*Insert Generic “Germany Suffers” Here*

Add to that, insert generic “console players are second class gamers” here

Yeah, yeah I think Axis are doin just fine right about now. Oh, and would you look at that. 2 Playstation players completely dominating a whole bunch of pc players


This does not prevent the fact that 90% of game controller players are very weak.
And the current Soviet Union is seriously parasitized by casual players


The Game should separate casuals from, real players that are grinding, not making an actual sbmm, probably a soft rules should be good

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I’ve thought 2 queues would be a decent idea. One normal and one ranked. The ranked one can even be “historical loadouts” or whatever to cut down queues from BR’s (I wanna bully a squad of Kar98k’s with my M1 Garand)

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same i wanna bully stv users using mannlichers and potato launchers : )

Well, to those who say that the Allies get all the good stuff and Germany suffers, I will just present this as my evidence as to which factions actually suffer from my vantage point. :wink:
ScreenHunter 970 (01)


Right now i don’t even need to tryhard i can just relax and win matches (BR3)

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I play with any nations on and i always end up either in red army or germany. Both nations do very well right now

While BR2-3 Ger is easy mode, BR4-5 Germany is completely unplayable deserted 3 matches in a row.

Half of your team is bots, 0-1 rallies a match and Soviets are giga tryhards that put rallies and mines everywhere plus there are always two T-34/IS-2 at all times while only you will be using tank.

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What a fragile ego.

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Faction playerbase bias changes all the time.

Germany isn’t as bad as two Months ago, yet I dare to say that low BR Soviets are the easiest to play right now.

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Not anymore really. The amount of people having migrated has overwhelmed the amount of semi-capable players. Would even say playing GE against US is harder as they somehow manage to get BR 3 players into low BR much more often than Soviets.

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Thanks for wasting my booster DF

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Insert Generic “Yeah not really console bro”
Not even spamming BR 3 equipment and tanks can save consoles against semi-decent players. Gotta laugh how he even lost on kills against a bolt-action user.

I think we should wait a bit more for the “join all factions” feature to kick in more - I honestly believe that we are seeing already an effect.

I should go on record and disclaim that for the first year and a half, I ONLY played Allies. So, I went through the good and bad without changing factions when my Allies were losing. In fact, for a long time my Alllies only had a 32% w/l record and it had risen to about 52%.

Then a couple of rank resets back, I couldn’t sniff a win with the Allies and the rank fell to just under 48%, so I started my Germans where I won almost 82% of my matches. The infamous rank reset occurred again once again, and from that point, I couldn’t buy a German win, so I started the Russians. My Allies had also started winning again at this point and the w/l % went from 47.8% up to just over 55%, and my Russians were winning almost 80%.

Fast forward to today, and my Germans had dropped to almost 70% and in the last week or so increased 1.5% and my Russians have been in a free fall. Allies, level 5 currently I am about 50/50, level 3 allies which I just started playing again I win maybe 1/3 of the time.

So, it’s not just the weapons, its mostly people jumping from one ship to another. But I think at mid levels, the Germans and Russians have better SMG’s and Machine guns. The BAR1918A2 is great for me and I love it, but the MG34 can mow the lawn. :wink: For me, the MG13 is far superior to any Allie or Russian machine gun at the lower levels, which is why I have advocated for dropping the Baseline BAR 1918 to level 2.


Fighting BR III is easy. Worst you got to desl with is the BAR

Sherman is worse. Especially if you are br 1

Have you no bombs?