounts to the larger landing craft that can be used by players but not be reloaded which have more powerful HE than normal mortars
  • Adjust the MG nests to not face inland as much. In reality they would only face sideways at most
  • Add some use to the deep underground areas of the bunkers, make those respawns or something

Still love the campaign, would love to see what other weapons / vehicles will be added to it.