*Insert Generic “Germany Suffers” Here*

BR1 has bombs byt may not have skill to use it. Maybe except as kamikadze.

Trial and error. That’s how I learned to bomb in this game. I tried and tried and tried till I got a consistent pattern and stuck with it since

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Yeah but until then they will have problems.
That’s why BRs exist. As side wheels for learning.

Im talking in f2p perspective. They can only have either tank or plane. If you took tank then you cant do shit except for mark it and hope someone kills it.

Yes, I agree

There’s this thing that bugs me though. I do not believe that there are matches where an entire team is completely, utterly, 100% helpless against an enemy tank. SOMEONE on that team is capable of killing it. They may not do it, but they’re capable of it. The only reason tanks are allowed to farm teams is because whoever it is that is capable of removing the tank from the field refuses to do so. SOMEONE has a Panzerfaust. SOMEONE has a plane and can at least attempt to take out the Sherman. SOMEONE has a Pz III or Pz IV or even a fricking Puma and can delete that Sherman in a single, well placed, pixel hunted spot

Theoretically yes, but in reality…

What I just said is what I believe reality to be. Someone on every team can kill that camping scumbag. They choose not to and their team suffers from it


Being F2P means little in this regard. You may only use Infantry as I do, yet still whip both Air and Armor at the same time. Just use Engineer squads with AT/AA guns and any low BR guy can get rid of any troublemakers.

Problem is using Engineers as main squads, instead of just as Rally makers seems to be too much brain stimulation for most. I know going against “SMG meta” with Bolts is not fun, but then do not cry when you play a role specialized mainly for Infantry CQC and find yourself lacking in the anti-vehicle department.

Not every single player on a team is a fresh BR I recruit. Someone will almost certainly have a Pz III, or the Puma, or maybe even a Pz IV. That person has chose not to use that tank to the benefit of their team

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Me running AT in all 3 squads, one being the AT Squad, just to make sure I got enough firepower to show them tanks what’s good

Valid argument.

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Exactly. Lol

I see you too ran into the bug where all the US players DC the second they lose the first cap. /j
Seriously people stop deserting when you lose a cap. It’s not acceptable when 9 people in a game desert…


Deserters are dogs

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Random distribution cannot solve the problem of intelligence and group size of some groups

Wish we could move away from this meta already…i guess there is hope that in a year or two DF finally decides to address it
They finally did with the economy thankfully

What do you propose DF do?

What BR’s are you playing for each faction?

Br 2-3

I mean they’re Sovies. Do you expect anything different?